Headache in children is a common problem. Generally, headache in children is not a serious problem. Children have different types of headaches along with migraine and stress-related headaches as compared to adults. Some children have headaches for a long time. Young children become irritable and start crying when they have a headache. Along with this, difficulty in sleeping also indicates a headache in the child. Due to headaches, children have to face many other problems along with studying.

Keeping this problem of children in mind, you have been told about "children's headache" in this article. Along with this, you have also been told in detail about the symptoms of children's headache, causes of children's headache, prevention of children's headache and treatment, medicine and treatment of children's headache.

(Read more - Migraine in Children)

  1. Types Of Headaches In Children
  2. How To Cure A Headache In Children?
  3. Symptoms Of Headache In Children
  4. Causes Of Headache In Children
  5. Treatment Of Headache In Children
  6. Home Remedies To Cure Headache In Children
  7. Summary

Headache in children is generally divided into four types. The causes of all types of headaches are different, which is why they are also treated differently. Knowing the correct type of headache in a child also makes it easier to treat it. The types of headaches in children are explained in detail below.

Due to stress and lack of sleep, the chances of a child getting migraine increases. The most common types of migraine in children are paroxysmal vertigo and cyclic vomiting. In this, the problem of paroxysmal vertigo is related to vertigo, in which the child suddenly feels everything spinning and gets cured after a few minutes.

Tension :
This type of headache is mostly experienced by children. Usually, the child gets this type of headache due to some kind of emotional trouble or physical stress. In such a situation, your child can be relieved by identifying and treating the cause of stress.

(Read more - Head Injury)

Cluster Headache:
This type of headache is usually seen in children above the age of ten years. In the beginning of this type of headache, the child starts having headaches after a short period of time, which usually occurs behind the eyes and this headache can continue for a week to a month.

Chronic Daily Headache:
This type of headache is called CDH. When a child has a migraine or tension type headache for more than 15 days in a month, it is called CDH. The problem of CDH occurs due to many reasons, which include long-term use of some type of medicine, infection and minor head injury etc.

(Read more -  treatment and remedies for Headache)

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  • Along with giving adequate rest to children, you can protect the child from headache by adopting the following measures.
  • Keep the child away from factors that increase the child's headache such as loud music, bright light, sudden turning or turning, lifestyle changes, physical and emotional stress.
  • Let the child sleep properly, because lack of adequate sleep is also a cause of headache in children. 
  • In some cases, cold compress also helps in reducing headaches caused by stress. 
  • If your child has a migraine, maintain peace around him. 
  • Fear, stress and nervousness are also emotional reasons due to which the child starts having headaches. In such a situation, ask or teach the child to do deep breathing exercises and meditation
  • Sometimes children also start having headaches due to not drinking enough water. In such a situation, you should give water to the child as per the requirement. 

(Read more - Migraine Aura

Depending on the type of headache, its symptoms may vary in children. There may be a difference in the intensity of pain, time duration, onset and the effect on the daily activities of the child. The child feels the following symptoms in a migraine headache. 

Symptoms of tension-related headache: Feeling pain in the back of the head and neck, Mild pain on both sides of the head, in some cases this pain may increase slightly. Change in the sleeping habits of the child. The following symptoms of headache in children indicate some other serious problem.

  • A small child having a headache.
  • A child suddenly had a severe headache. 
  • A child having a headache after waking up from sleep or waking up due to headache.
  • The headache becomes severe when coughing, sneezing and turning the head quickly. 
  • A child may vomit repeatedly when he has a headache. 
  • Difficulty in seeing.
  • Changes in the child's personality
  • Weakness in the legs
  • Difficulty in moving and difficulty in balancing the legs and hands. 
  • Epilepsy and seizures, etc.

(Read more - Head Injury)

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There are many types of factors that cause headaches in children. These include the following.

Diseases And Infections:
Common diseases like cold, flu and sinus infection are some of the reasons due to which the child gets frequent headaches. Headaches also start due to serious infections like meningitis and encephalitis.

Head Injury:
Children also start getting headaches due to injury or bruise on the head. Although most of the head injuries are mild, if your child has fallen on his head with a sharp force or his head has hit something with a sharp force, then in such a case, definitely get him examined by a doctor. Apart from this, if the child's pain is becoming severe after the head injury, then you should also consult a doctor.

Emotional Factors:
Any kind of stress and anxiety due to peers, teachers and parents also plays an important role in a child getting a headache. A child suffering from stress often has a headache problem. Apart from this, feeling sad and lonely also causes headaches in children.

(Read more - Brain and nervous system related diseases)

Genetic Causes:
In many cases, the problem of migraine runs from generation to generation.

Special Types Of Food And Drinks:
Many types of canned food contain nitrate, this element is also responsible for increasing the problem of headache in children. Apart from this, excess consumption of caffeine present in soda, chocolate, coffee and tea is also a major cause of headache.

Brain Problems:
In rare cases, a brain tumor, abscess, or bleeding in the brain can put pressure on the brain, causing severe headaches over a long period of time. In such cases, other symptoms include vision problems, dizziness, and difficulty in coordinating body movements.

(Read more - Sleep problems in children)

Both home remedies and medicines are available to cure headaches in children. If the child is older, then therapy can also be given to him for the treatment of headache.

Medicines given for headache
Common pain relievers: Acetaminophen and Ibuprofen are some medicines used for headaches. These medicines can be given to children when primary symptoms of headache appear. But be careful while giving aspirin and other medicines to children. Aspirin medicine is given to children above two years of age. Apart from this, in case of chicken pox and flu, medical advice must be taken before giving any kind of medicine to children.

Medicines given on the advice of a doctor: Triptans Migraine is treated with medicines given after the advice of a doctor. It proves to be very effective for children above 6 years of age. It is very important to take medical advice before giving any kind of medicine to the child. Giving medicine to the child based on incomplete information obtained from the internet or any other source can have fatal consequences.

(Read more -Fever in Children)

You can also reduce children's headaches with the help of some home remedies. Some measures to be adopted for this are being explained in detail below.

Peppermint oil:Peppermint oil works to relax the nerves. Which reduces the stress of the child and gives him relief from headache. The menthol present in this oil helps in reducing pain by relaxing the muscles.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon is also helpful in reducing muscle tension and pain. In case of a headache caused by stress, give your child a pinch of cinnamon mixed in warm milk, this will cure his headache soon. 

Cloves: Cloves contain pain-relieving elements. To use it, add cloves to your child's food or give him cloves to chew twice a day. Give older children one clove at a time to chew.

(Read more - Dehydration in Children)

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Headaches can be a common problem in children, which can occur due to many reasons, such as stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, dehydration, or spending too much time on screens. Sometimes it can be a symptom of another health problem, such as cold, fever, or migraine. It is important to understand children's headaches and know the exact cause so that timely treatment can be done. Simple home remedies, such as rest, drinking enough water, and limiting screen time can be helpful. If the headache is frequent or severe, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

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