More than 5 crore people around the world are troubled by the problem of epilepsy. Epilepsy is a group of many problems, in which a person has seizures. Generally, 1 out of 20 children has seizures at some time or the other. Seizures in epilepsy can bother parents, but there is a treatment for this problem. In most cases of epilepsy, children either feel mild symptoms or do not experience any kind of symptoms. During an epileptic seizure, the child loses consciousness and his muscles start cramping.

In this article, you have been told in detail about epilepsy in children. Also, in this article, you have been told in detail about the types of epilepsy in children, symptoms of epilepsy in children, causes of epilepsy in children, prevention of epilepsy in children and treatment of epilepsy in children etc.

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  1. Types Of Epilepsy In Children
  2. Symptoms Of Epilepsy In Children
  3. Causes Of Epilepsy In Children
  4. Prevention Of Children From Epilepsy
  5. Treatment Of Epilepsy In Children
  6. Summary

Epilepsy affects a person physically, in which the person has seizures. This problem occurs when there is a disturbance in the communication between the brain and the neuron. There are two types of epilepsy based on the affected part of the brain, these are described further.

Generalized seizure:
This condition affects the neurons and cells on both sides of the brain. In this, mild spasms in the child's body can lead to severe seizures. Due to this, many times the child loses consciousness for some time. There are also the following types of generalized seizures. 

Atonic seizures:
Lack of control over the muscles, due to which the person suddenly falls on the ground. Due to this, the person can also get injured. 

Absence or petit mal:
This type of seizure occurs suddenly when the patient is sitting comfortably in the same position and looks at something without moving his neck. This is a very rare condition and ends in 15 minutes. 

Myoclonic fits:
In this, the muscles of a particular part of the body of children start getting cramps and jerks.

Clonic seizures:
In this, the child's body gets cramps and jerks. During this seizure, there is flexibility and looseness in the legs, hands and elbows, after which this process starts to accelerate slowly.

Tonic seizures:
In this seizure, the child's body becomes stiff and later he loses consciousness. Due to cramps in the muscles of the head, chest and hands, the child's body bends like a bow and the pupils of his eyes turn backwards. At this time, the child also has difficulty in breathing.

Tonic-clonic seizures:
In medical terms, it is called grand mal seizures. It is a difficult attack, which begins with loss of consciousness and later reaches the tonic and clonic stages.

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Focal seizures:
It is also called partial seizures. It affects the cells of only one part of the brain. Due to which the problem of seizure occurs in only one part of the body. Focal seizures in children are divided into the following four categories.

Focal aware seizures:
It is called simple partial seizures. During this attack, the child's consciousness remains normal.

Focal motor seizures:
In this condition, the child feels repeated jerks or stiffness. In this, the child can do activities like clapping or rubbing hands repeatedly.

Focal impaired aware seizures:
This is a complex partial seizure, in which the child does not understand anything and does not remember anything. 

Focal non-motor seizures:
In this attack, the child experiences emotional ups and downs and his hair stands on end. Also, the child's heartbeat increases and sometimes he starts feeling cold or hot.

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The symptoms of epilepsy in children can vary depending on the affected part of the brain. The symptoms occurring during this period are classified into motor and non-motor categories. Children may have the following symptoms according to both categories of epilepsy:
Motor symptoms

  • Sudden muscle jerks
  • Muscle twitching
  • Muscle numbness and weakness 
  • Cramps
  • Muscle stiffness
  • Loss of bladder and stool control
  • Difficulty breathing 
  • Difficulty speaking
  • Doing the same activity repeatedly like clapping or rubbing hands
  • Losing consciousness, etc.

Non-motor symptoms

  • Sudden emotional changes
  • Unable to concentrate on anything
  • Looking at something in a daze and blinking continuously
  • Difficulty in giving your reaction
  • Suddenly not understanding anything
  • Change in skin color - yellow or red, etc.

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The causes of epilepsy can vary depending on the age of the child. Some children have genetic problems of epilepsy, while many other causes of epilepsy have not been discovered. The following are the reasons for children having epilepsy.

  • Some children have genetic problems of epilepsy. One or more genes of these children are the main cause of this problem. In this, how the genes affect the brain and how they become the cause of epilepsy has not been discovered.
  • Children also start having seizures after a head injury. 
  • Damage to the brain due to special conditions like fever, brain tumor, infection etc. 
  • Children with slow-growing problems like Angleman's syndrome, neurofibromatosis, Down syndrome and tuberous sclerosis etc. also increase the chances of epilepsy. 
  • In three to ten percent of cases, changes in the shape of the brain are the cause of epilepsy. Children who are born with such changes at birth may suffer from epilepsy.
  • Children suffering from autism may suffer from epilepsy in about three to ten percent of cases. 
  • Any kind of congenital disorder or imbalance in the chemicals of the body can also cause seizures in a child.

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You have to identify the causes of epileptic seizures in children and prevent the child from doing such activities, which increase the seizures. Some measures to prevent epilepsy in children are described in detail below.

  • Let the child get enough sleep, because lack of sleep causes seizures in children.
  • To protect the child from head injury, make him wear a helmet while riding a skate or bicycle.
  • Tell the child to walk carefully to prevent him from falling.
  • Do not take the child to a place with bright light or excessive noise, because these also sometimes cause seizures.
  • Do not forget to give the medicine to reduce seizures to the child at the same time every day.
  • Stress also increases the possibility of seizures, in such a situation, tell the child ways to reduce stress.
  • Give your baby a healthy diet with more protein and less carbohydrates. However, consult your doctor before making any major changes in your baby's diet.

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Epilepsy in children is treated on the basis of their age, type of seizure, previous health condition and current health condition. In the treatment of epilepsy, emphasis is laid on reducing the frequency of seizures and this problem is reduced by medicines. In its treatment, doctors also resort to dietary changes and brain surgery along with many other options. The following treatments are available for epilepsy.

Anti-epileptic medicines:
Anti-epileptic medicines control and reduce the frequency of seizures. These medicines are very effective in controlling seizures and are usually recommended to be given for two years even after the seizures are cured. 80 percent of the patients have benefited from these medicines and have proved to be helpful in curing seizures.

Ketogenic diet:
Children on whom medicines do not work are put on a ketogenic diet. This is a special type of diet, which is high in fat and low in carbohydrates, which breaks down fat instead of carbohydrates and induces a state of ketosis. It works to reduce seizures.

When the child does not respond well even after medicines and diet changes, the doctor recommends surgery. If the child's seizures are due to a brain injury, then the doctor can immediately perform surgery on the child.

Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS Therapy):
For children on whom the above treatment does not work and for some reason their operation cannot be done, then VNS therapy is recommended. This therapy is mainly used for children above 12 years of age.

In this process, an electronic pulse generator is attached to the chest through surgery. This device sends electrical impulses to the brain through the vagus nerve, these impulses sent at intervals of a few minutes help control seizures.

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Epilepsy in children is a neurological condition in which abnormal electrical activity in the brain causes recurrent seizures. Seizures can last from a few seconds to several minutes and cause the child to have sudden jerks, loss of consciousness, or abnormal movements. This condition can occur at any age, but it is important to recognize its symptoms in children so that timely treatment can be done. With proper medication, lifestyle changes, and doctor's advice, epilepsy can be controlled, so that children can lead a normal life.

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