There can be many reasons for blackness of the neck. The most common reason is Acanthosis Nigricans, in which the skin becomes black and thick. This is due to obesity, diabetes and hormonal imbalance. Apart from this, the effect of sun rays for a long time can also cause the problem of blackness of the skin. There can be local atrophy or stress or any other reason for the smooth skin of the neck. Apart from blackness of the neck, there can be many other reasons such as stress or sticky blood sensitivity in particular areas of the skin. Sometimes the reason for this can also be a change in the color of the skin or a sign of stress in the complexion, due to which the neck can become black. There are many reasons for the neck to turn black, such as
- 1) Too much exposure to sun rays
- 2) Growing age
- 3) Obesity
- 4) Diabetes
- 5) Fungal infection
- 6) Hormonal imbalance
(Read more - Glow Up: Effective Ways to Lighten Dark Skin Tone)