Drinking water is essential for good health. Therefore, every person is advised to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily. Many health experts also recommend drinking plenty of water to keep the skin beautiful. In such a situation, a question often arises in people's mind: can drinking water really cleanse the skin? Also, what benefits can drinking water give to the skin? In this article you will know in detail the relationship between drinking water and beautiful skin -

(Read more -How to get glowing skin)

  1. Does Drinking Water Really Clear Skin
  2. Does Drinking Water Hydrate The Skin
  3. Water Benefits For Skin
  4. How Much Water Should Drink For Glowing Skin
  5. Skin Problems Due To Lack Of Water
  6. Tips For Healthy Skin
  7. Summary
Doctors for Water And Skin Health: Benefits Of Water For Glowing Skin

Much research has been done on whether drinking water clears the skin or not. According to research, in some cases drinking water clears the skin, but drinking water does not cure skin related problems.

Let us tell you that the skin is made of three layers. It consists of the outer layer (epidermis), middle skin (dermis) and tissues on the lower surface. When there is not enough water in the outer layer of the skin, the skin begins to lose its elasticity. In this condition the skin starts looking rough and dry. In such a situation, if a sufficient amount of water is drunk daily, the skin becomes hydrated and can become clear. However, there is still a lack of scientific evidence about whether drinking water can give you glowing and clear skin.

According to a study, drinking 2.5 liters of water daily can clear the skin. This can keep the skin hydrated and make the skin glow. It also improves the elasticity of the skin, but drinking water does not help in getting rid of wrinkles.

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Researchers have found that people who drink less water can have dehydrated skin, but drinking an adequate amount of water can have a good effect on the skin. Drinking water maintains skin hydration.

Drinking enough water improves blood flow in the skin and body. Actually, the cells and tissues of the body contain mostly water. In such a situation, when there is a lack of water in the body, skin cells can get damaged. Because of this the skin may appear dry. Therefore, it is important to drink water from time to time. 

(Read more - How to Restore Moisture to Dehydrated Skin)

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Drinking water can provide countless benefits to the skin. The benefits of drinking adequate amount of water to the skin are as follows -

  • Drinking water keeps the skin hydrated.
  • Pimples can be avoided by drinking water.
  • Drinking water can improve the skin.
  • Skin may appear soft and glowing.
  • Drinking water can reduce dryness of the skin.

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Just as it is necessary to drink water to stay healthy. Similarly, to keep the skin healthy, it is important to drink an adequate amount of water. Drinking water can reduce dryness of the skin. Health experts believe that men should drink 13 glasses of water every day. At the same time, women must drink 9 glasses of water daily, but if a person sweats more or consumes more caffeine, then in this situation one should drink more water. At the same time, one should avoid drinking too much water, because excess water can affect the kidneys.

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Even though skin problems cannot be cured by just drinking water, if you do not drink enough water, it can definitely cause skin related problems -

  • Not drinking water can cause dry skin. Lack of water can trigger the production of sebum in the skin.
  • Pimples can occur on the skin due to lack of water.
  • Drinking less water can make the skin look lifeless. 

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To keep the skin healthy, it is not only important to drink water, but it is also important to keep some other things in mind -

  • To keep the skin healthy, one should not consume alcohol.
  • Smoking and tobacco consumption should also be avoided.
  • Keep moisturizing the skin. Do not keep the skin dry at all.
  • Use sunscreen before going out in the sun.
  • It is also important to take a healthy diet for the skin. Therefore, improve your diet also.
  • Include vegetables, whole grains and proteins etc. in the diet.

(Read more - How to get soft and smooth skin)

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Drinking water can provide many health benefits. Besides, drinking water also dehydrates the skin. However, there is not enough research available on whether drinking water cures skin related problems or not, but still it can be said that drinking water is important for the skin. Because drinking water hydrates the skin, moisture remains in the skin and dryness can be avoided, but if you already drink enough water, then avoid drinking excessive amounts of water. Drinking too much water can cause harm to the skin instead of benefit.

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

Dr. Ashwin charaniya

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Dr. Deepak Argal

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Dr. Sneha Hiware

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Dr. Ravikumar Bavariya

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