Bioactive substances that maintain homeostasis and control body functions in situations of stress
Agents or substances that are used to suppress inflammation (swelling).
Agents which help in reducing free radical activity and preventing oxidative stress and damage
Drugs that act on the immune system to modify immune response
Supplements that provide proper nutrition to strengthen the body.
Substances used to reduce the symptoms of fever, pain and swelling in an inflammatory response.
Agents that reduce oxidative stress and revert oxidative damage in the body cells.
Agents that are helpful in the management of hypertension by causing the dilation of blood vessels.
A drug or an agent that kills microbes and inhibits their multiplication.
Agents which help in reducing free radical activity and preventing oxidative stress and damage
Agents that have an effect on the immune system and help to alter immune function
Substances that arrest the growth of fungus or that kill fungi.
Drugs which inhibit bacterial growth.
Substances that reduce total lipids in the body and help manage body cholesterol levels.
Drugs which aid in swelling reduction following an injury
Agents, which help to reduce oxidative stress, by scavenging free radicals
Substances that causes you to urinate more frequently to expel extra water from the body.
Agents or medicine that acts on the immune system to modulate immunity.
Agents which prevent microbial replication and growth by either killing microorganisms or ceasing their actions.
Agents that help restore hormonal disturbances in females for the proper functioning of the reproductive system.
Grape Seed
Substances that scavange the singlet oxygen molecules in the body.
Agents that improves skin irritation and softens the skin or mucous membrane.
Agents that have an effect on the immune system and help to alter immune function
Substances that reduce total lipids in the body and help manage body cholesterol levels.
Drugs which aid in swelling reduction following an injury
A substance that can inhibit the oxidising effect of free radicals in living cells.
Substances that improve skin moisturisation causing it to soften.
Drugs used for the treatment of fungal infections to destroy the pathogenic fungus.
Agents which are helpful against microbial growth and actions.