"The limbs of the eight-fold path are as follows: respect for others (yama) and yourself (niyama); harmony with your body (asana), your energy (pranayama), your thoughts (dharana), and your emotions (pratyahara); contemplation (dhyana); ecstasy (samadhi)." - Patanjali's Yoga Sutra, 2:29
Pawanmuktasana is not only a yoga asana in itself, but it is also a group of asanas meant to strengthen the digestive system and belongs to the Vinyasa branch of yoga. Movements following this pose have been extremely beneficial for those who suffer from digestive disorders or problems.
Pawan, mukta, and asana are three Sanskrit words which mean ‘wind’, ‘free’, and ‘pose’ respectively. In pawanmuktasana, the practitioner lies supine or with the face upwards on the mat and hugs the legs. This asana is great for releasing gas from the intestine, and even for more complicated problems such as lack of appetite or diabetes, as well as for disorders of the reproductive system.
Pawanmuktasana is also known as the wind liberating pose, wind relieving pose or simply the gas release pose in English.