"Through the practice of these limbs of yoga, impurity is overcome and wisdom and an enduring capacity to make distinctions are achieved." - Yoga Sutra-2.28.
We sometimes forget to take care of the small joints and muscles that help us run, walk and even stand. There are a few yoga asanas which are specifically done to improve the mobility of the feet, ankles and toes.
There are three yoga asanas which can help in improving the strength and flexibility of the feet, ankles and toes:
- Padanguli naman: Known as the toe bending pose in English, this asana involves the stretching of the toes.
- Goolf naman: It is also known as the ankle bending pose. This asana involves the stretching of the joints of the ankles and muscles at the back of the legs.
- Goolf chakra: It is also known as the ankle rotation pose. This asana involves the movement of the ankle joint and stretching the muscles of the thigh and the back of the legs.