These days, a large number of people are resorting to yoga along with exercise to keep themselves healthy and fit. The best thing about yoga is that it does not require any kind of equipment and you can do it easily inside your home. You must have heard the name of Surya Namaskar, one of the most popular yoga asanas, which is not just a yoga asana but a combination of many asanas and is known as a complete exercise in itself.

Chandra Namaskar is just like Surya Namaskar. While Surya Namaskar is done in the presence of the sun in the morning, Chandra Namaskar is done in the presence of the moon in the evening or at night. After a day's work and fatigue, you can relax your body and mind by doing Chandra Namaskar in the evening. However, while doing this asana in the evening or at night, keep in mind that your stomach should be empty. Doing yoga or any asana after eating or on a full stomach can be harmful. So what is Chandra Namaskar, how is it different from Surya Namaskar and what are the benefits of doing it? We are telling you about this in this article.

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  1. Difference Between Surya Namaskar And Chandra Namaskar
  2. Benefits Of Chandra Namaskar
  3. How To Do Chandra Namaskar
  4. Summary
Doctors for How to Do Chandra Namaskar: A Complete Guide with Benefits
  • The first difference between Surya Namaskar and Chandra Namaskar is that while Surya Namaskar is about heat, light and activity, Chandra Namaskar is about meditation, coolness, peace and being receptive.
  • While Surya Namaskar is invigorating, Chandra Namaskar is relaxing and makes a person relax asana.
  • Surya Namaskar is practiced in the morning when the sun rises and Chandra Namaskar is practiced in the evening when the moon is visible.
  • While practicing Surya Namaskar, the person performing the yoga moves quickly from one posture to another, but during Chandra Namaskar, all the yoga postures are done slowly and comfortably.
  • The 12 steps or 12 postures of Surya Namaskar relate to the 12 zodiac signs while the 14 steps or 14 postures of Chandra Namaskar represent the 14 phases of the moon.
  • Surya Namaskar is done in the morning and that too at the beginning of the yoga class to wake up the body, generate energy and heat. Chandra Namaskar, on the other hand, is practiced in the evening to calm and restore the body.
  • The poses of Surya Namaskar are a dynamic sequence that build stamina and strength at the physical level. The calm quality of the poses of Chandra Namaskar helps in creating a strong connection to breathing.

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Like Surya Namaskar, Chandra Namaskar also has many benefits:

  • Chandra Namaskar helps in strengthening the spine and the nerve behind the knee i.e. hamstrings.
  • Apart from this, this asana helps in stretching the back part of the legs and strengthening the muscles of the legs, arms, back and abdomen.
  • Chandra Namaskar is also considered beneficial for women during menstruation.
  • Chandra Namaskar is a yogasana that helps in bringing flexibility and strengthening all muscle groups.
  • Apart from this, it also helps in improving the functioning of the respiratory system, circulatory system and digestive system.
  • Chandra Namaskar can also be very beneficial for people who have stress or tension problems.
  • Chandra Namaskar is mainly a yogasana focused on the lower part of the body, so this yogasana is very beneficial for people who have pain in the lower part of the body.
  • Chandra Namaskar helps in calming you down as well as giving the right direction to your creative energy.
  • Like Surya Namaskar, Chandra Namaskar is also a complete exercise in itself which balances your energy, keeps you away from fatigue, improves confidence and also reduces anger. 

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While Surya Namaskar has 12 postures or steps, Chandra Namaskar has 14 postures or steps. Those steps are:
1. Pranam Asana: Stand straight with both feet together and keep your neck straight. Stand in a posture of saluting or praying with both hands joined. After this, relax the body.
2. Hasta Uttanasana: Breathe in and raise both your hands straight above the head. After this, bend your back and hands backwards in the shape of an arch. During this, your elbows, knees should all be straight and the head should be between both the hands and the chin should be pointed upwards towards the ceiling.
3. Uttanasana: Exhale and then bend forward from the waist (hip). During this, place your palms on the ground on both sides of the feet and keep your knees absolutely straight.
4. Ashva Sanchalanasana: Inhale and bend forward while putting pressure on your left knee and push the right leg as far back as possible. Bend backwards and lift the face upwards. Try to keep the body in balance by keeping the palms on the ground.
5. Ardha Chandrasana: Inhale and stretch both the hands and take them above the head. Make an arch shape backwards and take the hands backwards as well. Lift the face upwards and look up. Push one leg backwards and keep the other leg at a 90 degree angle.
6. Parvatasana: Exhale and bring the hands back to the ground. Place both your feet backwards and lift your body up from the hip part. Keep your back and both legs straight and together. Keep the palms of both hands resting on the ground. During this, your body should form an inverted V shape.
7. Ashtanga Namaskar: Now exhale and come back to your knees. Now bring your knees, chest and chin all towards the ground. Lift your stomach and hips up instead of keeping them close to the ground. Keep your palms on both sides near the chest.

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8. Bhujangasana: Breathe in and take both your feet backwards. Keep your palms tight on the ground and lift your body up from near the chest. Both your hands should be exactly below the shoulders. During this, your body should be in the same position as a cobra snake looks when it raises its hood.
9. After Bhujangasana position, once again come back to Parvatasana position.
10. After Parvatasana, once again come back to Ashwa Sanchalanasana position.
11. After Ashwa Sanchalanasana, once again come back to Ardha Chandrasana position.
12. After Ardha Chandrasana, come back to Uttanasana position.
13. After Uttanasana, once again come back to Hasta Uttanasana position.
14. And finally the first Pranamasana.

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The Moon Salutation is a series of yoga poses designed to calm the body and mind. It is a similar pose series to the Sun Salutation, but is meant to reflect the coolness and peace of the moon. The Moon Salutation involves various postures and breathing techniques that provide stability and balance to the body. It is especially beneficial for women as it helps promote hormonal balance and provide relaxation during menstruation. Practicing Moon Salutations regularly can help promote mental calmness, increase energy, and improve flexibility.

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