Periods are an essential part of every woman's health. Usually, the duration of periods is 4 to 7 days, and 'period cycle' means the menstrual cycle is of 21 to 35 days. Apart from this, it is also normal for the period to go back and forth from its due date.

Click on the link given here and know the treatment for irregular periods.

It is not a matter of concern to have less or less period, early or late, but there may be some reasons behind this frequent occurrence and excessive delay, which have a bad effect on health. When the period is late, papaya and fennel should be used in food. Along with this, thyroid tests should also be done.

Today we will learn from this article what should be done if the period is late -

(Read More - Long periods treatment)

  1. Periods will be regular with these tips
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for What to do when periods are late?

Periods may be delayed due to stress and lifestyle changes, but there can be many reasons for this happening again and again. The delayed period is not a disease, but it can have a bad effect on the body and health. If the period does not come within 4-5 days of the due date, it is important to know the reason for it. Therefore, try to stay away from stress, take care of your medicines, and also eat foods rich in Vitamin C. Here we are giving tips based on the reasons for delayed periods -

Release stress

Due to stress, there is a change in the level of hormones in the body, due to which the coming time of the period is affected. This is the reason why periods often come late. When this happens, try not to take too much stress. Keep your distance from stress-causing things, as well as to calm yourself down, do your favorite work, exercise and seek the help of a doctor in case of excessive depression or stress. As soon as the stress subsides, the periods will start coming again at their scheduled time.

(Read More - How to get periods early)

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Pregnancy test

If a woman has had unprotected sex in the past, then she should get the test done keeping in mind the possibility of getting pregnant after a delay of 1 week in the period. By doing this test, it will be easy to find out the real reason for the late period, and according to the result of the test, a doctor can be consulted.

Please click on the link given here to know the treatment for heavy bleeding in periods.

Doctor's advice

If the problem of the late period is being faced again and again, then the woman should get a medical checkup done by the doctor. Periods also become irregular due to many diseases, such as diabetesthyroidblood pressure, and PCOS. After getting all the tests done, if any disease is detected, then its information should be taken after meeting the doctor. Looking at the medical condition of the woman, the doctor will help in regularizing her period by advising the right treatment and medicines.

(Read More - Irregular periods symptoms)

Control the weight

Due to excessive weight or obesity or due to loss of weight, the periods of the woman become irregular. Due to lifestyle and lack of proper eating and drinking habits, improper weight is becoming a common problem. If a woman feels that being overweight or underweight is affecting her period, then a doctor or expert should be consulted.

(Read More - Home remedies for stopped periods)

Lactational amenorrhea

After the birth of the child, periods either do not come for several months or keep coming back and forth a little from their fixed time. A woman should not panic when this happens, because it is common. Also, periods become irregular due to breastfeeding the child, which is called lactational amenorrhea. In a few months, the woman's menstrual cycle becomes correct, but if it does not happen, then a doctor must be consulted.

Click on the link given here and know the treatment for female infertility in detail.

Avoid over-exercising

Due to excessive exercise, the level of estrogen hormone in the body of a woman decreases, due to which periods do not come even for 6 months. This condition is known as secondary amenorrhea. Therefore, more and more exhausting exercise should be avoided.

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The right time to sleep

Periods become irregular even when a woman sleeps or changes her schedule. When there is a sudden change in the time of sleep, there is a change in the circadian rhythm i.e. the body clock, which regulates things. It also has a direct effect on the period. Therefore, a woman should try to have a fixed bedtime.

(Read More - Ayurvedic remedies for irregular periods)

Take care of medicines

Whatever medicines a woman uses daily can also affect her period. Also, periods become irregular due to birth control pills, IUDs, or any type of implant, etc. in the body. Therefore, before adopting any kind of new medicine or any method of birth control, the woman should get complete information about it from the doctor. Also, in case of any kind of problem after using the medicine, the doctor should be consulted immediately.

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If the woman is moving towards menopause, then periods become irregular in perimenopause i.e. the first stage of menopause. Therefore, if a woman feels that the time of her menopause has started coming and because of this her period is being affected, then she should consult a doctor and start taking care of her health.

(Read More - How to get regular periods with PCOS naturally)

Attention to food

Women's periods also become irregular due to nutritional deficiency. Therefore, a woman's diet must have all the essential elements. Women should include things like carrotsaloe verapapayafennelpomegranategingercinnamon, and foods containing vitamin C in their diet. These not only make periods regular but also reduce the weakness caused by periods.

(Read More - Can stress cause missed periods)

About 35% of women face irregular periods and according to medical experts, this is a normal thing and there is no need to worry about it. At the same time, due to today's lifestyle, it has started increasing in women and due to this, many times the body has to face many other problems, such as weight gain, hair fall, etc. That's why it must be resolved. Delayed periods can be regularized by including cinnamon, ginger, aloe vera and carrots, etc. in your diet, regularizing your lifestyle, and staying away from stress.

(Read More - How to prevent and treat period rash)

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