There are some days of the month when the libido of women is at its peak. Most of the women easily recognize this condition of theirs. Women who track their menstrual cycles know very well that their libido increases just before ovulation. This is completely natural and this is the time when a woman is most likely to get pregnant. During this, hormones that increase sexual desire are released rapidly.

Today in this article you will know what is the relation between ovulation and the sexual desire of a woman -

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  1. What is the meaning of ovulation?
  2. Does libido increase during ovulation?
  3. Libido after ovulation
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Increased sex drive during ovulation

During the menstrual cycle, when the egg starts to be released from the ovary of the woman, then that time is called ovulation. In this condition, when the egg is released from the ovary, it moves into the fallopian tube. Here the egg fertilizes with the sperm, but in this case, the egg may or may not be fertilized by the sperm.

A woman becomes pregnant when the sperm fertilizes the egg. Whereas, if the sperm leaves the egg unfertilized, the egg breaks, and the lining of the uterus is shed during periods. Usually, the egg is released 14 days before the start of the next period. This process is known as ovulation.

(Read More - How many days after periods does ovulation occur)

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Ovulation is the time in which you can easily conceive. It lasts for about 7 days every month. If a woman's ovulation process is going on, then in this situation her libido can increase. Luteinizing hormone level increases in women 3-4 days before ovulation.

Let us tell you that the level of LH is high 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. Therefore, if sex is done during these days, the chances of a woman becoming pregnant increase significantly. On the other hand, if you have sex 3 days before ovulation, then the chances of pregnancy are between 8 to 23 percent. On the other hand, if sex is done without a condom 1 day before ovulation, then the chances increase between 21 to 34 percent.

Several studies suggest that the libido in women may increase during ovulation. The increased sexual desire during ovulation can last for about 6 days.

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The hormones luteinizing and estrogen signal the onset of ovulation and are directly related to increased libido in a woman. At the same time, the decrease in these hormones is a sign of the end of ovulation and a decrease in libido.

According to research, when the progesterone hormone starts increasing, then the sexual desire starts decreasing. This hormone starts increasing after ovulation and remains at a high level till the time of the next ovulation. At the moment, it is not entirely clear how much progesterone plays a role in the decrease in libido, as luteinizing and estrogen deficiency also play a role.

(Read More - Can you ovulate without a period and get pregnant)

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Ovulation starts about 14 days before the start of the next period. In this situation, the level of luteinizing and estrogen hormones starts increasing in the body of women, due to which their libido starts increasing. The time of ovulation is also perfect for couples who want to conceive because having sex during ovulation increases the chances of pregnancy. If you are not able to conceive even after trying for a long time, then in this situation the doctor can be contacted. If you are physically fit, then the doctor can advise you to have sex on the days of ovulation to conceive.

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