Coming of periods means that the reproductive system of the woman is fine and is working well. The period or menstrual cycle starts from the day of the first period and continues till the arrival of the next period. During this, ovulation also occurs in the woman, which starts from the 10th or 12th day till the 17th or 18th day after the onset of periods.

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It is believed that having sex between 10 to 18 days of the start of your period for family planning increases the chances of getting pregnant, but if you want to have unsafe sex just for the sake of enjoyment, then you can have sex after the 5th or 6th day of the period.

Today we will know about how many days after periods should make a relationship -

(Read More - Long periods treatment)

  1. When to do sex after a period?
  2. Is it possible to get pregnant during a period?
  3. Takeaway
Doctors for Right time for intercourse after a period

Usually, the menstrual cycle in women is 28 to 30 days. The most likely to conceive is at the time of ovulation. During this, the egg is released from the ovaries. Ovulation starts on the 10th to the 12th day after the start of periods and lasts for about a week. Let's know how many days after the periods should have a relationship -

  • Whether a woman wants to get pregnant or wants to prevent pregnancy, for both these things it is necessary to have correct knowledge of ovulation period. Usually, women ovulate on the 14th day of the menstrual cycle. At this time, if sperm is present in the uterus, then pregnancy can happen. Therefore, this time is the most fertile for women.
  • The sperm of a man can remain in the body of a woman for 5 to 7 days. Therefore, if the relationship is formed after a few days of periods and ovulation occurs after 5 or 7 days, then there is still a possibility of pregnancy.
  • If the woman ovulates early, she can get pregnant soon after the periods are over. Ovulation can be different in every woman. Therefore, it should be known how many days this cycle is. The more days after ovulation the relationship is formed, the less the risk of getting pregnant. In such a situation, if you make a relationship even after 5-6 days of the period, then the live sperm can make the woman pregnant as soon as the ovulation period comes.

(Read More - What not to do during periods)

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Generally, the menstrual cycle in women is of 28 days, but in some women, it can also be 21 to 40 days. Women have periods for 3 to 8 days. Usually, it gets over in 5 days. Bleeding is more in the first 2 days. By the way, having unprotected sex during periods can be very risky. Due to this, there is a risk of sexually transmitted diseases and sexually transmitted infections.

If you still have sex during periods or immediately after periods, then the chances of conceiving during this time are slightly less. Women who ovulate early are at risk even at this time. In such a situation, it depends on you for what purpose the sexual intercourse is being done.

You can know irregular periods treatment by clicking on the link given here.

To know how many days after the period a relationship should be made, it is necessary to know the monthly cycle which is usually 28 days, and the ovulation period which is of 12 to 14 days. There are many myths regarding sex after a period. But if your aim is family planning, then it would be right for you to have intercourse at the time of ovulation. To know the ovulation, the doctor can be contacted or if you look at the date of the beginning of the periods before 2-3 months, then the monthly cycle will be understood.

(Read More - What to do when periods are late)

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