International Women's Health Day is celebrated every year on 28 May. It is a day when women's health is discussed. The purpose of Women's Health Day is to make women aware about their health. It is often seen that women ignore their health while taking care of their family and loved ones and then when the problem increases, they themselves have to bear the brunt.

In such a situation, the time has come for women to get out of the misunderstandings and confusion related to their health and their body and make the right decision about their health. Today, on the occasion of Women's Health Day, we are telling you about those basic habits by adopting which women can make their lifestyle fit and healthy.

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  1. How Can Women Keep Their Sexual Health Right?
  2. How Should Women Take Care Of Their Diet And Health?
  3. How Can Women Keep Their Mental Health Good?
  4. Summary
Doctors for Stay Fit, Stay Strong: Fitness Routines Every Woman Should Follow

If you are sexually active, but do not want to get pregnant, then talk to your doctor and choose the contraceptive option suggested by them. Do not take any contraceptive pill on your own. These can also have many side effects.

It is very important for women who have sex regularly to get a Pap smear test done once every 3 to 5 years, so that there is no risk of any kind of sexually transmitted disease. By doing this, you can save the life of both you and your partner. Not only this, but also the life of your unborn child when you become pregnant.

Always make it a habit to urinate after sex. By doing this, your urethra gets cleaned and there is no risk of any kind of harmful bacteria. Also, by doing this, the risk of urine infection UTI also reduces to a great extent. If you have any kind of urine infection or vaginal infection, itching or burning problem, then instead of hesitating about this, consider it like other diseases and get it treated immediately.

Cleanliness of the vagina is important, but for this do not use perfumed products and vaginal wash available in the market. Also avoid vaginal douching. Instead of completely removing the hair of the vaginal area through waxing or shaving, it is more beneficial to keep trimming it regularly. Many women think that pubic hair is completely dirty and unhygienic, but this is a misconception.

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  • Be sure to use sunscreen before leaving the house. It does not matter whether the season is summer, rain or winter. Do not leave the house without applying sunscreen.
  • Drink plenty of water. Right now it is summer, so everyone is feeling more thirsty and our water intake has increased. But anyway, consume plenty of water and fluids on normal days. Drinking water helps in flushing out toxins from the body.
  • Get a good sleep of 7-8 hours daily. These days everyone is busy with laptops and mobiles, which is affecting our sleep. If you sleep less, it will have a direct impact on your physical health. Therefore, it is important to get adequate sleep for good health.
  • Eat a healthy and balanced diet. Include foods rich in fiber and protein in your diet. Consume less carbohydrates and sugar, as both these things spoil the level of your hormones.
  • No matter how much you like coffee and tea, do not consume them too much. They contain caffeine which can harm your health.
  • If you are over 50 years of age, take calcium supplements. Calcium is very important for keeping bones strong.
  • If you think that going to the gym or dieting is necessary to stay healthy, then you are wrong. If you are consuming a healthy and balanced diet and are regularly doing a little exercise or physical activity every day, then you will not need to go to the gym and sweat for hours or diet.

Read More - (Tips to reduce weight loss in women)

  • Make sure to take out some time for yoga and meditation for at least 30 minutes every day, this will maintain both your physical and mental health.
  • Apart from this, keep in touch with your female friends and also plan to meet them regularly and spend time together. This will also maintain your mental health and keep tension and stress away.
  • If you are compromising with your career or giving up your career under someone else's pressure, then do not do so. This can also have a bad effect on your mental health. Try to convince your partner and make adjustments.

Read More - (How women can gain weight)

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Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and taking care of mental health are very important for women to stay fit. 30-45 minutes of physical activity daily such as walking, yoga, gym, or cardio exercise is beneficial for fitness. Along with this, a balanced diet rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals gives energy and nutrition to the body. Adequate sleep and stress management also play an important role in staying fit. Women should choose diet and exercise according to their body's needs, and consult a specialist for any health problem.

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Dr. Arpan Kundu

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
7 Years of Experience

Dr Sujata Sinha

Dr Sujata Sinha

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
30 Years of Experience

Dr. Pratik Shikare

Dr. Pratik Shikare

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
5 Years of Experience

Dr. Payal Bajaj

Dr. Payal Bajaj

Obstetrics & Gynaecology
20 Years of Experience

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