Many women experience irregular periods, because of which they start having trouble conceiving. Getting pregnant can be a bit more difficult in such cases, compared to women with regular menstrual cycles, but did you know that it is still possible to get pregnant with irregular periods? A woman's menstrual cycle is considered irregular when her period cycle is less than 21 or longer than 35 days

In this article, we will discuss how to get pregnant if you have irregular periods.

(Read more: Period problems)

  1. How to get pregnant with irregular periods?
  2. Can irregular periods affect pregnancy?
  3. Takeaway
Doctors for Getting pregnant with irregular periods

If you have problems with irregular periods, then you can take the following steps to get pregnant:

Having accurate information about ovulation

For a woman to become pregnant, it is necessary to have sex during or just before ovulation. As such, it is very important to find out when you are ovulating. Despite irregular periods, if you know the exact time to ovulate, it can be easier to conceive. You can resort to some measures to detect ovulation, such as:

Noting the symptoms of ovulation

  • Change in body temperature
  • Softening of the cervix
  • Cervical mucus is smooth, thin, and clear like egg whites
  • Pain and cramping feeling in the lower abdomen.
  • Increased desire for sex

These symptoms may indicate that you are ovulating. However, they may not be precise.

Ovulation predictor kit

You can use ovulation predictor kits to find out when you’re ovulating. This kit can help in detecting the increase in luteinizing hormone. This hormone triggers ovulation. Also, it is very easy to use.

(Read more: How to get pregnant)

Transvaginal ultrasound

You can also get a transvaginal ultrasound done for accurate ovulation detection. Apart from this, ovulation can also be detected through blood work on the advice of the doctor.

(Read more: Can I get pregnant before, on or just after my period)

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Benefits of having sex

If you are not able to track the ovulation cycle properly, then having sex often can also benefit you. Having sex frequently can make conceiving a little easier. If you want to get pregnant, have unprotected sex every 2 to 3 days. The sperm of men can remain active in the uterus of women for up to 5 days. As such, if you have sex every 2 to 3 days, then it can increase the chances of conception.

(Read more: How many times and best time to have sex)

Consult a doctor

If the reason for having irregular periods is a disease (thyroid, PCOS, hypertension), then get yourself treated for it. Share your problems with the doctor, who may prescribe Clomiphene Citrate to induce ovulation. It is a very effective medicine for stimulating ovulation and many women have benefitted from its use.

(Read more: Can I still get pregnant if I have PCOS?)

Whether or not pregnancy will be affected due to irregular periods depends on what is causing your irregular periods. If there is no specific reason for irregular periods, then you may not experience any problems getting pregnant. It's still best to keep in touch with your doctor to avoid any kind of danger. Apart from this, if your period cycle is irregular due to a disease, then it can cause some problems in pregnancy like:

Women with PCOS: Women suffering from PCOS may have some of the following problems during pregnancy and should get regular checkups done.

Women with hyperthyroidism: Women who suffer from hyperthyroidism, leading to irregular periods, can experience problems like stillbirth, premature delivery and birth defects.

(Read more: How late can your period be)

If there is a significant difference in the interval between your periods, contact the doctor immediately to understand the reason for irregular periods. Follow all the instructions of the doctor carefully during pregnancy so that you and your baby can be healthy and safe.

(Read more: Periods after pregnancy)

Dr. Ashita

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