Everyone knows that the uterus is one of the most important organs of women. The uterus plays an important role during pregnancy, but if there is some problem in the uterus, the woman may face difficulties during pregnancy. One such problem is the double uterus, which not only affects pregnancy but can also affect the menstrual process. The problem of double uterus can occur to any girl before birth, which is a rare condition in itself. In this article you will know what is double uterus, what are its symptoms, causes and treatment -

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  1. What Is A Double Uterus?
  2. Causes Of Double Uterus
  3. Symptoms Of Double Uterus
  4. Risks Of Double Uterus
  5. Diagnosis Of Double Uterus
  6. Treatment Of Double Uterus
  7. Effect Of Double Uterus On Pregnancy
  8. When To See A Doctor?
  9. Summary
Doctors for Double Trouble: Navigating Life with a Double Uterus

Double uterus is a rare condition which can occur in any woman before birth. It is also known as Uterine Didelphys. Actually, there are two channels called Mullerian ducts in the reproductive system of a woman. These channels join together to form the uterus, in which the fetus develops. In some rare cases, these tubes do not fuse and form their own separate fallopian tubes and ovaries. Women who have a double uterus can conceive, but they have a higher risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

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This condition occurs during fetal development and in girls who are affected, this condition occurs at birth. As we have already informed you that this situation occurs when two small tubes are not able to join together. However, the exact reason behind it is still not known properly, but many experts believe that this condition could be genetic.

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Usually, symptoms of a double uterus are not visible. This can be detected only during a woman's routine pelvic checkup. Apart from this, if a woman has repeated miscarriages, information about it can be obtained while finding out its cause.

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Many women with double uterus lead a normal life, but in some situations they may have to face serious complications -

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As we have already informed you that it can be detected only during routine pelvic checkup. In fact, if the doctor has any doubt regarding the double cervix or the size of the uterus during the checkup, he may advise to do some more tests for confirmation. During a routine pelvic exam, your doctor may tell you that you have a double cervix, or that your uterus is a different size than normal. If the doctor sees something like this, he may get some tests done. These tests may also be recommended if you have experienced repeated miscarriages. These include -

High-frequency sound waves are used to make pictures of the inside of your body. The sonographer will put some cold jelly on the end of an instrument called a transducer and place it on your abdomen so they can see what your uterus looks like.

It is just like another ultrasound, but in sonohysterogram the images are taken after fluid is injected into the uterus through a thin tube that is inserted into the vagina.

MRI Scan
Magnetic fields and radio waves are used to generate cross-sectional images of the body. For this test the woman has to lie completely still in a machine that looks like a large tunnel. It may feel uncomfortable, but it is completely painless.

Hysterosalpingography (HSG)
During this test, a dye is inserted into the uterus through the cervix. As the dye advances, the X-ray allows the doctor to see the size and shape of your uterus.

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Women who do not show any symptoms related to this condition do not require any kind of treatment for it. At the same time, if a woman has repeated miscarriages due to this condition, then she may be advised to undergo surgery. However, this surgery may be necessary in rare cases.

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A woman with a double uterus does not have any problem conceiving. But there is a possibility of miscarriage due to this. Also, women with double uterus usually have a smaller uterus, which can lead to premature delivery. If a woman has a double uterus and is pregnant, then she should get regular checkups done by the doctor. If the doctor feels that the baby has some kind of problem in the womb, he may advise cesarean delivery (C-section). At the same time, even if there have been repeated miscarriages, the doctor may ask for C-section.

(Read more - Pregnancy symptoms)

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Now the question arises that when there are no symptoms, then how to detect this condition. In such a situation, if the following symptoms are seen, you should contact the doctor without delay -

  • If a woman experiences excessive bleeding or pain during periods.
  • If a woman is having repeated miscarriages.

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Even though it is a rare condition, it is better for every woman to take her health seriously. If you feel any kind of discomfort during periods or pregnancy, do not ignore it. These may be symptoms of a double uterus. However, do not panic in such a situation, rather talk to the doctor in time and get further treatment as per his advice.

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Dr. Ashita

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