Fennel, which most people use as a mouth freshener after eating, is full of medicinal properties and is one of the most important spices found in our kitchen. But if you are thinking that the use of fennel only serves to add extra flavor to food, then you are wrong. These small fennel seeds are also beneficial for our health in many ways and can protect us from many problems. Fennel is helpful in curing every kind of disease from colic to conjunctivitis. Not only this, fennel is also used to increase stamina and mothers who breastfeed their newborn babies also use fennel to increase the production of breast milk.

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But instead of just chewing raw fennel, if you drink fennel water then it can be more beneficial for you because fennel water contains more nutrients. Especially fennel water works like a panacea in reducing weight and in removing problems like indigestion, acidity, stomach gas, nausea and vomiting and cramps during periods. So in this article we are telling you how fennel water is made, what are the benefits of drinking fennel water and whether there can be any disadvantages of drinking fennel water or not. Method of making fennel water - 

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  1. How To Make Fennel Water
  2. Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Water
  3. Side Effects Of Fennel Water
  4. Summary
Doctors for From Digestion to Detox: Benefits of Fennel Seeds Water

You can make fennel water in 2 ways:

First Method - Soak It Overnight

  • 1 glass of water
  • 1 teaspoon of fennel

Take a glass of water and add 1 teaspoon of fennel to it and soak this fennel in water overnight. Drink this fennel water on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up in the morning. If you want, filter the water and drink it and chew and eat the fennel.

Second Method - Put Fennel In Hot Water

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 teaspoons of fennel

If you put fennel to boil, then most of its nutrients will be lost. So put this 1 liter of water in a pan to boil and when the water boils completely, turn off the gas and then add 2 teaspoons of fennel to it and cover the pan for 10 minutes. After some time you will get light yellow colored fennel water. You can drink this fennel water 2 to 3 times a day.

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Fennel water is also a diuretic, so it helps in cleaning the body from inside by increasing urination and removing toxins present in the body. Apart from this, fennel water removes the problem of flatulence, increases metabolism, increases the speed of digestion and also controls appetite. Apart from this, there are many other benefits of fennel water:

Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Water For Weight Loss

If you soak fennel seeds in water overnight, the amount of nutrients present in fennel increases and when you consume this water on an empty stomach in the morning, it can prove to be helpful in weight loss. Being rich in fiber, fennel improves the digestive system. Drinking fennel water gives satisfaction and makes the stomach feel full. Fennel water increases metabolism, which enables your body to burn more fat and reduces fat storage by improving nutrient absorption. As already mentioned, fennel water is a diuretic, so drinking this water increases urine flow and helps in removing toxins from the body, which in turn contributes to weight loss.

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Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Water For Periods

It is a common problem for most girls and women to feel a lot of pain and cramps during menstrual days. Sometimes, when the pain becomes severe, they also start using OTC medicines to get rid of it. But about 10 to 20 percent of these women do not get any relief from pain and cramps even after taking these medicines. At such times, fennel water can help you a lot.According to the results of a study conducted in the year 2012, fennel water prevents the uterus from contracting because this is the reason why women feel pain during periods. Apart from this, fennel water also contains estrogen which reduces pain and cramps as well as shortens the length of the menstrual cycle and also removes the problem of vomiting and nausea related to periods.

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Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Water For Indigestion

You must have used fennel as a grandmother's recipe to overcome any kind of digestive problem, especially indigestion, flatulence and acidity. Fennel, full of medicinal properties, calms the digestive system and prevents the formation of gas and acid in the stomach. Fennel has a cooling effect and when it is soaked in water overnight, this fennel water helps in relieving indigestion and other stomach related problems by cooling the stomach.

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Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Water For Pregnancy

Pregnant women can also consume fennel water. Fennel is traditionally used to relieve nausea and vomiting during pregnancy (morning sickness). Fennel water helps develop appetite in the first trimester of pregnancy, which relieves the problem of gas and heartburn during pregnancy. Apart from this, fennel water also removes bloating, another common problem of pregnancy. But before including fennel or fennel water in your pregnancy diet, consult your doctor or dietician about how much fennel water you should drink.

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Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Water For Reduce Hunger

Fennel not only adds extra flavor to your food but it also reduces hunger. If fennel water is consumed before eating, then the person feels less hungry and consumes fewer calories during the meal. Anethole, the main component found in fennel, is considered responsible for suppressing or reducing appetite. When you feel less hungry, you will eat less food, so obviously your weight will also decrease.

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Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Water For Diabetes

Fennel water can prove to be helpful in controlling blood sugar. A study conducted in Bangladesh, treating rats with water made from mentholated fennel seeds, found that at a certain dosage level, this extract of fennel water reduced blood sugar levels more than standard antihyperglycemic drugs.

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Benefits Of Drinking Fennel Water For Blood Purification

As we have already said that fennel water is diuretic and at the same time a good amount of fiber is also found in it, due to which it helps in cleaning the body from inside by removing toxins and impurities accumulated in the body. In this way, drinking fennel water also cleans your blood.

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By the way, there is no harm of any kind in drinking fennel water in limited quantities and fennel is considered safe. But if a person starts drinking too much fennel water, then some problems or harm can also occur:

  • Fennel water has estrogenic properties and it acts like estrogen hormone. Therefore, consuming it in large quantities can be harmful for pregnant women and can hinder the development of the fetus in the womb.
  • If a person is allergic to fennel, then he should also not consume fennel water.
  • Fennel water can interact with certain cancer medicines and estrogen pills, so consult your doctor before consuming fennel or fennel water.

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Drinking fennel water can be extremely beneficial for health. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties found in it protect the body from various types of infections and inflammation. Fennel water strengthens the digestive system and provides relief from problems like indigestion, gas and acidity. It also helps in weight loss. Drinking fennel water removes toxins from the body, which increases the glow of the skin and reduces skin problems. Additionally, fennel water is also helpful in controlling blood pressure, maintaining hormonal balance and providing relief in menstrual problems.

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

16 Years of Experience

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Dt. Surbhi Upadhyay

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Dt. Manjari Purwar

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Dt. Akanksha Mishra

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