The number of heart patients is increasing day by day. In the coming years, India will have the largest number of heart patients in the world. The lifestyle of most of us has become very sedentary, which is the biggest reason for heart disease. To keep the heart in good shape, the most important thing is to pay attention to your diet, because diet is an important factor in heart disease. Also, it is important to do physical exercise and get enough sleep.

Please click on this link to know the heart disease treatment.

Today in this article, you will know what to eat and what tips to follow to remove the risk of heart disease -

(Read More - Home remedies for heart disease)

  1. Diet for Heart Healthy
  2. Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy
  3. Tips to Keep Your Heart Healthy
  4. Takeaway

Low-Fat Dairy Products

Low-fat dairy products such as skim milk and yogurt are beneficial for the heart, as they contain nutrients such as potassium and calcium that help lower blood pressure. Include 400 ml of dairy products in your diet daily. This will keep your heart healthy and strong.

(Read More - What to Eat After Heart Attack)

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Eat Fruits for Healthy Heart

Fruits contain fiber which helps in lowering cholesterol and reduces the risk of stroke. The antioxidants present in fruits protect the body from free radicals that can cause cell damage. Eating 1-2 fruits daily help in reducing the risk of heart and blood vessel-related diseases. You can also use them as a healthy snack to satiate your hunger pangs.

(Read More - Rheumatic Heart Disease)

Eat Nuts to Keep Your Heart Healthy

Eat fruits and nuts, which are not only nutritious, but you can take them wherever you go. Fruits are good for keeping health balanced. Nuts such as walnutsalmonds, and pistachios are especially beneficial for the heart as they contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which lower bad cholesterol levels and protect you from heart disease and stroke. Avoid consumption of junk food like namkeen, samosa, and packaged cheeses, as they contain sodium, which gives rise to the problem of high blood pressure.

(Read More - Congestive Heart Failure)

Dark Chocolate for Healthy Heart

Dark chocolate has antioxidant properties, which protect cells from damage by free radicals. In this way, you avoid getting heart disease as well as other diseases. Dark chocolate boosts blood circulation and prevents blood clotting. Eat 20 grams of dark chocolate daily and keep your heart healthy.

Eat a balanced and nutritious diet in small amounts at least three times a day to keep your heart healthy. It will save you from heart problems and will keep you physically and mentally fit and agile.

(Read More - Enlarged Heart treatment)

Fiber-Rich Diet

Fiber is known to lower cholesterol, which reduces the risk of stroke and helps in weight loss. Therefore, dietitians suggest that you include fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as oatsbrown rice, millets, and lentils. These contain soluble fibers and must include vegetables in your diet. Include 4-5 grains and 2-3 vegetables in your daily diet to keep your heart healthy.

(Read More - Valvular Heart Disease)

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The ways to keep the heart healthy are as follows -

  1. Brush Teeth Daily
  2. Balance Weight
  3. Enough Sleep
  4. Do not Sit for a Long Period
  5. Do not Smoke

Brush Teeth Daily

Taking care of the teeth and keeping gum disease at bay keeps the heart healthy. Due to inflammation in the body, some such components can increase in the blood, due to which the condition of heart disease can worsen. So keep in mind that you must brush your teeth twice a day and floss.

(Read More - Yoga for Heart Patients)

Balance Weight

Being overweight is not good for your healthy heart. Excess weight puts pressure on the arteries of your heart and because of this, your heart has to work harder to function. It also increases the risk of other diseases such as cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke. A study says that the risk of heart disease increases due to excess fat around the abdomen. Excess belly fat is associated with high BP and it also leads to high cholesterol levels.

(Read More - Pranayama for Heart Patients)

Enough Sleep

Getting enough sleep is very important to keep the heart healthy. If you don't get enough sleep, you may have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, no matter what age you are and how many healthy habits you adopt.

A study looking at 3,000 adults over the age of 45 found that those who slept less than six hours a night were more likely to have a stroke or heart attack than those who slept six to eight hours a night. Researchers believe that lack of sleep can harm internal problems and physiological processes, such as blood pressure and inflammation. Therefore, take at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night.

(Read More - Coronary Artery Disease)

Do not Sit for a Long Period

According to recent research, sitting for long periods affects your heart health, then it does no matter how much exercise you do daily. This is not at all true for those who sit in the office all day. Also, prolonged sitting (especially while traveling) increases the risk of DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis).

(Read More - Heart Related Tests)

Do not Smoke

Smoking is injurious to your health. Many kinds of research suggest that smoking is the main cause of Coronary Artery Disease, which can lead to a heart attack. Smoking leads to the accumulation of fatty components in the arteries, due to which your health can be severely damaged and even killed. Standing with a person who smokes can also cause you this problem, so if you have a habit of smoking then quit it and don't stand with a person who is smoking.

(Read More - Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy treatment)

You can use the following types of measures to keep the heart healthy -

  1. Do Some Sports Activity
  2. Stay Away from Stress
  3. Do not forget to Have Breakfast
  4. Do not Drink Alcohol
  5. Control Blood Pressure

Do Some Sports Activity

To keep the heart healthy, an adult must exercise for half an hour daily for 5 days or a week. Treat exercise like a game that you enjoy. Play games like badminton, cricket, etc. with your kids and even go for a short walk after office lunch. Exercise at least half an hour daily and you can increase or decrease it as per your wish. Strength training, aerobicsstretching exercises, etc. can be done to keep the heart healthy.

(Read More - Angina treatment)

Stay Away from Stress

When you are under stress, you tend to eat more, smoke and drink more alcohol, thus increasing your risk of a heart attack. To keep yourself away from stress, focus your attention on something that gives you happiness and does not make you sad. Try to take out time for yourself - apart from household work or office work, talk to friends or family or go out with them, and stay away from things that make you feel stressed.

(Read More - Broken Heart Syndrome)

Do not forget to Have Breakfast

Having breakfast in the morning is very important for health. Eating a nutritious breakfast daily is a way to maintain your healthy diet and keep your weight under control. Whole grains such as oats, oatmeal or brown bread, nuts or peanut butter, low-fat milk, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables can be eaten for breakfast.

(Read More - Coronary Angiography)

Do not Drink Alcohol

Drinking alcohol can damage the heart muscle, and increase blood pressure and weight. Drinking alcohol also increases the risk of heart attack, so you should avoid the consumption of alcohol.

(Read More - Homeopathic medicine for Heart Attack)

Control Blood Pressure

The more high blood pressure you have, your health will be affected. People who have high blood pressure have an increased risk of stroke and heart attack. Increased cholesterol levels in the blood (which is made from saturated fat by the liver) can lead to fatty deposits in your coronary arteries. This can increase the risk of coronary heart disease, stroke, and diseases that affect circulation. You can exercise and eat fiber-rich foods like oatmeal, beans, lentils, nuts, fruits, and vegetables to lower cholesterol.

(Read More - Atrial Fibrillation treatment)

If the health of the heart is good, then the whole physical health will be better. This is the reason why the heart is called the engine of the body. Therefore, it is important to keep it healthy. For better heart health, nutritious food should be taken, workouts should be done regularly and distance should be kept from things like alcohol, cigarettes, and tobacco.

(Read More - Heart attack in young adults)

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