What is SCL-70 Antibody test?
SCL-70 antibodies, also known as antiscleroderma antibodies or topoisomerase I antibodies, are autoantibodies that target a substance called topoisomerase 1 in the nucleus of our cells. These antibodies are usually detected in an autoimmune disease called scleroderma (progressive systemic sclerosis).
Antibodies are specialised proteins produced by our immune system to attack invading foreign bodies, such as bacteria or viruses. Autoantibodies are those antibodies which the immune system inadvertently produces against the body’s own tissues, leading to inflammation, and tissue damage.
Scleroderma is a condition characterised by the formation of dense, thick fibrous tissues in the skin and other organs. This occurs due to the overproduction of a protein called collagen. The abnormal collagen deposits eventually lead to hardening of the involved organs, causing them to function less efficiently.
The SCL-70 antibody test checks if you have SCL-70 antibodies and thus scleroderma. SCL-70 antibodies are rather specific for scleroderma and are seen in about 45% of individuals with this disease.