What is a lumbosacral spine X-ray? 

The lumbosacral or lumbar spine x-ray is an imaging technique that provides images of the bones in the lower part of the spine (backbone).

The lower part of the spine comprises the lumbar spine and the sacrum. The lumbar spine is made of five small bones called vertebrae. Below the lumbar spine lies the sacrum. It is joined by five bones that are joined together.

X-ray imaging utilises a small dose of radiation to take pictures of the bones. A lumbosacral spine x-ray can help in imaging bones. However, it cannot detect problems in the muscles, nerves or discs (soft tissue between the vertebrae).

(Read more: Spinal cord injury)

  1. Who cannot have a lumbosacral or lumbar spine X-ray done?
  2. Why is a lumbosacral or lumbar spine X-ray done?
  3. How should I prepare for the lumbosacral or lumbar spine X-ray?
  4. What is the procedure for the lumbosacral or lumbar spine X-ray?
  5. How does a lumbosacral or lumbar spine X-ray feel?
  6. What do the results of the lumbosacral spine X-ray mean?
  7. What are the risks and benefits of a lumbosacral spine X-ray?
  8. What happens after a lumbosacral or lumbar spine X-ray?
  9. What other tests can be done with a lumbosacral spine X-ray?
Doctors for Lumbar Spine X-ray

Lumbar X-rays are not performed in pregnant women.

(Read more: Back pain during pregnancy)

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The doctor may order this test to determine the cause of lower back pain that:

  • Persists after one to two months
  • Is severe
  • Occurs after an injury
  • Occurs in an older person

The x-ray may also help in diagnosing the following:

  • Fracture
  • Arthritis
  • Congenital abnormalities
  • Spondylolisthesis (the slipping of the vertebra from the one that is below it)
  • Scoliosis (abnormality in the spine curvature)
  • Tumours
  • Degeneration of the disks

X-rays do not require much preparation, like sedation or fasting conditions. It’s best to take off your jewellery and any other metal items that might interfere with the test and leave them at home. If you are pregnant or suspect the same, inform your doctor.

(Read more: Best yoga poses for spine)

The X-ray is taken in the following manner:

  • You will usually start by lying on the x-ray table, facing up. 
  • The technician will position a large camera over your lower back. A film placed inside the table will capture images of the lumbosacral spine when the camera moves.
  • Depending on the views the doctor has ordered, you will have to lie in different positions or stand during the X-ray.
  • The parts of the body that are not to be imaged may be covered by a lead apron as protection from the radiation.
  • The technician will usually take three to five X-ray images. 
  • You may need to hold your breath and remain still when the X-ray images are taken to prevent the images from becoming blurry.

The lumbosacral spine X-ray takes about half an hour to 45 minutes.

(Read more: Spine fracture)

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You may feel the coldness of the table under you, but no other discomfort is usually felt during an x-ray.

(Read more: Spine MRI)

An x-ray can show the following abnormalities in the lumbosacral spine:

  • Abnormal deterioration on the bones and cartilage, such as narrowing of the joints between the vertebrae and bony growths called bone spurs
  • Abnormal curvature of the spine
  • Fractures
  • Birth defects affecting the spine
  • Spondylolisthesis (a vertebra in the lumbar region moves from its position in relation to the bone below it)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Cancer (not common)
  • Arthritis

The benefits of x-ray are:

  • It is fast and easy
  • The procedure is painless
  • After the x-ray is performed, the radiation leaves the body

The risks associated with x-ray are:

  • Small risk of developing cancer at a later stage in life
  • Not recommended for women that are pregnant as the radiation could cause birth defects
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You can carry on with your routine activities after the test.


The lumbosacral spine x-ray cannot detect back problems involving the soft tissues, such as slipped disc, spinal stenosis (the spinal cord becomes narrower) and sciatica (pain along the sciatic nerve that shoots down the leg from the lower back).

For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor may order other tests, such as:

Disclaimer: All results must be clinically correlated with the patient’s complaints to make a complete and accurate diagnosis. The above information is provided from a purely educational point of view and is in no way a substitute for medical advice by a qualified doctor.

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