What is a Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA)-B27 test?
HLA is a type of protein present on the surface of nucleated cells but is more commonly found on white blood cells. More than 27 types of this antigen have been found. HLA proteins help the immune system to distinguish the body cells from foreign antigens, ie, differentiate between ‘self’ and ‘non-self’.
The presence or absence of such antigens helps in creating a unique HLA pattern for each individual. It also helps in diagnosing the presence or absence of certain autoimmune diseases.
HLA-B27 is a test to look for a specific protein number 27 on body cells. New genetic testing techniques have now classified HLA-B27 into further subtypes, and almost 105 subtypes have been found to date. The incidence of these subtypes causing autoimmune diseases is not yet known.