What is an Estrogen Total test?
An oestrogen total test is a measure of the female sex hormone oestrogen in body. It is found in several forms, such as estrone (E1), estradiol (E2) or estriol (E3). Oestrogen in women, along with other hormones, regulates the menstrual cycle and development of eggs in ovary; maintains pregnancy; prepares breasts for the process of lactation; and promotes the development and maintenance of female secondary sex characteristics, such as widening of hips and enlargement of breasts at puberty. Small amounts of estradiol are also present in males due to the conversion of testosterone, a main male sex hormone. Levels of oestrogen vary through the different stages of menstrual cycle and pregnancy. For example, it is high during the ovulation stage of the menstrual cycle and declines thereafter; during pregnancy, the placenta secretes high amounts of oestrogen, which declines sharply after delivery.