What is Antithrombin III test?
Antithrombin III is a protein present in the blood that helps to control the coagulation (clotting) process. Every time you sustain an injury, your body makes blood clots to stop the bleeding. Antithrombin thins the blood enough to keep a check on clotting and maintain hemostasis (normal functioning of the body). However, a deficiency of antithrombin III dysregulates this clotting process leading to excessive blood clotting. The blood clots thus formed may then clog veins, increasing the risk of conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism.
An antithrombin III test checks for the presence and amount of antithrombin III in the blood sample of a person to look for the reasons for excessive blood clotting.
Deficiency of antithrombin III could be due to two reasons, either enough of it is not being produced in the liver or the produced antithrombin is mostly dysfunctional. An antithrombin III test is useful in detecting both these causes of antithrombin III deficiency.