Dr. Sarita Kapoor
Dr. Sarita Kapoor is a well-known Obstetrics & Gynaecology in East Delhi. Dr. Sarita Kapoor has been a practicing doctor for over 0 years. Dr. Sarita Kapoor is known for excellence in Vaccination/ Immunization, New Born Care, Adolescent Medicine, Growth & Development Evaluation / Management, Bronchial Asthma Treatment, Lower/Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Treatment. Dr. Sarita Kapoor's profile page has the full list of expertise. Kapoor Child & Mother Centre - DrNo:A-112, Vivek Vihar Phase 2, Landmark: Near Business College Vivek Vihar Delhi -
Clinic fee: ₹400.0
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Colporrhaphy in Delhi: cost, hospitals and doctors
How much does Colporrhaphy cost in Delhi?
The cost of Colporrhaphy depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 47250 to Rs. 110000 in Delhi.
- Minimum price for Colporrhaphy in Delhi starts from Rs. 47250
- Average price for Colporrhaphy in Delhi starts from Rs. 68250
- Maximum expenses for Colporrhaphy in Delhi starts from Rs. 110000