Dr. Sheetal Sachdeva
Dr. Sheetal Sachdeva is an esteemed doctor practising Obstetrics & Gynaecology in North West Delhi. She has more than 0 years of experience. Dr. Sheetal Sachdeva is an expert in Cervical Cerclage, In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Caesarean Section (C Section), Mirena (Hormonal Iud), Dysmenorrhea Treatment, Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal). A full list of Dr. Sheetal Sachdeva's expertise can be found on the profile page. Nest Gynae & Ortho Speciality Clinic - 17, DDA Market, Rajdhani Enclave, Landmark: Near Rani Bagh Pitampura Delhi and 1 more clinics ➤ -
Clinic fee: ₹500.0
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Colporrhaphy in Delhi: cost, hospitals and doctors
How much does Colporrhaphy cost in Delhi?
The cost of Colporrhaphy depends upon multiple factors and ranges from Rs. 47250 to Rs. 110000 in Delhi.
- Minimum price for Colporrhaphy in Delhi starts from Rs. 47250
- Average price for Colporrhaphy in Delhi starts from Rs. 68250
- Maximum expenses for Colporrhaphy in Delhi starts from Rs. 110000