There are small tubes in the testicles. These tubes, called seminiferous tubules, contain germ cells that cause hormones – including testosterone, the male sex hormone – to turn into sperm. The germ cells divide and change until they resemble tadpoles with a head and a short tail. The tail pushes the sperm into a tube at the back of the testicle called the epididymis. For about five weeks, the sperm complete their development by traveling through the epididymis. Once out of the epididymis, the sperm move into the vas deferens.
When a man is aroused for sexual activity, sperm are mixed with seminal fluid – a white liquid produced by the seminal vesicles and prostate gland – to form semen. As a result of stimulation, semen, containing up to 500 million sperm, is released from the penis through the urethra (ejaculated).
To increase sperm count and prevent premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction by increasing sperm motility, try long time capsule manufactured by myUpchar Ayurveda.
Read more - (What to eat to increase sperm count?)
How Long Does It Take For New Sperm To Be Produced?
The process of going from a germ cell to a mature sperm cell capable of fertilizing an egg takes about 2.5 months. Your testicles are continuously producing sperm but the full regeneration cycle may take more than two months. You produce sperm every day, but a complete sperm regeneration cycle takes about 64 days. Spermatogenesis is the complete cycle of sperm production and maturation. It supplies your body with a constant supply of sperm that are able to travel through the vagina to an unfertilized egg in the woman's ovary to achieve pregnancy.
Read more - (What happens if we release sperm daily?)
What Is The Rate Of Sperm Production?
The testicles continuously produce new sperm in spermatogenesis. The entire process takes approximately 64 days. During spermatogenesis, your testicles make several million sperm per day – about 1,500 per second. By the end of the full sperm production cycle, up to 8 billion sperm may have been produced.
Read more - (What is semen and how to improve its quality and thickness)