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Sex is a physical need of every person. It is an enjoyable experience, but for this, it is necessary to have sex in the right way. Only by doing this, it can be enjoyed. If a person has sex quickly, then it does not bring relief. Rapid sex can sometimes cause injury. Apart from this, if unprotected intercourse is done, some harm can also occur.

Today in this article you will learn in detail about the injuries and harm caused during sex -

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  1. Common injuries during sex
  2. Serious harm during sex
  3. Takeaway
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You may enjoy sex, but doing it carelessly can also cause injury. This injury may be normal and may heal on its own in a few days. Injuries that happen during sex are as follows -

Vaginal discharge

Sex can cause injuries like vaginal discharge, especially when someone has rough sex. Having rough sex can tear the sensitive tissues inside the vagina and cause bleeding. It can also be painful, but if someone feels pain after sex, then pain reliever ointment can be applied there. After this, one should avoid having sex until the vaginal pain subsides. If there is bleeding from the vagina during sex, then avoid rough sex and use lubricant.

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Flexion of penis

Sex can also cause bending of the male penis. When a man has sex with speed and force, then in this situation penis fracture can occur. There is no bone in the penis, so its twist can be different. In such a situation, popping sound, swelling, and severe pain may occur. In this situation, a checkup should be done by a doctor immediately.

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Hamstring strain

When sex is done by repeatedly pushing in the same motion, tension can arise in the muscles. During sex, there can be a strain on the muscles of the abdomen and back. Apart from this, having sex can also strain the muscles of the thighs. After this, severe pain may be felt in the body, but this pain can be cured in 1 to 2 days.

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Skin rash

Many times couples have sex on the floor or rough surface. When sex is done on the floor, it can cause scratches on the back, buttocks, and legs. This scratching can cause pain and irritation. But this scratch is not serious and heals on its own within a few days. Therefore, if one wants to avoid scratches during sex, one should spread mats, etc. on the floor.

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Side effects like allergies can also be felt after sex. Sex can cause itchy rashes, irritation, and allergies. Allergic symptoms may be seen during sex in people sensitive to lubricants or condoms. Symptoms of allergies that occur during sex can appear in 10 to 30 minutes. Allergy symptoms may last for a few days.

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Although minor injuries are more common during sex, in some cases sex can also cause serious harm. This includes -

Heart attack

Sex is known as aerobic exercise, which is better for heart health. At the same time, if someone has any heart-related disease or is experiencing symptoms like chest paindifficulty in breathing, or irregular heartbeat, then one should avoid having sex. Having sex in these situations can increase the risk of heart attack.

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Back pain

Having vigorous sex for a long time can cause strain on the back muscles. In such a situation, back pain may be felt. Back pain can reduce sex timing or drive. If someone already has back pain, they should avoid having sex during the pain. One should avoid trying different sex positions in case of back pain.

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Burning sensation in the genitals

If you feel a burning sensation in the genitals i.e. vagina or penis during sex, then do not consider it normal. Burning sensation in the genitals can be a harm caused by sex. Let us tell you that the following conditions can be responsible for the burning sensation during sex -

  • Menopause - Dryness in the vagina increases in menopause. Because of this, pain and burning can be felt during sex.
  • Injury or infection - If there is any injury or infection in the vagina or penis, then you may also feel a burning sensation during sex.
  • Not using lubricants - People who do not use lubricants may experience a burning sensation and pain during sex.

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Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection can also be a harm caused by sex. This problem is seen in women. Bacteria usually live outside the vagina. However, during sex, these bacteria can reach the urethra. In this condition, UTI can occur, and a burning sensation can be felt in urine. UTI can sometimes also cause blood in the urine. To avoid UTI, it is necessary to take out the bacteria, for this urinate immediately after sex.

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Sexually transmitted disease

Sexually transmitted disease is also a harm caused by sex. During sex, bacteria, viruses, or other germs of one partner reach the other partner. In this situation, one has to face sexually transmitted diseases. To avoid sexually transmitted diseases, it is important to have safe sex. Using a condom can be the best solution for this.

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Post-orgasmic illness syndrome

Symptoms of post-orgasmic illness syndrome can also be felt after sex. Fever, stuffy nose, sneezingheadache, and itchy eyes can be symptoms of post-orgasmic illness syndrome. These symptoms can start a few seconds after sex or in a few hours. This problem may last for a few days.

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Everyone enjoys sex, be it women or men, but many people have sex very excited. When someone has fast sex, he may have to face some common injuries. Along with this, some people can also suffer serious losses due to sex. If you feel burning, itching, or pain during or after sex, then these conditions should not be ignored at all.

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