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Sex is romantic, fun, or exciting. Both men and women want to enjoy sex. Most couples are satisfied with their sex life. But some start feeling bored with their sex life. According to data from the Journal of Sex Research, 27 percent of women and 41 percent of men are dissatisfied with their sexual relationships. Although everyone likes to have exciting sex, due to fatigue and some physical ailments, sex often becomes boring.

Today in this article you will learn about the reasons for boring sex and tips to make it exciting-

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  1. What is boring sex?
  2. Causes of boring sex
  3. Tips to make boring sex exciting
  4. Takeaway
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When a couple just has sex but does not enjoy it, it is known as boring sex. Due to boring sex, his partner and sometimes he is not able to get sexual satisfaction. At the same time, to maintain better sexual health, sex needs to be exciting.

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If you too are experiencing boring sex with your partner or you have boring sex, then it is not happening intentionally, but there could be some reasons behind it -

Hyperactivity disorder

The problem of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder i.e. ADHD can cause a less satisfactory sex life. If a person has this problem, then his partner is not satisfied with sexual relations. A person with ADHD can be hypersexual. In this situation, he may focus more on porn instead of his partner or may get sexual satisfaction from masturbation. A person who has ADHD may find sex with his partner boring.

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Pain during sex

Both men and women may experience pain during sex, but pain during sex is not uncommon. Most people may feel pain during sex, but those who feel severe pain during sex are not able to have sex properly. In this situation, his partner may face sexual dissatisfaction. He may find his partner boring in terms of sexual relations. Therefore, to make boring sex romantic and exciting, mild pain during sex should be ignored. Otherwise, your partner may not get satisfaction from sex.

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Stress and anxiety

Stress and anxiety can be the main reasons for boring sex. When a person is under stress, he may lose interest in sex. If you remain stressed, sexual satisfaction may decrease in both you and your partner, because when a person is stressed, he is not able to be more active during sexual intercourse. In such a situation, he may feel tired or sleepy and may leave sex before orgasm. In such a situation, to make sex interesting, it is important to reduce stress and anxiety.

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Insomnia i.e. lack of sleep can also be a reason for boring sex. Due to insomnia, a person feels tired and is not able to use his full energy during sex. In this situation, her partner may find sex boring and may become dissatisfied.

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It is important to be satisfied with sexual life, because if a person does not express sexual satisfaction with his partner, then there is a fear of spoiling their relationship. Therefore, if you also have boring sex, you can follow some tips to make it exciting -

Cure the disease

If due to some disease, you are having boring sex with your partner or your partner has boring sex, then it could be due to some medical reasons. In such a situation, treatment is necessary to improve sexual satisfaction.

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Cognitive behavioral therapy

Stress and anxiety can also cause sexual dissatisfaction. Therefore, if you are not able to have proper sexual relations with your partner due to stress, then cognitive behavioral therapy can prove to be effective. Taking this therapy can help reduce stress, depression, and anxiety.

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Talk with partner

If your partner is not able to satisfy you sexually for some reason, then in this situation you must sit and talk with them. In such a situation, you should try to understand their problems. You can also try foreplay with your partner. Sit and talk with them and give importance to oral sex.

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Talk to a mental health expert

If you have been having boring sex for a long time, that is, you are not able to give sexual satisfaction to your partner, then you should meet a sex therapist. In this situation, the doctor can help you to improve sexual satisfaction.

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Everyone wants to make sex interesting, but some people also get troubled by boring sex. The problem of boring sex can occur due to many reasons. Sex can become boring due to stress, insomnia, and medical conditions. If your partner is not able to satisfy you sexually or you are not able to give sexual satisfaction to your partner, then in both these situations you need to take complete care. You should spend time with your partner, reduce stress, and get good sleep.

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