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The act of having sex cannot be reduced with increasing age, because the desires of our mind are not related to age at all. Nowadays, due to unprecedented advancement in medical science, people live longer, healthier, and active lives, hence being sexually active is better for physical and mental well-being. Along with this, let us also tell you that more or less sex has nothing to do with age. Our behavior regarding sex keeps changing at different stages of age. Let us know what are the preferences of people of different ages regarding sex.

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  1. Sex differences according to age in men
  2. Sex differences in women according to age
  3. Sex between the ages of 20 to 35
  4. Sex at the age of 35 to 50
  5. Sex after 50
  6. Stay enthusiastic even in old age
  7. Changes occur in the body in old age
  8. How to have better sex in old age
  9. Sex increases lifespan
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People's way of having sex also changes with age. Fertility begins in adolescents at the age of thirteen and by the age of eighteen, they become fully manhood. After the age of forty, the sexual activity of men gradually starts decreasing. Whereas, after the age of fifty, ejaculation and penis hardness reduces. Despite these physical changes, you can still make your sex life happy by following a completely healthy routine.

(Read More - Till what age can a man be sexually active)

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Symptoms of fertility start appearing in girls by the age of thirteen, but some changes keep happening inside the body throughout their lives. With increasing age, hormonal changes begin to occur rapidly. Due to this many types of problems start occurring while having sex. With increasing age, the lubrication in the vaginal skin of women decreases and the skin also becomes very thin. Menopause occurs in women between the ages of forty and fifty. After this, the reproductive capacity of women is considered to be over.

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This age is special in everyone's life. Boys at this age dream of sex several times a day. At the same time, girls think about having sex in a different way than usual. Girls start thinking about having sex only with other girls. A survey has revealed that about 75 to 76 percent of women aged 20 years experience orgasm.

Youngsters of this age prefer to experiment and adopt new positions during sex. Apart from this, women of this age have a strong desire for sex and want their partner to understand their feelings automatically. Not only this, after marriage many women are also very excited about pregnancy.

By the age of 30, most couples have given birth to children, so their interest in sex decreases a bit. Experts say that about 90 percent of women above the age of thirty have experienced orgasm. After having a child, both men and women start paying full attention to the children.

(Read More - Tips for better sex after 50)

After this age, people's interest in sex gradually starts decreasing. At this age, the thinking of men and women towards sex turns towards emotional and mental connection. At this age, the couple thinks about sexual desires only after connecting at the intellectual and emotional level. Thinking at this age is quite different from that of youth.

At this age, both have a good understanding of sex and the desires of their partner, hence they can satisfy their partner completely. Not only this, women at this age also do not feel any hesitation with their partner.

It is also true that at this age, due to family and household chores, both men and women think less about sex and as the age goes above 40, the desire of both partners to have sex reduces. After the age of forty, many problems related to erectile dysfunction start appearing in men. Because of this also they start staying away from sex.

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After this age, most couples shy away from even talking about sex. They feel that it would not be right for them to think about sex or have sex at this age. They do this because of social pressure. At this age, most couples start thinking about the marriage of their children. Due to this, he starts considering himself old. In such a situation, his entire attention remains on children and family. Apart from this, sexual stamina also reduces after the age of 50. Due to which many people stop thinking about it due to the fear of not being able to have sex properly.

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Even though in our society, sex is considered only as a companion of youth, these are some examples that prove that a man never gets old when it comes to sex. Growing old does not mean that you stop your sexual activities. Even in old age, you can feel as happy with sex as you did in your youth. For this, you just have to keep your mind in sync with the changes in the body. Sex is very important for a human being, no matter what the age. Most men in India suppress their sexual needs due to family problems.

In our country, most of the older people feel shy about sexual activities. They feel that if they still indulge in sexual activities, then they don't know what their married children will think about them. This is the reason that in old age, most women get themselves busy with religious activities, while men become lazy, whereas, in reality, it completely depends on you as to how long you want to keep your sexual activities dynamic. If you are young at heart, you will never have problems when it comes to sex.

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There is no doubt that with age, some changes occur in the body, due to which it becomes difficult to remain sexually active. These changes occur in the bodies of both men and women. During menopause in women, the activity of cells responsible for lubrication decreases. As a result, it takes them longer to get ready for sex.

Due to hormonal changes, people start facing some problems with sex as they get older. After the age of 50, men face the problem of erection (tension in the penis). Due to increasing age, erection is not as normal as before and the speed of ejaculation also decreases. Men become upset due to not having an erection like before and instead of disappointing their wives, they start running away from sex.

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Many changes occur in the body with age. In such a situation, the way of having sex should also be changed. Obviously, in old age, emphasis should not be placed only on physical union. By the age of 40, the brain also stops focusing on sex.

Actually, with increasing age many psychological changes also occur in the body. In such a situation, you can achieve orgasm in some other ways. For this, you can spend time with each other. Touching each other also awakens dormant sexual feelings. Keep in mind that despite increasing age, sexual needs are still present within a person, they just need to be awakened.

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Reading books related to sex in old age

Sex experts and psychiatrists believe that old age is the best time of age when literature related to sex can be useful to you and you can use it properly. By using this you will be ready for sex earlier than expected. Therefore, use sexual literature and do not give up your sexual needs under the pressure of increasing age.

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Use of artificial stimulation pump in old age

To bring tension to the penis, you can take a suction pump. This pump helps you remove the problem of tension. Work is going on to make such medicine for women also. Apart from this, tension can be brought to the penis with the help of a vibrator.

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Eat a healthy diet to remain sexually active as you age

Your bad daily routine in youth affects your sexual life. To reap its benefits from a young age, you should consume a healthy diet regularly. Along with this, exercise should also be done. Apart from this, it would be better to stay away from cigarettes and alcohol.

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Pay attention to sex position in old age

Back paindiabetesarthritisheart disease, and other diseases are common in old age. Apart from all these diseases, bone-related diseases create obstacles to having sex properly. If you have physical problems or deficiency due to these diseases, then instead of giving up sex, you should consider changing the sex position. Find the right sex position for you and your partner and have sex in that position only.

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Physical relationship is also a stage in the relationship of love and marriage. Even though we associate it with physical needs, it has a very positive effect on our age. If you establish physical relations with your partner, you can reduce many calories by this action. By doing this regularly, you can easily extend your life by about ten years. Some studies conducted on sex prove that it boosts your hormone levels. Along with this, the heart and brain function properly, and your immunity also increases.

  • The feeling of satisfaction - Research done on sex has shown that experiencing orgasm while doing it quickly relieves stress. This increases the cells fighting infection. It has also been observed that married couples who are living their lives happily have a longer lifespan than their partners who are under stress. Men and women who experience regular orgasms during sex have a greater ability to fight diseases. Due to this the chances of increasing their lifespan increases.
  • Romantic moments - Spending romantic moments with your partner helps your partner feel comfortable during sex. This increases the amount of oxytocin. This hormone is seen to be associated with orgasm. Lovingly massaging or touching your partner also increases the amount of oxytocin.
  • Have sex only after getting the mood right - You can consider any work good only when you feel happy from inside. If you don't feel like having sex, it is directly related to your lack of acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, and GBA chemicals. All these chemicals make you feel concentrated, alert, confident, and happy.
  • Just as beneficial as exercise - Regular exercise keeps your muscles healthy and also improves blood flow in the body. Due to this, the factors that increase our age work at a slower pace. You get the same benefits from sex as from exercise. It is believed that with increasing age, interest in sex decreases in men and women, but if you look at sex as an exciting moment or bring something new in it, then you will continue to get the benefits of sex regularly.
  • The more it is, the better - Having physical relations once a week not only keeps your body's hormone levels in good condition but also keeps your heart and brain under control. A man who has sex three or more times a week has half the risk of heart problems. By doing this, the chemical reactions taking place inside the body relieve the stress rapidly and you feel better than before.

All these reasons show that by having sex, aging can be controlled to a great extent. Doing every work correctly, safely, and within certain limits gives benefits.

(Read More - Is sex good for heart health)

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