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Whenever safe sex is talked about, the first thing that comes to mind is a condom. Apart from safe sex, condoms are also used to avoid pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. However, apart from condoms, dental dams can be used for oral sex.

Dental dams can be considered safe oral sex. It is also called an oral condom. The only difference between a condom and a dental dam is that a condom is used from the vagina to the penis during sex. Whereas dental dams are used for oral sex.

In this article we will learn in detail about the meaning, uses, and benefits of dental dam -

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  1. What is a dental dam?
  2. Dental dam usage
  3. Benefits of a dental dam
  4. How to use dental dams?
  5. Takeaway
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Dental dam i.e. oral condom is made of polyurethane stretch material, which is used during oral sex to prevent sexual diseases and infections. During oral sex, the mouth, tongue, and lips are used around the vagina, penis, and genital area, but there is a risk of sexually transmitted diseases due to this. To prevent this, dental dams are used. Dental dams come in different colors and are square or rectangular. Like condoms, it is available in both scented and unscented forms.

(Read More - When to use a condom)

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A dental dam looks like a very thin and flexible piece of latex that is easy to use. According to sex experts, every person must use a dental dam before oral sex. Know the process of using dental dam -

  • Easily open the packet of the dental dam and take it out of the packet.
  • Now place the square-shaped dental dam over your partner's vagina or anus, so that it creates a barrier over the mouth and genitalia and prevents the vagina from coming in direct contact with the mouth.
  • Keep the dental dam in place instead of pulling or applying excessive pressure to the skin.
  • Often, due to wetness or moisture inside the vagina, the dental dam sits in the right place on its own.
  • Shear Glide Dams are considered to be the most popular and widely used dental dam brand.
  • However, other dental dam brands protect against sexually transmitted infections.
  • Keep in mind that the dental dam you are using should be made of latex.
  • Like condoms, dental dams should also be thrown in the dustbin after one use.

(Read More - How many types of condoms)

Even today, most people hesitate to use dental dams due to a lack of adequate information about them. You will be surprised that a thin and flexible dental dam helps you have safe sex and avoid sexual infections. Know about the benefits of dental dam -

  • A dental dam acts as a barrier, preventing body fluids from entering the mouth and throat, which helps prevent sexually transmitted diseases.
  • The use of dental dams helps avoid infectious diseases like herpesHIVchlamydiagonorrhea, and syphilis.
  • Like condoms, dental dams can also be used for safe sex.
  • By using a dental dam, you can have oral sex easily and without any worries, which gives you complete pleasure.
  • Being made of latex, a dental dam gives a special kind of pleasure when placed on the tongue during oral sex.
  • Due to dental damage, the level of excitement and pleasure in your partner also increases while having oral sex.
  • Oral sex is said to be less risky than vaginal sex, hence the use of dental dams is considered very beneficial for this type of sex.

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For those who are using dental dams for the first time or those who do not know about them, it is very important to know some tips related to the use of dental dams. As -

  • Before using a dental dam, use a water-based lubricant on it. Using petroleum jelly, lotion can be effective for you.
  • To avoid irritation and itching in the genitals or vagina, use lotion and oil between dental dams.
  • Use a dental dam only once and use a new dental dam the next time you have oral sex.
  • Keep checking the expiry date of the dental dam. Do not keep it in a cold and dry place.
  • Before applying the dental dam directly on the vagina or anus, try applying it on another part of the body so that you can get an idea of the allergy caused by latex.
  • If a denture cracks or shrinks during oral sex, immediately throw it in the dustbin and use a new dental dam.

(Read More - Long lasting condoms)

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Dental dams are a simple and beneficial option for people who engage in oral sex, which helps them have a safe and pleasurable sex experience. A new dental dam should be used every time and lotion or oil should be applied before applying it. If you have irritation in the genital area or are allergic to latex, avoid using dental dams. If you are going to use it for the first time, then definitely consult a doctor once.

(Read More - Side effects of using expired condom)

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