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Anyone can become a victim of stress. It is normal to feel stressed occasionally, but when a person remains stressed for a long time, it starts affecting his entire daily routine. In this condition, the person does not sleep and feels tired and weak. Not only this, stress can also cause low sex drive. Yes, sex drive can be seriously affected by daily stress.

Today in this article you will learn in detail about the reasons for low sex drive under stress -

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  1. How does stress affect sex drive?
  2. Ways to overcome stress and low sex drive
  3. Takeaway
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When a person faces stress, his body feels more tired. Apart from this, due to stress, heartbeat and blood pressure also start changing. In such a situation, there is a desire to have sex. The reasons why sex drive is affected by stress are as follows -

Physical effect

Stress can affect a person not only mentally but also physically. When under stress, more stress hormones start getting released. When stress hormones called cortisol and epinephrine are released in excess, the sex drive begins to decrease. In this way, stress can reduce sex drive by affecting physical health.

(Read More - Low Libido in Men)

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Psychological effects

When a person remains under stress for a long time, it affects his mental health the most. His mood may change when he is under stress. Being under stress can lead to anxiety and depression. The person may feel irritable. In this situation, his sexual interest starts decreasing.

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Lifestyle effects

When people are under stress, their entire lifestyle is affected. When a person is under stress, he often starts adopting bad habits. When under stress, many people start smoking and drinking alcohol, etc. Along with this, when under stress, a person may feel more tired, weak, and irritable. In this way, stress spoils the lifestyle and reduces sexual desire.

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If someone is under stress for a long time and due to this sexual desire is decreasing, then there is a need to reduce the stress. These measures can be tried to reduce stress -

Try aromatherapy

Aromatherapy can help in reducing stress. With the help of aromatherapy, stress can be reduced and sex life can be improved.

(Read More - 7 Best homeopathic medicines for low libido)

Consider the relationship

Many times there is stress due to the relationship not working properly. In such a situation, if sexual interest is decreasing due to stress, then in this situation the person needs to pay attention to his relationship. If there is any kind of fight or discord in the relationship, then it is necessary to resolve it.

(Read More - How to increase libido)

Exercise with partner

Doing exercise, yoga, and pranayam can help in reducing stress. Doing this with your partner can be more beneficial. With this, both partners will do the exercise with full enjoyment and their relationship will also improve. In this way, stress will be reduced and sexual health will start improving.

(Read More - Low sex time treatment)

Cognitive behavioral therapy

The help of cognitive behavioral therapy can also help in reducing stress. In this therapy, doctors or psychiatrists help the person in reducing his stress. Cognitive behavioral therapy is considered effective in reducing stress. In such a situation, sexual desire may also increase.

(Read More - Foods that lower sex drive)

It is natural to have fluctuations in sexual desire. But if sexual life is being badly affected due to stress, then in this situation there is a need to reduce the stress. Being under stress for a long time can reduce sex drive and spoil sex life. In such a situation, sex drive can be increased by reducing stress.

(Read More - 7 Natural sex booster supplements)

Dr. Hakeem Basit khan

Dr. Hakeem Basit khan

15 Years of Experience

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

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Dr. Nizamuddin

Dr. Nizamuddin

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Dr. Tahir

Dr. Tahir

20 Years of Experience

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