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Some of you might have given a love bite to your partner or your partner might have given you a love bite at some point or you might have done so in your teenage years. Although you may now think this is a bit immature, some people find it sexy and fun.

If you have not experienced it yet and want to know how to give love bites to someone, then you are reading the right article because this article talks about the right way to give love bites to those people. Will help those who have never given love bite to anyone or who do not know much about it.

But first let us take a quick look at love bite and know what is love bite, why do you need to care about it? And if you have been given a love bite by your partner, then how to get rid of the love bite marks?

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  1. What is love bite?
  2. Is it safe to do love bites?
  3. Get rid of love bite marks
  4. How to do love bite?

Love bites, also known as "hickeys", are marks left on the skin caused by blood oozing and pooling from ruptured blood vessels (capillaries). This mark is made by placing the mouth on the soft spot of the skin and sucking it forcefully for a long time. The color of this mark is usually dark red, brown, or purple, like a blood clot.

Love bites are generally considered a mark of deep love, pride, possession, and trust. This is often done with an excess of passion and excitement under a deep desire for the other partner. Giving a love bite implies a sense of possessiveness and shows that the person to whom you are giving the bite is your everything.

A love bite is not only for boys or only girls, anyone can give a love bite just like a kiss. This is another way of showing your love for your partner. Love bites are mostly known as a boy's thing, but this is not true, girls can give love bites even better than a boy because a boy can bear the pain of the bite for a longer time.

Love bites are a possessive mark, so most people place them on the neck where they look best. Love bite marks are caused by the bursting of blood vessels due to the pressure of the lips. It is easy to do this on sensitive places like the neck, nose, lips, cheeks, thighs, and stomach.

Any part of the body can be used for a love bite, but it should not be a bony area like the elbow or fingers. Love bite marks appear more quickly on the sensitive area. But it is better to ask your partner about the place where he or she would like to receive it.

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You probably don't want to do something that will cause problems for you later. Therefore, it is better to understand the side effects of love bites before knowing how to do it. A love bite is a sexual mark that some people may find inappropriate in certain social, professional, or family settings.

Love bites may seem quite common and harmless, but sometimes their side effects can be very bad. Love bites are the most common sex injury. While they can be proof that you had a sexy time, sometimes the negative sides of a love bite can outweigh its positive sides.

If your partner has oral herpes and loves to bite you while one of their cold sores is active, they can pass the virus to you through skin-to-skin contact. Of course, a person who has oral herpes should not engage in any type of sexual contact if they want to keep their partner healthy. But sometimes in the heat of the moment, people forget and make mistakes but don't let that happen.

Love bites can cause stroke. According to a medical case, a 35-year-old woman experienced a sudden onset of weakness on the right side of the neck 12 hours after a love bite due to her left middle cerebral artery stroke. Obstruction of the left internal carotid artery (ICA) by duplex ultrasonography and a wall-like thrombus at the same location by CT angiography.

This case report suggests that love bites on the neck may be a rare cause of stroke. There have been previous reports of people suffering strokes after receiving love bites. The love bite that caused the stroke may have caused pressure on one of the carotid arteries.

The carotid arteries are pairs of blood vessels that run down either side of your neck and supply blood to your brain. These arteries are very close to the skin in your neck, which is why you can feel them there or sometimes see a pulse. Due to this, they may be more likely to get injured due to any kind of trauma or injury.

Rarely, such pressure on the carotid can cause the artery walls to burst or damage the walls in other ways, leading to the formation of blood clots. Strokes can occur when these clots become large enough to block blood flow to the brain. Several medical conditions may make people more susceptible to blood clots or blood vessel damage.

Let us tell you again that it is very rare for a love bite to cause a stroke and the risk of anyone love bite proving fatal is very low. Giving or receiving a love bite is a personal decision and should be made after considering both the risks and benefits associated with neck giving.

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Love bites are usually not painful or dangerous to the recipient and different people have different experiences. Some people feel proud and love marks, while others often do not like them and need to hide or remove love bites. Although love bites cannot be removed instantly, there are some methods and tips that help speed up the healing process -

  • Place a cold spoon on the mark and press. A cold spoon will help in reducing swelling. This has the same effect as applying ice. It reduces bruising and bleeding by shrinking the blood vessels.
  • Apply aloe vera on the love bite mark. This will speed up the healing process. The anti-inflammatory properties of aloe vera can also reduce skin pain and swelling.
  • Immediately press the mark gently. This will slow down the blood flow in that area and stop bleeding, preventing the scar from deepening.

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Because love bites cannot be removed immediately, the next best option is to hide them. Some love bites last a few days while others may last a week or possibly longer and may need to be covered up -

  • The key to hiding love bites is to be creative and consider the environment you are in. For example, wearing a turtleneck to hide love bites during hot summer days may not be comfortable. People who have long hair can take advantage of some hairstyles that can hide love bites.
  • Makeup is an easy and effective way to hide love bites. Concealer, foundation, and powder are all good choices as long as their color matches your skin tone. Using clothing and accessory jewelry can be another option.
  • Closed-neck clothing, scarves, Band-Aids, sleeves, collared shirts, hooded sweatshirts, and necklaces can be used to conceal love bites when appropriate.

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Love bites or hickeys are marks caused by you (or your partner) sucking on the other person's skin. If love bites are your thing, sex and relationship experts offer some tips for how to do them, as follows -

  • Ask for your partner's consent: Like most things, not everyone likes love bites. Even some people who want to get love bites refuse to get one for certain reasons, such as they don't want anyone to see their scars. This can be embarrassing for them in many situations like you don't want to talk about your relationship or you are a school or college sweetheart, so some people avoid these even if they are willing. So, always ask permission first and also make sure that your partner is aware of love bites and the pain (in some cases).
  • Set the mood through foreplay: Don't pounce straight on the neck, foreplay is not just about sex. Spend some time kissing before giving a love bite, then slowly move your lips to the neck. Begin with light kisses and possibly gentle bites on the neck and earlobes before moving on to create a love bite mark.

Note: If you try to bite your girl or boy like a bedbug without provocation, you may spoil his/her mood.

  • Choose the location of the love bite: Once you have attracted your partner's attention by kissing and foreplay, now it is your turn to choose the location where you want to give the love bite. As we explained above, it can be any part of the body like the neck, lips, or even the nose. If your partner does not want the love bite marks to be visible to other people, then choosing places like thighs is a better option. You can ask your partner for tips on how to give the love bite.
  • Now let's get straight to the point: after determining the spot, place your lips in a circular shape and place it on the desired spot, then suck very hard for about 10-30 seconds. While waiting to see the results of your romantic gesture, you can kiss or caress the spot. If you've done your job correctly, it will only take a few seconds for the spot to turn red.

Depending on what you want, if you are not satisfied with the result you get and want to get a slightly larger size or a darker color, repeat the above action in the same place. End by kissing that spot slowly and bringing passion into your kiss.

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