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Some men have less time to have sex. Due to this problem, it becomes difficult for them to satisfy their partner, and the relationship also gets affected. This problem is called premature ejaculation in medical language. Due to not being able to last long in bed, an inferiority complex starts developing in the man, which can cause stress in the future. Therefore, it is important to find a permanent solution to this problem and we can help you in this work.

Today in this article we are telling some such techniques, which can help in staying in bed for a long time -

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  1. Ways to last longer in bed
  2. Takeaway
Doctors for sexual disorders and issues

The following methods can help in increasing sex time -


Biofeedback is a process of training the brain and this therapy is used for different medical conditions. If it comes to premature ejaculation, then with the help of biofeedback technique, electrical signals are activated in the brain, due to which orgasm can be delayed. If someone wants to learn biofeedback techniques, one should contact a therapist. The doctor monitors the sensations occurring during masturbation and then explains the information and techniques related to it.

(Read More - How long does a man last in bed on average)

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Edging is also included in the solution to last longer in bed. This process is similar to biofeedback, but it is a non-medical method. In this, as soon as ejaculation is about to start during masturbation, it is stopped. By adopting this method, early ejaculation can be prevented. At the same time, with the help of this technique, it can also help in increasing the sexual time and you can enjoy sexual activity with your partner for a longer time.

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Pelvic exercises

According to research, pelvic floor muscles help in supporting both bladder and ejaculation. Pelvic exercise helps strengthen the muscles and can also increase the ability to delay orgasm.

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Foreplay is also included in the solution to last longer in bed. Foreplay i.e. kissing, hugging, or touching each other can also be beneficial. With the help of this technique, you can remain in sexual activity with your partner for a longer time.

(Read More - Long lasting sex medicine)


If you want to make your sexual activity long-lasting, then definitely talk to each other. The meaning of talking here is that there should be good communication between both partners. There should be open talk about technology related to sexual pleasure. Doing this is considered helpful in bringing the partner closer as well as helping in longer sexual activity.

(Read More - Long lasting condoms)


Using desensitizing creams and gels can help reduce the sensitivity of the penis. Keep in mind that the partner's tissues may also become insensitive due to this cream. Therefore, make sure to use a condom before intercourse. Apart from this, it is also important to know that local anesthetics are used in such gels and creams. Therefore, do a patch test before using them.

(Read More - 4 Best Ayurvedic Oil for Premature Ejaculation)


Anxiety may be the reason behind not feeling interested in sexual activity or devoting less time. Therefore, if such a situation exists, then one should meet a therapy expert. The therapist will understand the health condition of the patient and advise him to improve his sex life.

(Read More - Yoga for Premature Ejaculation)

Sex-related problems can happen to anyone in today's lifestyle. If you too have such a problem or are looking for a solution to stay longer in bed, then we hope that the techniques mentioned in this article can be beneficial. If these measures do not help, contact your doctor.

(Read More - Benefits of Nutmeg For Sex)

Dr. Hakeem Basit khan

Dr. Hakeem Basit khan

15 Years of Experience

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

Dr. Zeeshan Khan

9 Years of Experience

Dr. Nizamuddin

Dr. Nizamuddin

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Dr. Tahir

Dr. Tahir

20 Years of Experience

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