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Being afraid of having sex is called genophobia in scientific language. It is also called coitophobia. There is a sexual problem, in which the person starts to fear having sex or other sexual activities. This problem can prove to be harmful to a healthy and romantic relationship. Due to genophobia, not only there is a lack of sweetness in love relationships, but it can lead to severe mental depression if it lasts for a long time.

Today, in this article, you will know in detail about the symptoms, causes, and treatment of fear of sex -

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  1. Symptoms of genophobia
  2. Causes of genophobia
  3. Treatment of genophobia
  4. Takeaway
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Phobia means reacting to something by not liking it. In the case of genophobia, such physical and psychological reactions can be faced even before the start of sex, which is not normal and which hinders sex. These reactions can be something like this -

  • Feeling of fear, anxiety, and nervousness when coming in contact with the partner.
  • Understanding that fear is abnormal, yet being unable to reduce it.
  • Worsening of symptoms if sexual activity is not stopped.
  • Avoiding the situation that causes the xenophobic reaction.
  • Nauseadizzinessshortness of breath, increased heartbeat, or excessive sweating during sexual activity.

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Like all phobias, genophobia can also arise after severe trauma. Sexual assault is the most common trigger of genophobia, but cultural upbringing and religious teachings can also increase the risk of this fear. Come, let's know what could be the other big reasons for being afraid of sex -

Body image issues

Genophobia can sometimes arise due to insecurities related to the body, in which case the person becomes very sensitive about his looks and cannot be comfortable in front of the partner.

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Rape trauma syndrome

The body and mind of a rape victim may find it difficult to accept spontaneous sex. After rape, individuals have to go through many complex psychological reactions. Although not everyone reacts in the same way, this can lead to genophobia. The road to recovery from rape trauma is highly individual and can take months to years to fully heal.

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Cultural and religious phobias

If a person is a member of a religious or cultural group that dislikes or strongly criticizes sex, they may develop a fear of sex. Following traditional rules and regulations related to sex is not genophobia, but if a person harbors guilt, self-doubt, or fear of breaking old ways about sex, it can lead to genophobia.

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Performance anxiety

Many times people are afraid that they will be unable to please their partner due to not having much experience in sex relations. However, this fear usually subsides with time and may even be self-limiting. The matter is more serious when the concern about sexual performance increases and develops into genophobia.

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Fear of disease

We all know that sex carries the risk of many diseases, including HIV, but safe sex reduces the risk of such diseases, yet some individuals remain in a state of doubt, that sex is unhygienic and dangerous to them. may seem. They mentally consider sex as a risky act and the fear of getting sick makes them homophobic. In addition, some people fear that the process of sex will cause unbearable pain and they fear sex without any experience.

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Medical conditions

Fear of sex after some medical condition is never considered a phobia, such as fear of sex early after delivery. This fear may also be rational because of pain at the stitches or delayed postpartum recovery. While erectile dysfunction and heart problems can lead to fear of sexual activity and constitute a major cause of genophobia, sometimes the fear may develop more than the risk, in which case it may be necessary to avoid sexual activity altogether. The decision is not correct, but there may be a need to visit the doctor.

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Genophobia can be treated by sex experts. Some therapists have advanced training in sexual matters and can also address mental health issues. People suffering from genophobia should visit such doctors. Fighting genophobia is never easy. Many people feel embarrassed and may have trouble sharing such deeply personal fears. Yet treatment for genophobia is usually successful, and you can get over the emotional pain.

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Sex is an important aspect of being human and genophobia can have a devastating effect on this aspect. People who do not get into romantic relationships because of the fear of sex often feel incomplete and lonely. At the same time, genophobia also has a bad effect on romantic relationships, especially when your partner has enough interest in sex. That's why, do not hesitate in the treatment of genophobia and take reliable advice on this subject from a good doctor.

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