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The main goal of sex is orgasm. Orgasm feels good too. If we talk about multiple orgasms, then it means getting 2 or more orgasms at the same time. Getting one orgasm after another is called multiple orgasms. There can be many ways to get multiple orgasms. While multiple orgasms reduce stress and lead to better sleep, there is also the risk of pain and genital injury.

Today in this article you will learn about how to get more orgasms at the same time -

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  1. What are multiple orgasms?
  2. Way of multiple orgasms
  3. How many times can an orgasm happen?
  4. Benefits of multiple orgasms
  5. Side effects of multiple orgasms
  6. Takeaway
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Reaching climax more than once during sex is called multiple orgasms. Multiple orgasms are common among women, but this does not happen with all women. At the same time, everyone feels multiple orgasms differently. For example, some people have multiple orgasms one after the other with little "downtime" in between. Still, women remain agitated from time to time.

At the same time, some women can take some rest after reaching the climax and can reach the climax again after a few minutes. Usually, the second or third orgasm is shorter than the first, but these subsequent orgasms are just as pleasurable.

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If you want to experience multiple orgasms, you can try to achieve it on your own or with a partner. Many people find that it is easier to achieve multiple orgasms with the help of others because when achieving orgasms on your own, it can be difficult to continue stimulation on your own after one orgasm. You can get multiple orgasms in the following ways -

Use a vibrator

If you want to get an orgasm by yourself, then a vibrator can be used for this. This can help in reaching and maintaining the orgasm level. Multiple orgasms can be achieved by using a vibrator in this, but it may take some time. In such a situation, a person needs to have patience.

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Sex with a partner

If you want to achieve multiple orgasms with your partner, this can give you more satisfaction. For this, you can talk to your partner, and understand the condition of their body, because the condition of getting an orgasm can be different for every person.

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Focus on clitoral stimulation

According to a survey, most women need clitoral stimulation to achieve multiple orgasms.

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Build a long-term relationship

If you make physical relations slowly and for a long time, then multiple orgasms can be achieved. A 2016 study suggests that having sex for more than 15 minutes can result in multiple orgasms at the same time.

(Read More - What is foreplay)


Orgasm is not achieved just by having sex. Other methods can also be adapted to achieve orgasm. Orgasm can also be achieved by masturbating. According to a 2018 study, women can achieve faster and more frequent orgasms than masturbation.

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Use sex toys

Multiple orgasms can also be achieved by using sex toys. According to a study, sex toys can help women achieve orgasm more often during one-on-one time.

(Read More - Oral sex benefits)

Come, now let's try to understand through statistics how many times orgasm can be achieved at the same time -

  • Some research states that about 8 to 15 percent of people have experienced multiple orgasms at a time.
  • Along with this, some studies proved that a woman can achieve orgasm maximum 5 times.
  • A 2016 study proved that less than 10 percent of men can achieve multiple orgasms.

(Read More - Low sex time treatment)

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Here we are telling how multiple orgasms can be beneficial -

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Along with the advantages, there are some disadvantages of multiple orgasms as well -

  • Getting multiple orgasms can be a risk of over-stimulation.
  • Multiple orgasms can be unpleasant and painful, as the genitals become hypersensitive.
  • Continued stimulation after orgasm can put you at risk of injury to the genitals.

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Many people want to feel multiple orgasms at once. Multiple orgasms are the condition when satisfaction is achieved several times at a time. Both men and women can achieve multiple orgasms, but if you or your partner cannot achieve more than one orgasm, it is not a problem.

(Read More - Tips to make sex life better)

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