After delivery, most women have the problem of swelling. In this, swelling starts coming near the face, stomach and ankle of women. This problem is also called edema. Many other problems can also arise in your body due to this problem for a long time after delivery. Some women also get swelling in their hands and feet after delivery and near the stitches after cesarean delivery. To ensure that the swelling does not affect your kidney after delivery, you will have to consult a doctor and get complete treatment for this problem. In this problem, you can also adopt measures to remove swelling during pregnancy.

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  1. Is Swelling After Delivery A Common Problem?
  2. Is Swelling After Delivery A Serious Problem?
  3. Causes Of Swelling After Delivery
  4. Treatment Of Swelling After Delivery
  5. Summary

This kind of swelling after delivery is a common thing. At this time the amount of blood in your body increases by about 50 percent, which increases the amount of other fluid in the body. After the birth of the child, this fluid gradually comes out of your body through sweat and urine. At the same time, it also leaks from your blood vessels and spreads in your body, due to which your hands, feet and ankles start swelling.The swelling after delivery gets cured within a week, whereas due to high blood pressure during pregnancy, this problem may take more time to get cured.

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Serious cases of swelling after delivery are very rare. But you have to treat it in time. If this problem lasts for more than a week, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Some symptoms that occur during this time are being told to you below.

  • If you have severe headache, fatigue and blurred vision, then understand that these symptoms point to high blood pressure
  • If you are having swelling or pain in your legs, it indicates blood clotting. 
  • If you are having chest pain and difficulty in breathing along with swelling, then this condition indicates blood clot in your lungs. In rare cases, it also has a serious effect on the heart.

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This problem troubles most women after the delivery of pregnant women. During pregnancy, blood and other fluids are produced 50 percent more in the body of women. This happens for the development of the body of the child growing in your womb. All these fluids are useful for the development of the child's body in the uterus of women. It prepares the joints and tissues of the lower abdominal area for stretching during delivery. Due to this fluid, the weight of women increases by 25 percent during pregnancy. The fluid present in the body during delivery keeps the hands and face of the woman normal even under pressure. Childbirth through operation is also a reason for swelling after delivery. Other reasons for swelling in women after delivery-

  • Hot and humid environment
  • Standing straight for a long time
  • Working too much
  • Eating foods containing high sodium
  • Consuming caffeine in high amounts
  • Taking less amount of potassium in your diet

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The remedies and treatment to remove the swelling immediately after the birth of the child are being told as follows -

  • Healthy diet - Women should consume a healthy diet after delivery. By consuming a healthy diet, you can quickly remove the excess fluid formed in your body. Apart from this, by eating nutritious food, you can also provide energy to the newborn baby. For this, women should include high protein, fresh fruits, vegetables and carbohydrates in their diet. Along with this, you should consume foods that contain high amounts of potassium, such foods work to reduce your swelling. Also keep in mind that you avoid taking processed and sodium-rich foods in this condition. 
  • Drink plenty of water - Let us tell you that to bring out the excess fluids formed in the body, you have to drink plenty of water. By drinking water, the fluid formed in your body during pregnancy will slowly come out along with the water and this will start reducing your swelling
  • Stretch your hands and feet - Relax your hands and feet and stretch them by taking them up alternately for some time. To take your legs up, you will have to lie down, whereas you can easily stretch your hands while sitting or standing. Do this kind of activity for at least thirty minutes a day. This helps blood reach your heart easily and also makes the work of the heart easier. As soon as the blood flow improves, the swelling in your body also gradually reduces. 
  • Exercise - Keep doing light exercises for the functioning of all the parts of the body. With this, the excess fluid formed in your body will start coming out through your sweat. Exercise improves blood circulation and your newborn baby also gets a lot of benefits from this. To know what kind of exercise you should do after childbirth, you will have to take suggestions from your doctor. 
  • Massage - If you do not have much swelling after delivery, then you can easily reduce the swelling by massaging your feet. It works to remove excess fluid formed in the body by correcting blood circulation.
  •  You can also take the help of your partner for a massage. For this, you have to slowly come upwards while massaging from the soles of the feet.
  •  You can use oil made from grape seeds for massage.
  • During this time you should not use essential oils of aromatherapy.
  • Keep the right posture of the body while resting and sitting - At this time you should avoid sitting with legs folded and standing for a long time. While lying down, keep your feet slightly upwards. This allows the blood from your feet to easily go towards the heart. Which reduces swelling.
  • Soak your feet in water for some time - In this remedy, you have to soak or immerse your feet in a mixture of lukewarm water and aromatherapy oil for a short time. This improves blood circulation and blood does not clot in your veins. Using lavender and chamomile oil in this remedy reduces the problems occurring at this time.
  • Herbal tea - Herbal tea reduces the problems occurring after delivery. Let us tell you that tea made from dandelion does not allow the excess fluid formed in the body to remain in the body and expels it quickly, but if you have any bile related problem, then you should stay away from consuming such tea.
  • Cabbage leaves - You can use cauliflower and cabbage leaves in feet and other swollen areas. To use it, first clean the cabbage leaves, but do not use water to clean it. Clean these leaves with a cloth or clean paper. After this, keep these leaves in the fridge, when they cool down, apply these leaves on the swollen area and keep applying them until water starts coming out of them. Keep repeating this process until you get relief.
  • Use of acupuncture - You can use acupuncture therapy in the problem of swelling after delivery. It has been used in China since ancient times. It works to control the energy of the body. Along with this, kidney and blood circulation also gets cured with the acupuncture process.
  • Stay in a cool environment - Stay in a cool environment as much as possible, because swelling increases in the hot environment. The room in which the mother who has recently given birth to a child lives should have proper arrangement for air circulation. 

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Swelling after delivery, also known as postpartum edema, is a common condition in which fluid accumulates in various parts of a woman's body, especially the legs and ankles, causing swelling. The condition is caused by increased blood and fluid volume during pregnancy, hormonal changes, and intravenous (IV) fluids given during delivery. Usually, this swelling can last from a few days to weeks and reduces naturally over time. Rest, keeping the legs elevated, and drinking enough water can help reduce swelling during this time. If the swelling is accompanied by other symptoms such as pain or difficulty breathing, it is important to seek medical advice. 

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