Many changes occur in your body during and after pregnancy. After delivery, your body starts trying to make itself fit and active, and during this time you may experience some physical problems along with handling the child.Lower back or waist pain after delivery is a common complaint. Many factors are responsible for back pain during this period, which are described in this article.

(Read more - Back pain during pregnancy)

  1. How Long Does Back Pain Last After Delivery?
  2. Causes Of Back Pain After Delivery
  3. Home Remedies For Back Pain After Delivery
  4. Summary

It is common to have a little back pain after delivery and it also usually gets cured in a few months like other problems. However, some women experience this pain for a much longer time. Women who have back pain before or during pregnancy are more likely to have persistent back pain after pregnancy, especially if they have persistent severe pain or it started during pregnancy. Being overweight also causes back pain.

(Read more - Diet for back pain)

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  • During pregnancy, your growing uterus stretches and weakens your abdominal muscles, which changes your posture. Also, extra weight means more work for your muscles and increased stress on your joints.
  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy can weaken the joints and ligaments (ligaments - fibrous and flexible tissues that join two bones together) that connect the spine to the pelvic bones. This makes you feel less stable and your back hurts when you walk, stand or sit for long periods of time or when you turn in bed or lift things.
  • These changes don't go away overnight. So until your muscles regain their strength and tone, your back may ache and your joints may become numb.
  • Back pain can also be caused by prolonged labor. In fact, during labor you use muscles that are not normally used. If you have had an epidural, you may feel uncomfortable for a few days after delivery, but it does not cause back pain.
  • Also, new mothers, by not being aware of the correct posture while breastfeeding, inadvertently make their back problems worse. For example, when you are learning to breastfeed, you are more focused on latching on to your baby rather than making sure your neck and upper back muscles are in the right position.
  • The process of taking care of a newborn 24/7 can be completely exhausting and stressful, which can make it difficult to recover from back pain and other pains.(

Read more - Pregnancy Problems)

The severity and intensity of back pain after delivery varies from person to person, and can be mild or severe in some. The best way to cure mild to moderate back pain is to wait until the pain gets better. Let your body heal itself by doing some exercises and other activities. This way, very soon, you will be fit and fine. You can also try the following simple remedies for lower back pain relief:

  • Keep a check on your weight as obesity plays a major role in causing back pain before and after delivery.
  • Do exercise after delivery. Moderate physical activities improve the health of strained muscles and ligaments and help them regain flexibility. 
  • Take adequate rest after delivery. Take extra help from family or friends at this time.
  • Do not lift heavy things during and after pregnancy. Give your body time to recover. 
  • Sit in a proper posture while sitting. Especially during breastfeeding, where women tend to lean towards their baby rather than bringing the baby close to them and sit upright while breastfeeding.
  • Wear comfortable shoes. Use flat slippers instead of high heels for at least a few months after delivery.
  • Do not try to carry the baby on one hip. While traveling, use a front pack (a bag in which the baby fits in the front) to carry your baby.
  • Do not stretch your arms to pick up the baby. Instead, lift gently and get as close to the baby as possible.
  • Always sleep in a comfortable position. Use pillows for support.
  • Do yoga and other exercises and focus on healing the lower back.
  • Following the above simple remedies will help you deal with back pain after delivery easily.

(Read more - best sleeping positions during pregnancy)

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Back pain after delivery is a common problem faced by many new mothers. Physical changes during pregnancy, weight gain, and stress during delivery can all cause back pain. After delivery, proper rest, good posture, and regular light exercise are important to reduce back pain. Adopting the right posture while breastfeeding can also be helpful in reducing back pain. If the pain is severe or persistent, it is necessary to seek medical advice. Massage, hot or cold compresses, and stretching exercises can also provide relief. Overall, self-care and use of the right techniques are important to deal with back pain after delivery.

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