Olive oil is rich in nutrients. Monounsaturated fat, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties are found in it. All these properties present in olive oil make it beneficial for health. In particular, olive oil is known to be good for heart health. Apart from this, olive oil is also considered beneficial for skin and hair, but do you know that olive oil can also prove useful for massaging the genitals? Yes, many people massage the penis with olive oil. Olive oil can increase sexual desire, the penis can get aroused faster for sex. Of course, applying olive oil to the penis has benefits, but there is no scientific evidence in this regard.

Today in this article, you will know what are the benefits of applying olive oil on the penis -

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  1. 5 benefits of applying olive oil on the penis
  2. Side effects of applying olive oil on the penis
  3. How to apply olive oil to the penis?
  4. Takeaway
Doctors for Olive oil benefits and side effects on penis

Olive oil is a thick and greasy substance. Many qualities are found in it, which can prove beneficial for the male gender.

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To get sexual health benefits from olive oil, it can be applied on the penis or massaged with light hands, but at present there is no such scientific evidence available, which can confirm this fact. According to popular belief, the benefits of applying olive oil to the penis are as follows -

Improve sex life

Olive oil can be considered the best oil for the penis. Olive oil contains many types of vitamins, minerals, and fats. In such a situation, applying olive oil to the penis can improve sex life. This can give strength to the weak gender of men.

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myUpchar doctors after many years of research have created myUpchar Ayurveda Urjas Oil by using 100% original and pure herbs of Ayurveda. This ayurvedic oil is recommended by our doctors to lakhs of people for sex problems (premature ejaculation, lack of erection in the penis, lack of libido in men) with good results.
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Strengthen penis

It is believed that if the penis is massaged with olive oil regularly, it can make the penis stronger. Sometimes due to the weakness of the penis, men face difficulty in getting an erection. In such a situation, men are not able to have sex, which affects their sex life and mental health. If anyone finds it difficult to make an erection or cannot have sex for a long time, then applying olive oil to the penis can be beneficial.

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Relieve penis stress

Many times there is more tension in the penis, due to which intercourse becomes difficult. In this case, the penis can be massaged with olive oil. Applying olive oil to the penis can relieve stress and make the penis hard.

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As a lubricant

Olive oil is smooth and thick. In such a situation, many people also use it as a lubricant. In this condition, there may be stiffness in the penis. With this, sexual pleasure can be achieved and it is possible that the female partner does not feel pain during sex.

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Increase sex timing

Applying olive oil to the penis can improve blood flow. This can strengthen the penis, as well as cure the problem of premature ejaculation, but if there is premature ejaculation due to some health problem, then olive oil may not be beneficial in it.

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Applying olive oil on the penis is beneficial, but if it is used as a lubricant, then some disadvantages may have to be faced -

  • Olive oil contains latex, due to which applying on a condom can cause the condom to burst. In such a situation, the risk of infection and unwanted pregnancy can increase.
  • Olive oil can clog the pores of the penis. In this situation, there may be a burning sensation on the penis. Also, the infection can occur inside the vagina and anus.
  • Olive oil is not soluble in water. In this case, it may take more time to remove it from the penis.

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We have already come to know about the benefits of applying olive oil on the penis, now let us also know the method of applying it on the penis -

  • First of all, heat the olive oil lightly.
  • Apply it to your penis and massage it with light hands.
  • In this situation, the penis can get excited, but if ejaculation occurs, then stop the massage.

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Olive oil is beneficial for health as well as skin and hair, but it can also help in solving genital problems. Olive oil can cure many problems of the male penis. For this, the penis can be massaged with olive oil. Penis massage should always be done with light hands. On the other hand, if someone has any problem related to sexual health or the penis is not able to get excited, then use olive oil only on the advice of the doctor.

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Dr. Ashok kesarwani

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