In today's time, due to our busy lifestyle and wrong eating habits, many stomach related problems start occurring, such as gas, indigestion, stomach ache etc. Apart from all this, another problem that every person has to face every morning is the stomach not being clean. Some people take the help of powder to clean the stomach, but sometimes there is no cure for it.

But today we are going to tell you some of the best ways to clean the stomach, by using which believe me, your stomach will be cleaned well every day and the whole day will be spent happily. So let us tell you, ways to keep the stomach clean -

  1. How To Clean The Stomach?
  2. Summary
Doctors for How to Clean Your Stomach: Simple Home Remedies That Work

Benefits Of Peppermint To Clean The Stomach

Peppermint helps in curing the symptoms related to indigestion and cleans the stomach. You can either drink tea from mint leaves or grind them and make chutney and eat it. You can also add mint to your food.

(Read more - Yoga to Cleanse Stomach)

Peppermint Essential Oil
₹1  ₹429  99% OFF

Benefits Of Fennel Seeds For Bowel Movement

Take fennel and white cumin powder and roast them on a pan. Take half a teaspoon of this mixture throughout the day. You can take the mixture of fennel and white cumin powder every three to four hours.

Benefits Of Honey And Lemon For Bowel Movement

To keep the stomach clean, mix one teaspoon of honey, one teaspoon of lemon juice and one teaspoon of ginger juice together. Then drink this mixture. To fight indigestion, you must take this mixture two to three times throughout the day.

(Read more - Nourish Your Gut: Foods For Better Digestion)

Benefits Of Hot Water For Bowel Movement

Hot water cleanses the stomach, increases metabolism and clears all the toxins. Warm water clears impurities from the digestive system and also relieves stomach pain. Along with this, it also helps in cleaning the stomach. Apart from this, drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily, this will keep your body hydrated and will also make bowel movement easier.

Benefits Of Isabgol To Clean The Stomach

You must have heard about Isabgol husk. If you have not heard, then know that it is a very good remedy to clean the stomach. Add two teaspoons of this husk to a cup of milk every day and drink it every night before sleeping.

(Read more -Top Juices to Relieve Acidity)

Benefits Of Caraway Seeds For Stomach Problem

To clean the stomach, take a glass of water and put a teaspoon of cumin in it. Then put the mixture to boil and after boiling, drink the mixture hot. Drink this mixture two to three times a day for five to six days. Black cumin also helps in curing acidity and it will also clean the stomach well.

Benefits Of Ginger For Bowel Movement

A mixture of ginger, mint and chamomile is very good for digestion. All you have to do is boil this mixture in hot water for ten minutes, then filter it and drink it after filtering. Drink this mixture twice a day. Usually drink it after eating.

(Read more - How to Relieve Gas Pain)

Benefits Of Lemon To Clean Stomach

You can consume lemon juice by adding it to your vegetable or in the morning breakfast omelet. The enzymes present in lemon remove toxins from the digestive system and treat digestion.

Benefits Of Asafoetida To Clean Stomach

The way to clean the stomach is asafoetida powder. Mix one teaspoon of asafoetida powder in a glass of warm water and drink it daily. This will keep your stomach clean and will also prevent other problems.

(Read more - Diet for blood in stool)

Benefits Of Ajwain To Clean Stomach

To clean the stomach instantly, roast the ajwain seeds and put them in a bottle after roasting. Now chew these roasted seeds after eating food. This remedy is very good for gas and indigestion.

Benefits Of Basil Leaves For Regular Bowel Movement

Eating basil leaves every morning on an empty stomach not only increases your immunity but also keeps the digestive system good and thus there is no problem in defecation.

(Read more - Gastroenterostomy - Surgery - myUpchar)

Benefits Of Aloe Vera For Clearing The Stomach

Take aloe vera leaves every morning and extract the gel from it. After extracting, prepare its juice. Then drink the juice. By drinking this juice daily, you will not have constipation in your stomach and the stomach will always remain clean.

Aloe Vera Juice
₹1  ₹299  99% OFF

Benefits Of Dried Plums For Clearing The Stomach

Just four to five prunes daily changes your digestive system and increases the level of antioxidants. Prunes produce fluid in the intestinal system, which makes it easier to defecate.

(Read more -Health Benefits of Fennel Tea)

Benefits Of Apple To Clean The Stomach

If you ever have constipation problems, the fiber present in apples will help you. Apples also contain pectin which works well in the whole body and removes all impurities and toxins. Your stomach will always be clean with apples.

Benefits Of Probiotics To Clear The Stomach

Are you currently taking antibiotics? Or did you ever take them before? Because antibiotics affect your stomach. Antibiotics affect the intestines and create a barrier between the good acids of the stomach. Due to which our food is not digested. If you feel that your stomach is not getting cleared, then you can take probiotics in high quantities. Probiotics warm the stomach and create good bacteria.

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Probiotics Capsules
₹499  ₹770  35% OFF

Regular Bowel Movements Are Necessary To Clear The Stomach

The process of bowel movement is different for all people. The bowel movement process that is normal for one person may not be normal for someone else. You may have bowel movement two to three times a day or even just once. Apart from this, you all know that digestion starts from the mouth to the stomach and ends with the stool. 

If the stool is more like diarrhea, then it is called diarrhea. If it is very solid and dry, then it means you are constipated. Symptoms of constipation include not having a bowel movement for more than three days and having a bowel movement that is very solid and painful.

(Read more - Home remedies for piles)

Natural remedies can be very effective for clearing the stomach. First of all, it is very important to drink enough water, as it keeps the digestive system active and softens the stool. Fiber-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, help in digestion and keep the stomach clean. Drinking lemon water, honey in warm water and Triphala powder is also helpful in keeping the stomach clean. Apart from this, regular exercise speeds up the intestinal activity, which keeps the stomach clean. Proper routine and diet can be helpful in cleaning the stomach.

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

12 Years of Experience

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

4 Years of Experience

Dr Prashant Kumar

Dr Prashant Kumar

2 Years of Experience

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