Blood is one of the most crucial tissues of the human body. The network of blood vessels connects the whole body, making it work as a single unit. Not only is it responsible for transferring essential nutrients and minerals throughout the body but also it also aids in the elimination of wastes. WBCs and antibodies present in the blood protect the body from various infections and diseases. Some other functions of blood include:

  • Taking oxygen from the lungs and providing it to various parts of the body.
  • Maintaining the body temperature and electrolyte balance.
  • Transporting hormones to the target organs.

Additionally, blood platelets clot the blood and make sure that you don’t bleed out after an injury.

Lifestyle, environment and dietary influences may lead to the accumulation of certain toxic substances in the blood. These could be free radicals, heavy metals or infectious bacteria. It could also include waste products that collect in the blood due to the malfunctioning of body organs, particularly lungs, liver and kidney.

These three organs are primarily responsible for purifying and cleansing blood. While liver detoxifies blood by removing harmful chemical compounds and making them pass out with urine, kidneys filter the blood and remove excess waste. Lungs, on the other hand, aid in keeping the blood oxygenated and removing harmful gasses from the bloodstream.

Apart from this, the spleen is responsible for filtering dead RBCs and providing white blood cells to fight infections.

While certain herbs and food sources may be beneficial in improving the functions of these organs along with providing antioxidant and antimicrobial components to fight infections, a  dietary path isn’t enough for blood purification in the long term. Several exercises, yoga postures and pranayama have also been known to be excellent alternate therapies as they help in promoting overall body function.

In the course of this article, we’ll explore various ways, foods, methods, techniques and holistic approaches to help purify the blood.

  1. Water purifies blood
  2. Green tea for blood purification
  3. Foods to purify blood naturally
  4. Herbs and spices to purify blood
  5. Yoga and breathing exercises for blood purification
  6. Takeaway

Water is probably the first thing that comes to mind when mentioning any kind of cleansing and detoxifying procedures.

About 75% of our body is made of water. So, replacing this liquid frequently would aid in cleansing away of the toxins and harmful substances from the blood.

Consuming 8-10 glasses of water per day can not only keep you hydrated but also reduces the risk of kidney diseases.

(Read more: Benefits of drinking water in the morning)

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Green tea is probably the most sought-after beverage for its detoxifying and diuretic properties. Animal studies suggest that green tea consumption can reduce the loss of potassium by improving diuresis. This means that regular consumption of green tea may help in flushing out the toxins without hampering the electrolyte balance of the body.

It has various biologically active chemicals and antioxidants, which inhibit liver and kidney damage while simultaneously improving organ functions.

Various varieties of green tea are commercially available in the market. Taking a cup of green tea each day goes a long way in blood purification.

Several food items are known to be effective in the purification of the blood in a number of ways, which are:

  • Strengthening the natural detoxifying organs of the body. These include antioxidant foods that prevent free radical accumulation, thus, reducing oxidative stress and improving normal body functions.
  • Providing antimicrobial substances that help in clearing off the microbial load of the blood.
  • Diuretics help in flushing out excess salts and chemicals from the blood.

Let us discuss the properties and actions of a few of these foods.

Walnuts as blood purifiers

Walnuts have been found to reduce the accumulation of fats in the liver by interfering with lipid metabolism. It also decreases the apoptosis (cell death) of liver cells. As an anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, walnuts help in reducing inflammation in various body organs while improving their functions.

(Read more: Inflammatory disease causes)

In addition, they are also counted as antiproliferative, which means that they prevent the proliferation of certain cancer lines.

Animal studies further suggest that walnuts can inhibit the growth of kidney cancer.

Munch on a few walnuts to enjoy the many benefits it provides for your health.

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Amla for blood purification

Amla is a sweet and sour fruit which has numerous beneficial properties. It is an excellent anti-inflammatory, which means it can reduce inflammation caused due to various diseases. It also reduces liver toxicity caused by drugs and chemicals along with improving fat metabolism. Additionally, amla is an effective antioxidant. It scavenges free radicals and improves organ function. Amla is a rich source of antimicrobial compounds, which can clear infectious bacteria from the blood.

To reap these benefits, amla can be either consumed raw or it can be taken in the form of amla juice or chutney.

(Read more: Amla murabba benefits)

Broccoli as a blood purifier

Broccoli is probably one of the top foods for promoting liver health.

In vivo (animal-based) studies indicate that broccoli can reduce triglyceride levels in the liver. These are some of the harmful fats responsible for a fatty liver. A significant reduction in liver enzymes was also noted, thus confirming a healed liver tissue. Additionally, it was also reported to inhibit the development of liver cancer cells.

In another study, broccoli consumption was associated with reduced oxidative stress and improved liver and kidney function.

Additionally, cruciferous vegetables reduce the risk of lung cancer and it has been proposed to have a positive effect in reducing lung inflammation.

What more? Broccoli can easily be consumed raw (in salads) or it can be cooked in various healthy recipes.

Coffee for blood purification

Coffee is believed to be a magical brew for liver health.

Studies indicate that people who consume 2 cups of coffee per day have a lower risk of developing liver diseases such as fibrosis and cirrhosis along with a lesser chance of liver cancer.

A damaged liver is known to produce higher levels of certain enzymes like alanine aminotransferase and alkaline phosphatase. Regular consumption of coffee has been associated with significantly lower levels of these enzymes, thus, contributing to improved liver health. While coffee consumption is believed to be bad for kidneys, the evidence is controversial.

It is best to take enough water along with a regular coffee intake.

(Read more: How much water to drink in a day)

Beetroot for purifying blood

Beetroot is one of the most common fruits known for its hepatoprotective properties (protects the liver). Studies suggest that it contains several antioxidant compounds, which are effective in reducing liver damage and in improving liver function.

In an animal-based study, beetroot juice was found to improve liver injuries in a dose-dependent manner. Furthermore, it has also been found to possess a wide range of antimicrobial activities.

Beetroot juice can be easily made at home by blending beetroots with some carrots, lemon, and ginger. It is better not to put in too much sugar or additives as it might cause the liver to accumulate an excess of fat.

(Read more: Fatty liver symptoms)

Most of the ayurvedic herbs have a direct or indirect benefit in liver purification and detoxification. Herbs like parsley, neem, hibiscus and giloy are well known for their blood cleansing properties. They can be consumed as a tea or an infusion once or twice a day. This not only improves blood quality but some herbs have additional health benefits as well. Here are a few herbs that could be easily added to your daily regime:

Neem benefits in blood purification

Even if you aren’t a big fan of alternative medicine, you might be aware of the medicinal miracle of neem. Neem is well known in Ayurveda for its blood purifying properties. It clears the toxins and microbes present in the blood. It also reduces oxidative damage which otherwise causes the accumulation of dead RBCs in the blood affecting the normal detoxifying functions of the body.

Neem can be taken in the form of tablets but powdered neem leaves are easily available in the market. This can be taken with water as per your doctor’s recommendation.

Ginger is a blood purifier

Apart from the antioxidant properties, ginger promotes diuresis. That means, it aids in the flushing of extra toxins from the tissues. What better way to cleanse your blood than a yummy sip of ginger tea?

Ginger tea can be made by boiling a tiny piece of ginger in a cup full of water. You can also add some honey and lemon to the tea to enhance its diuretic and antimicrobial properties.

Turmeric benefits for blood purification

Turmeric is one of the top spices that are known for their blood purifying properties. It is traditionally used for the treatment of liver and kidney disorders. As a warming herb, turmeric is very helpful in alleviating congestion, which might otherwise hamper lung function affecting the oxygenation of the blood. It is also known to be a potent anti-microbial agent.

(Read more; Chest congestion symptoms)

Turmeric powder is commonly added in most Indian recipes. Golden milk or turmeric milk is a good way to include turmeric in the diet.

Basil purifies blood

Basil is one of the most important medicinal herbs with numerous benefits for every system of the body. It is an excellent detoxifying agent. This means that it effectively clears away heavy metals, toxins and drugs from the tissues. It also scavenges free radicals and reduces oxidative stress. It has several protective functions for the liver and kidneys and is known to possess potent antimicrobial activities.

Basil tea can be easily made at home by infusing a few basil leaves in a cup of boiling water. You can also add honey and ginger to this tea which apart from adding flavour, would also improve its detoxifying properties.

Yoga and pranayama are ancient Indian practices which are believed to balance the energy centres in the body and regulate the flow of chi or prana. A regulated prana is, in fact, considered as the basic features of a healthy body. With the rise in awareness, there has been an increasing trend of yoga practices all over the world. It doesn’t only purify blood but also leads to an overall development of body functions.

Yoga asanas good for blood purification

Most asanas are beneficial in blood purification in some way. Just like the breathing exercises, they help in regularising the energy flow in the body which, in turn, balances the metabolism and the natural detoxifying and purifying abilities of the body. 

Here are two easy asanas that you can do to aid in blood purification and detoxification naturally:

Trikonasana: Also known as the triangle pose, it is beneficial in improving digestion and strengthening the abdominal muscles. Improved digestion leads to better elimination of waste products from the body, thus, avoiding their accumulation in the blood. You may follow these steps:

  • Stand straight with your feet slightly apart from each other.
  • Raise your arms parallel to the ground, so that they form a 180-degree angle.
  • Exhale slowly and bend to touch the back of your left foot with your left palm.
  • Your right hand should be at 90 degrees to the ground.
  • Look up at the right hand and hold the posture for a few seconds.
  • Keep breathing normally.
  • Get back up as you inhale.
  • Repeat on the other side.
  • The whole cycle can be done a few times.

Ardha ustrasana (half-camel pose): This asana strengthens the back and stomach muscles. It also improves the blood circulation towards the heart. This ensures proper oxygenation of the blood and an improved ability of the body organs to naturally remove excess blood toxins.

  • Sit with your knees bent and your toes crossing over other beneath your buttocks.
  • Raise up on your knees.
  • Put your palms on your waist and bend your neck backwards.
  • Slowly bend your upper body backwards while inhaling.
  • Do not overstrain your back. Exhale slowly and hold the pose for a few seconds.
  • Your thighs should be 90 degrees to the ground and your fingers should be facing downwards.
  • Straighten your back as you inhale.
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Pranayama helps in blood purification

Pranayama refers to breath control practices that are usually followed with or without yoga postures. Several breathing exercises have been mentioned in traditional yoga. These include anulom vilom (alternate breathing), Kapalbhati and Bhastrika. All of these exercises act by improving oxygen supply in the blood and optimizing body functions. This, in turn, leads to quick and natural removal of toxins from the body. Here is how to practice these three exercises:

Anulom vilom: Anulom vilom is one of the simplest breathing practices in pranayama. It is performed by breathing alternatively through the nostrils. A calmer and undisturbed environment is preferable for most yogic practices. Though not always necessary, it may help you to be more aware of your breath, which is one of the goals of this exercise.

  • Sit in a comfortable position, it is best that you wear loose clothes.
  • Breath in and out slowly, once with your eyes open and then with your eyes closed.
  • Keep your eyes closed and close your right nostril with your thumb.
  • Breath in slowly through the left nostril.
  • Hold the breath for a few seconds (you can skip this step if you aren’t at ease)
  • Close your left nostril with your finger and release the right nostril.
  • Let the breath flow out slowly through the right nostril.
  • Repeat this 3-5 times.

Usually, the exhalation time should be twice the time taken to inhale, but, it takes some time to get used to.

Kapalbhati: Kapalbahati is a bit harder than anulom vilom and it creates more heat in the body. In fact, the name kapalbhati itself means shining skull. It involves slow inhalations and forceful exhalations. If you are suffering from blood pressure, it is strongly recommended that you avoid this exercise. To perform:

  • Sit in a meditative posture.
  • Take some normal breaths to be aware of your breathing.
  • Inhale slowly and completely, filling your chest cavity.
  • Forcefully exhale out all the air using your abdominal muscles.
  • Repeat 2-3 cycles.

Kapalbhati improves your blood circulation, so, it quickly gets oxygenated and clears off the harmful gases like carbon dioxide. Also, it would lead to flushing out of toxins and waste products faster than normal. Additionally, it clears the nasal sinuses and relieves congestion.

Bhastrika pranayama: Also known as the breath of fire. It involves strong and forceful inhalations and exhalations which take almost an equal amount of time. This helps in balancing all the doshas of your body, along with removing all kinds of toxic substances from the blood (air, fats, phlegm).

  • Sit in a calm and comfortable position.
  • Take some normal breaths and be aware of your breathing.
  • Inhale forcefully and completely while including all the muscles from your chest and abdomen.
  • Exhale forcefully while taking as much time as you did for inhalation.
  • Repeat for 2-3 cycles.

Blood purification can’t just be done by eating certain foods or herbs. It needs an all-around improvement in the body functions, particularly that of the natural purifying, filtering and detoxifying organs like lungs, kidney, spleen and liver. A well-balanced mix of dietary changes along with yoga and pranayama can improve the blood purification process.


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