Peepal tree has great importance in Hinduism. This tree is considered pure and worshipable. The special thing is that the Peepal tree is a good source of oxygen. According to Ayurveda, every part of the Peepal tree i.e. seed, bark, leaf and fruit is full of medicinal properties. Talking about Peepal leaves, they help in curing many health related problems. Due to the medicinal effect of Peepal leaves, relief is found in diseases like asthma, jaundice to diabetes.

Peepal leaves have many health benefits, and Peepal tree is a good source of oxygen as well as full of tannic acid, aspartic acid, flavonoids, steroids, vitamins, methionine, glycine etc.

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It is considered as a sacred tree, because sages used to meditate under the Peepal tree in ancient times. Moreover, Gautam Buddha attained enlightenment under a Peepal tree, thus the Peepal tree is considered as a "Bodhi" or 'Tree of Enlightenment'.This was about the tree, but let us now know about the benefits of Peepal leaves -

  1. Benefits Of Peepal Leaves
  2. Summary

Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Fever

Peepal leaves help in providing relief from fever and cold. Peepal leaves have been used for centuries to get relief from these problems. Below it is being told -

Ingredients -

  • Some Peepal leaves
  • One cup milk
  • Sugar, according to taste

How to use Peepal leaves to reduce fever and cold -

  • Pluck some leaves from the Peepal tree, wash them well in clean water
  • Put a cup of milk to boil, and put these leaves in it
  • Wait till it boils, so that the properties of Peepal leaves can be completely mixed in the milk
  • Add sugar according to taste
  • Drink it after it cools down a bit

How many times to do this remedy -

  • Make sure to drink it twice a day
  • Drink it daily as long as the symptoms persist

(Read more - Benefits of Ajwain Water)

Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Asthma

Peepal leaves can also be used to get relief from asthma. Peepal leaves are used for asthma in the same way as mentioned above for fever and cold. Regular use of this remedy is beneficial for asthma patients -

Ingredients -

  • Peepal leaves
  • One glass of milk
  • One teaspoon of sugar

How to use Peepal leaves to get relief from asthma -

  • Take properly washed Peepal leaves
  • Put them to boil with a glass of milk
  • Add one teaspoon of sugar (you can add sugar as per your requirement, but not more than two teaspoons)
  • Boil just enough so that the medicinal properties of Peepal leaves get mixed in the milk
  • Let it cool down and then drink it

How many times do this remedy -

  • Do this remedy twice a day
  • Asthma patients can keep drinking it regularly

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Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Eyes

Peepal leaves also help in treating eye pain. Peepal milk obtained from Peepal leaves is helpful in providing relief from eye pain.

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Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Teeth

Take a small stick or root from the Peepal tree and use it as a brush. This remedy not only helps in removing stains from the teeth but also helps in killing the bacteria present around the teeth.

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Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Nosebleed

Take some raw Peepal leaves and extract their juice, then put a few drops in the nose. This gives relief in nosebleed (nose bleeding).

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Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Jaundice

Mix some Peepal leaves and sugar candy and prepare juice. Drink this juice 2-3 times a day. It helps in reducing jaundice and its symptoms.

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Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Constipation

Mix the powder of Peepal leaves with equal amounts of fennel powder and jaggery. Consume this mixture with milk before going to bed. This remedy will provide relief from constipation.

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Peepal Leaves Benefits For Heart

According to Dr. Laxmidatta Shukla associated with myUpchar, Peepal leaves are helpful in maintaining heart health. They are a panacea for heart diseases. The method of consuming them is very easy. For this, soak Peepal leaves in water overnight. Now filter this Peepal leaf water in the morning and drink it throughout the day. Drinking it two-three times maintains heart health. It helps in providing relief from fast heartbeat and heart weakness.

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Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Dysentery

Peepal leaves also help in the treatment of dysentery. Dysentery is an infection of the intestines, in which blood and mucus diarrhea occurs. This infection is caused by bacteria or parasites. If this infection is caused by amoeba, then severe bloody diarrhea can also occur along with other problems. To get relief from dysentery, mix Peepal leaves and coriander leaves and add some sugar to it and chew it slowly. This will give immediate relief. This is a home remedy for measles.

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Benefits Of Peepal Leaves For Diabetes

Peepal leaves are helpful in controlling diabetes. The juice of Peepal leaves reduces blood sugar levels. Peepal leaves increase the body's ability to use insulin and glucose starts converting into energy rapidly. Its leaves contain elements that reduce glycemic activity. Mix peepal fruit powder with haritaki fruit powder. It helps in reducing blood sugar levels.

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Peepal leaves are considered highly important in Ayurvedic medicine and have numerous health benefits. These leaves are rich in antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, which help protect the body from infections and inflammation. Peepal leaves are used in the treatment of diseases like heart diseases, diabetes, and asthma. Their consumption improves blood circulation and strengthens the respiratory system. Apart from this, peepal leaf juice is also effective in treating skin problems, such as acne and ringworm. Overall, Peepal leaves are useful as natural medicine and provide a safe and effective solution to various health problems.

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