Gulmohar flower has special importance in Ayurveda. Gulmohar fruits and leaves can be used to make many medicines. The scientific name of Gulmohar is Delonix Regia. Its antibacterial and antidiabetic properties are beneficial in the treatment of many diseases like arthritis and piles. Excessive consumption of Gulmohar flowers can be harmful in asthma. In today's article you will know what are the benefits and disadvantages of Gulmohar tree -

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  1. Benefits Of Gulmohar Tree
  2. Disadvantages Of Gulmohar Tree
  3. Summary
Doctors for Benefits and Side Effects of the Gulmohar Tree: What You Need to Know

Gulmohar tree has been used as an effective medicine not from today, but for many years. Its flowers and leaves can be beneficial in the treatment of many diseases. Medicines made from Gulmohar flowers can be beneficial in the treatment of diseases like diarrhea and herpes. Let us know in detail about the benefits and disadvantages of Gulmohar tree -

Benefits Of Gulmohar Tree For Piles Treatment

Gulmohar can be beneficial in the treatment of piles. In piles, the veins near the anus get swollen, which causes pain and bleeding during defecation. Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, the use of Gulmohar leaves is beneficial in this disease. Grinding yellow Gulmohar leaves with milk and applying it on piles can provide relief.

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Benefits Of Gulmohar Tree For Arthritis Treatment

In arthritis, there is often pain in the joints of the body and due to swelling, there may be difficulty in walking. In such a situation, grinding Gulmohar leaves and applying them on the swollen area or making a decoction of the leaves and steaming it can provide relief from pain and help in getting rid of this problem.

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Benefits Of Gulmohar Tree For Diarrhea Treatment

Gulmohar has antibacterial properties, which can help in curing this type of disease. Diarrhea is of many types, such as acute diarrhea, persistent diarrhea, chronic diarrhea. It is important to treat it in time, otherwise there may be inflammation in the intestines later. Therefore, consuming the powder of Gulmohar bark can provide relief in diarrhea.

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Benefits Of Gulmohar Tree For Herpes

Herpes can happen to anyone, men or women. Herpes is a type of infection, in which small blisters like condition occur on the skin. This can weaken our immunity system. The antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial properties of Gulmohar are helpful in curing this disease.

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Benefits Of Gulmohar Tree For Wounds

Gulmohar can also be helpful in healing wounds. Any kind of injury cuts our skin, which increases the risk of infection. This wound can later turn into a serious form, but the use of Gulmohar can prevent the infection from growing.

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Benefits Of Gulmohar Tree For Menstrual Pain Relief

Drying Gulmohar flower and consuming its powder can provide relief in cramps and other period related problems.

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Benefits Of Gulmohar Tree For Hair Growth

In case of hair fall or scalp problem, making a paste of Gulmohar leaves powder and applying it on the roots of the hair can be beneficial.

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Excessive use of Gulmohar tree leaves, flowers or stem as medicine can be harmful for asthma, heart disease and breast feeding mother, children and the elderly.

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Under Ayurveda, Gulmohar tree has been used as a medicine for centuries. The use of Gulmohar leaves, flowers or bark is beneficial in problems like period problems and hair fall. At the same time, its excessive use can harm children or the elderly and during breastfeeding. Therefore, one must consult a doctor before using it.

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

12 Years of Experience

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

4 Years of Experience

Dr Prashant Kumar

Dr Prashant Kumar

2 Years of Experience

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