Godanti bhasma is an Ayurvedic medicine. In Ayurveda, this medicine is used to cure many types of diseases. Godanti bhasma is effective in curing diseases like painfever, burning sensation and cough. While making Godanti bhasma, about a quarter of its material is destroyed. It is known worldwide as gypsum, which is quite soft. It is a white and crystalline mineral. In this article you will learn in detail about the benefits and disadvantages of Godanti Bhasma -

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  1. Benefits Of Godanti Bhasma
  2. Side Effects Of Godanti Bhasma
  3. Summary
Doctors for Health Benefits of Godanti Bhasma and How to Use It Safely

In Ayurveda, Godanti Bhasma is said to be full of medicinal properties. Godanti has cooling properties. Along with this, Godanti bhasma has anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, which can cure various health problems. The benefits of Godanti Bhasma are as follows -

Benefits Of Godanti Bhasma For Calcium Deficiency

If there is calcium deficiency in the body, then Godanti Bhasma can be used. Godanti Bhasma contains calcium in high quantities. Taking it fulfills the calcium requirement in the body. It can treat problems caused by calcium deficiency such as bone pain and osteoporosis. Godanti Bhasma works as a calcium supplement.

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Benefits Of Godanti Bhasma For White Discharge

Leucorrhoea is a common problem faced by women. It is also called white discharge in common language. This problem can be cured by using Godanti Bhasma. Apart from this, Godanti Bhasma is also beneficial in bleeding disorders.

(Read more - Rajat Bhasma)

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Benefits Of Godanti Bhasma For Peptic Ulcer

Godanti Bhasma is considered beneficial for the stomach. Godanti Bhasma can be used in the treatment of stomach related diseases. It can be beneficial in peptic ulcers. Apart from this, this bhasma can also be effective in indigestion, hyperacidity and diarrhea.

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Benefits Of Godanti Bhasma For Fever

Godanti bhasma can also be used to cure fever. It has antipyretic properties, which can help in reducing body temperature. Godanti bhasma can also prove to be effective in typhoid fever.

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Benefits Of Godanti Bhasma For Antimicrobial Properties

Godanti bhasma is rich in antimicrobial properties. Research has shown that if Godanti bhasma is taken mixed with any other rasa dravya, it can work well against pathogenic bacteria. Godanti bhasma works effectively against bacteria.

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Benefits Of Godanti Bhasma For Migraine

Godanti bhasma can also be useful in the treatment of migraines. Research has also proved that Godanti Bhasma can provide relief from migraine headaches. If someone has a headache, he can consume Godanti Bhasma on the advice of a doctor.

In a research study, participants were given 500 mg Shirshuladi Vajra Rasa, 500 mg Godanti Bhasma and 20 ml Pathyadi Kwath twice a day for four weeks. After the treatment, a significant improvement in migraine symptoms was seen in the participating patients.

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If Godanti Bhasma is used in small quantities, then it is very beneficial. At the same time, consuming Godanti Bhasma for a long time can also harm the body. Therefore, its dose should always be taken on the advice of a doctor. There is little information regarding the harm caused by Godanti Bhasma.

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In Ayurveda, Godanti Bhasma is used as a medicine to cure many problems. It can be beneficial in fever, headache, ulcers and white discharge problems. Apart from this, Godanti Bhasma can also fulfill the deficiency of calcium in the body, but it should always be consumed on the advice of a doctor.

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

12 Years of Experience

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

4 Years of Experience

Dr Prashant Kumar

Dr Prashant Kumar

2 Years of Experience

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