According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 62% of the total expenditure on health in India in 2014 was spent out-of-pocket by the people. India was ranked 182 out of 192 countries in terms of the percentage of out-of-pocket expenditure out of the total health expenditure.
Providing assurance of social security and healthcare to all has been the motto of the Government of India and the government has taken various steps in this regard. Out of pocket (OOP) expenditure accounts for more than two-thirds of health expenditure in India, which is the most inefficient and irresponsible way to spend on health.
The government has not been successful in reducing the OOP expenditure on health through supply-side financing alone; the failure of government machinery forces people to go to private hospitals and bear the expenses.
Therefore, to test the demand-side funding approach, the Government of India launched National Health Insurance for Below Poverty Line (BPL) Families with the objectives of reducing OOP expenditure on health and increasing access to health care. The scheme is called Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana (RSBY) and, in this article, we will discuss it in further detail, including its benefits, beneficiary list, smart card, hospital list and more.
(See health insurance plans: myUpchar Bima Plus)