Emergency health problems can occur at any time and target anyone. Medical emergencies usually happen at a time when you have very little idea of them occurring and, in such a situation, the only question that comes to mind is what to do now?
Therefore, as much should be known about these emergencies as possible, so that when faced with them, you can seek help without delay. Below are some of the cases which are considered medical emergencies:
Bleeding is not a major problem, but continuous bleeding over a long period of time can be a harmful condition. Prolonged bleeding can result in unconsciousness and permanent damage to the affected area. Bleeding is considered a medical emergency in the following situations:
- Non-stop bleeding even after first aid
- To penetrate the skin (such as a nail, etc.)
- Bone or tissue visible from inside the wound
Heart attack
In this, the blood supply of the body is suddenly stopped, causing a serious medical emergency. It is a life-threatening condition, so by checking its symptoms in time, the life of the patient can be saved. Following are the main symptoms of a heart attack:
Time is a very important link in saving the life of a stroke patient. Therefore, it is important to recognize the symptoms of stroke, so that life can be saved by taking timely action. The main symptoms of stroke include:
- Face drooping to one side and the patient is unable to smile fully
- Inability to lift the arm on the side of the body on which the stroke occurs
- A person suffering from stroke is unable to speak properly, so if the above symptoms are accompanied by speech problems, then emergency care should be contacted as soon as possible.
Breathing problems
Difficulty in breathing can sometimes be caused by excessive exercise or any other physical activity, but a sudden feeling of difficulty in breathing can be a medical emergency. The major symptoms of difficulty in breathing include:
- Breathlessness
- Noise with breathing (at times, a whistling sound)
- Chest pain or prickling feeling when taking a deep breath
- Breathing faster than normal
Severe pain
Everyone experiences pain at some point or the other, but sudden unbearable pain can be a medical emergency. Pain is caused by a disease or an injury. If a person is experiencing severe pain, then the medical emergency department should be contacted without delay.
As mentioned above, a medical emergency comes suddenly without any indication and it can cause damage to both life and property. In such a situation, if you donโt have money saved up, it becomes difficult to save the life of the patient. Therefore, one should be prepared for this situation in advance, for a good way of doing that is to buy a good health insurance plan for yourself.
If you are thinking of buying a health insurance plan, then myUpchar Bima Plus can be a good option for you. myUpchar Bima Plus provides good coverage of all diseases and medical emergencies. Apart from this, you can also avail yourself of 24x7 free online doctor consultation.
(Read more: What do you get covered in myUpchar Bima Plus)