Immunity means immunity, which protects our body from many diseases. In other words, the stronger the immunity, the more our body will be able to fight diseases, whereas diseases affect quickly when the immunity is weak. In such a situation, we can keep our immune system healthy through the following asanas.

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  1. Benefits Of Tadasana For Immunity
  2. Benefits Of Bhujangasana For Immunity
  3. Benefits Of Trikonasana For Immunity
  4. Benefits Of Matsyasana For Immunity
  5. Benefits Of Padangusthasana For Immunity
  6. Summary
Doctors for Yoga for Immunity: Essential Poses to Enhance Your Body’s Defenses

How to do it

  • Stand straight with both the toes together or leave a space of 10 centimeters between them.
  • Raise the arms straight above the head. Interlock the fingers and turn the palms upwards i.e. towards the ceiling.
  • Look at a point on the wall in front slightly above the level of the head. Keep in mind that when you do this yoga again, then you will have to look at this point.
  • Now pull the arms, shoulders and chest upwards. For this, come on the toes, so that both heels can be raised up. Do this asana slowly so that the balance is not disturbed.
  • Keep the whole body straight from top to bottom. Keep breathing and stay in this posture for a few seconds.
  • It may be difficult to maintain balance in the beginning, but it will become easier with practice. You can close your eyes if you want.
  • To come out of the posture, do all the steps in the reverse order. Do this posture 5 to 10 times.
  • Tadasana increases self-confidence and reduces anxiety.

(Read more - How to Increase Immunity Naturally)

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How to do

  • For Bhujangasana, lie down on your stomach. Keep the soles of the feet facing the ceiling.
  • Keep the palms close to the chest, now lift your chest slowly, in this posture you do not have to straighten your hands completely.|
  • Keep in mind that you have to lift the head to the lower part of the stomach in the air, while the part below the waist should remain on the ground.
  • Let the toes remain on the ground. Bend the back as much as you can comfortably.
  • In total, inhale and exhale five times, so that you can stay in the asana for 30 to 60 seconds. Gradually, as your body strength and flexibility increases, you can increase the time but do not do it for more than 90 seconds.

Read More - (How to boost immunity: what to do)

How to do

  • For Trikonasana, first stand straight. Inhale and open your feet 3.5 to 4 feet.
  • First of all, bring both your hands at shoulder level.
  • Turn your left foot towards the left and let the right foot remain in front.
  • Now slowly take the left hand down, so that you can touch the toe of the left foot or the ground and at the same time take the right hand straight up i.e. towards the ceiling. During this, the knees should not bend and try to see the fingers of the right hand.
  • Try to keep both hands in a straight line.
  • Now look towards the toes of the feet to come back to the starting position.
  • Stand straight. Now do the same process on the right side. Inhale and exhale five times in total so that you can do this asana for 30 to 60 seconds. You can also increase the time but do not do it for more than 90 seconds.

(Read more - How to boost immunity: what to do)

How to do

  • Lie on your back for Matsyasana. During this, the palm of the hand should touch the ground.
  • Inhale and lift the chest above the ground and take your head back, make sure that the back of the head touches the ground. You can use your elbows to balance.
  • Try to stay in this posture for 30 to 40 seconds and keep breathing normally.
  • To come out of the position, straighten the neck and slowly lie back down.

Read More - (What is herd immunity)

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How to do

  • Stand straight for Padangusthasana and keep a distance of 2 to 3 inches between your feet.
  • Lean forward while exhaling. The feet should not bend during this.
  • Now try to hold both the toes of the feet.
  • Press the toes with the fingers of your hands.
  • Exhale and lift your torso, then bend forward while exhaling.
  • Stay in this posture for 30 to 60 seconds.

(Read more - Weak immune system)

Yoga is an effective and natural way to increase immunity. Regular yoga practice helps strengthen the body's immune system, increasing the ability to fight diseases. Various yoga asanas and pranayama maintain physical and mental balance, which reduces stress, and the immune system works better due to reduced stress. Yoga asanas, especially Bhastrika Pranayama, Anulom-Vilom, and Surya Namaskar, improve blood circulation and help flush out toxins from the body. Regular practice of yoga not only boosts immunity but also promotes mental peace and physical energy, thereby improving overall health.

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Dr. Smriti Sharma

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