Protein is very important in our body. Protein works to heal the damaged tissues of our intestine. In such a situation, protein is very beneficial for problems related to the intestine. Therefore, patients with inflammation of the intestine should consume protein-rich foods. That is, patients should consume fish, chicken or eggs in abundance. Such patients should not consume too much fried or spicy food. This can increase the problem for them. If you do not have the problem of lactose intolerance, then use a little cheese in vegetables, salad and chutney in your food. This will provide a good amount of calcium which will keep your bones strong.
If you have a problem with dairy products, then use a lactase supplement before using them. Peanuts and walnuts also contain an adequate amount of protein. You can also consume them by mixing them in milk. In case of stomach problems, the use of high-calorie, high-protein nutrition is also a good option. Avocado also works as an excellent medicine for stomach related diseases.
Required ingredients:
How to use:
These are food items, so there is no new or different method to use them. Use them in your food just like your daily diet. That is, you can consume fish, chicken, eggs, peanuts or walnuts by making a vegetable or by frying them, as you find appropriate. You can consume walnut seeds in your food like other fruits. However, keep in mind that eating too much fried food can be harmful.
How it works:
Fish, chicken or eggs contain an adequate amount of protein. Therefore, their consumption is harmful for patients with inflammation in the intestine.
(Read more - Decoding Digestive Disorders: IBS vs IBD)