It is often heard, I have thyroid - my weight is increasing or my weight is decreasing. Thyroid gland is present in every human being, but when the thyroid gland is not able to work properly then such problems occur.

But before all this, it is important to know what is thyroid? Thyroid is a type of endocrine gland, which is butterfly shaped, located in the throat. Thyroid gland produces T3 and T4 hormones, and pituitary gland secretes TSH hormones which regulate T3 and T4 hormones. These hormones in our body:

  • Help in balanced use of energy
  • Keep the metabolic rate right
  • Regulate body temperature
  • Help our brain, heart and other organs to function properly

(Read more - Home Remedies to Manage Thyroid Problems Naturally)

  1. What To Eat In Hypothyroidism
  2. What Not To Eat In Hypothyroidism
  3. What To Eat In Hyperthyroidism
  4. What Not To Eat In Hyperthyroidism
  5. Summary
Doctors for Thyroid-Friendly Diet: Best and Worst Foods for Thyroid Health
  • Low calorie diet - In the problem of hypothyroidism, pay attention to your daily energy consumption. Eat such foods that help you in losing weight or keeping the weight regular, as well as reduce the intake of such foods, which increase weight. For this, know -

How should be the food for the whole day to lose weight-
Divide your food for the whole day in 6 parts, i.e. 3 big meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) and 3 small meals (i.e. eat fruits, lotus seeds, salad, roasted gram etc. in between), so that the metabolic rate of the body can work properly.


Do not skip any meal.

  • Include whole and coarse grains like bran flour, jowar, millet, ragi, quinoa, porridge, multigrain bread, brown rice etc. regularly in the diet.
  • Keep the quantity of cucumber, onion, tomato, lettuce leaves high in the salad.
  • For protein, include pulses, curd, beans, egg, chicken, fish in your diet.
  • For fiber, keep green leafy and colored vegetables like ladyfinger, gourd, fenugreek, spinach, brinjal, tomato, carrot, bitter gourd etc. in your diet regularly.
  • Among fruits, orange, apple, seasonal fruit, plum, melon, watermelon, peach, plum, papaya can be easily consumed.

Apart from these, it is very important to keep some things in mind -

If thyroid is low or hypothyroid, then eat whole grains -
In case of thyroid problems, one should eat 200 to 300 grams of grains throughout the day. Whole grains are very beneficial in thyroid problems. Apart from this, fiber-rich foods also provide relief from constipation. Its consumption keeps the stomach full for a long time and also helps in reducing weight.

Make sure to include protein-rich foods -
Lentils contain very little fat and a high amount of protein. Foods with high protein are beneficial for thyroid hormones. Apart from this, it also helps in reducing both fatigue and weight. Moong dal, rajma, chickpeas, moth dal and chickpeas, egg, chicken, fish etc. are very good sources of protein. As per daily requirement, 50 to 60 grams of protein should be consumed throughout the day.

Eat dry fruits and seeds -
Walnuts contain omega-3 acid, which reduces body fatigue, strengthens immunity and brain cells. Dry fruits contain high amounts of selenium, which helps in stimulating the thyroid gland. Therefore, eat selenium-rich foods like walnuts, sunflower seeds etc. Do not eat more than 2 to 3 dry fruits in a day because they contain a lot of fat and excess fat increases the problem of thyroid. Apart from this, non-vegetarian people can eat fish for omega-3 fatty acids. Salmon, tuna, sardines (a type of fish) contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Hypothyroidism causes inflammation in the body, fish oil helps to cure it. Apart from this, it also strengthens the immunity.

Eat fruits and vegetables if thyroid is low -
Vegetables and fruits rich in antioxidants reduce the stress of the body and also maintain the level of water in the skin. Along with this, the fiber present in them also plays a very important role in reducing weight. Along with this, they strengthen their immunity. At least 500 to 600 grams of vegetables and fruits should be eaten daily. You can take them in the form of salad soup, juice or boiled or detox water. In these, you should eat vegetables like carrot, tomato, avocado, cucumber, capsicum, mushroom, beetroot, potato, pumpkin, onion and red capsicum. Along with this, also eat fruits like apples, cherries, grapes, kiwi, and papaya. For antioxidants in thyroid problems, along with vegetables, you should also eat herbs like chili, garlic, cinnamon, turmeric, parsley etc.

If thyroid is low, eat iodine-rich food items -
Your thyroid gland uses iodine to make thyroid hormone, so along with medicines, your diet should also contain plenty of iodine. To increase the iodine content in your diet, consume iodized salt. Seafood (aquatic plants and animals) also contains a lot of iodine. Apart from this, consume milk and milk products, kidney beans, spinach, egg yolk, and fish regularly. Along with this, iodine fortified food items are also easily available in the market these days, they can also be used.

Vitamin D -
Vitamin D plays a very important role in the functioning of the thyroid gland, for this include mushrooms, egg yolk, fish liver oil in your diet. Along with this, sit in the sun. But natural sources contain very little vitamin D, so get your vitamin D test done from time to time and take supplements from your doctor.

Apart from diet, keep yourself physically active, as the metabolic rate slows down in hypothyroidism, exercise helps in increasing the metabolic rate, so always keep your body active, regularly exercise for at least 45 minutes every day.

(Read more -What is a Normal Thyroid Level For Better Health)

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If your thyroid is low, avoid these foods -

If thyroid is low, do not eat soybeans -
According to a study, phytoestrogen is found in soybeans and soy-containing foods, which inhibit the activities of the enzyme that produces thyroid hormones. Therefore, soybeans or soy-containing foods should not be eaten.

Do not eat goitrogenic foods - A patient of hypothyroidism should use goitrogenic foods as little as possible. Goitrogenic foods prevent the thyroid gland from functioning properly. These foods include cauliflower, cabbage, soybean, tofu, mushroom, radish, broccoli, turnip, mustard greens.

If you have low thyroid, do not eat high fat foods -
Bad fat, saturated fatty acids increase obesity in the body as well as blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Chips, French fries, fried chicken, butter, mayonnaise, pasta, bread, burger, canned food, biscuits, namkeen, biscuits, cake, pastry, patties, cheese, cream, Dalda etc. contain it in high quantities, so avoid using them.

If you have low thyroid, do not eat processed food -
Processed food should not be eaten because it contains high amounts of sodium, which causes water retention. Sodium is very harmful for patients with hypothyroidism or thyroid deficiency. Eating processed food cookies, cakes, pasta and bread, canned food not only increases the blood sugar level but also causes blood pressure problems. It should also be kept in mind that if you are suffering from high BP along with this problem, then do not eat more than 1.5 grams of sodium in a day.

If thyroid is low, do not eat sugar-rich foods -
The problem of hypothyroidism affects your metabolism, due to which your weight increases. Therefore, people suffering from hypothyroidism should avoid sugar or sugar-based food items as it contains a lot of calories and does not contain any type of nutrients.

(Read more - Acupressure Points for Thyroid)


You have to keep in mind that the food items which are harmful in the problem of hypothyroidism can be beneficial in the problem of hyperthyroidism. So let's know what to eat and what not to eat if the thyroid is high.

What should be the diet in hyperthyroidism -
As in this situation the energy consumption is more than normal, so we have to consume more energy than our requirement, which can help in increasing weight.

For high energy foods (high calorie food) -
Wheat flour without bran, bread, rice, potato, sweet potato, full cream milk and curd made from it, cheese, mango, sapota, litchi, banana, dates, semolina, jaggery, chikki, chocolate, honey, maple syrup can be easily taken, take a balanced diet. Eat roti with ghee or butter, whenever you take milk, you can increase the calories by adding syrup or chocolate powder daily.

Do not delay between two meals-
Homemade laddoos, milkshakes, corn salad, chickpea salad, paneer sandwich, tapioca kheer etc. can be consumed in the mid-meal. This will help you increase your energy level.

Include high amount of protein in your diet-
Muscles become weak due to weight loss, so consume high amounts of protein foods, for this you can include pulses, kidney beans, chickpeas, black eyed peas, curd, egg, fish, lean meat etc. in your diet. If the amount of protein in your diet is low, then you can also take protein supplements after asking your doctor.

High quality fats are essential-
Make sure to include these in your diet. These will not only fulfill your daily fat requirement, but will also help you in gaining weight. You can take almondswalnuts, pistachios, peanuts, white sesame seeds, flax seeds, sunflower seeds, melon seeds etc. in your salad, smoothie, fruit chaat or in between meals or with tea etc. For oil, include mustard, olive, sunflower, canola, sesame, coconut, homemade white butter etc. in your diet.

Vitamin D-
In this problem, there are chances of bones becoming thin and weak to a great extent, so consume such food items which are rich in vitamin D. For this, consume mushrooms, egg yolk, fish liver oil. Along with this, make it a habit to sit in the sun. But vitamin D is present in very less quantity in natural sources, so get vitamin D tested from time to time and keep taking supplements.

Take calcium for strengthening bones-
Calcium is also required along with vitamin D to make bones strong. For calcium, you can use milk and milk products, egg, ragi, soybean products, orange, chicken, fish etc. in your diet.

Selenium is essential for thyroid-
Selenium helps in balancing the level of thyroid hormone and protects your thyroid from disease, it is found in abundance in chia seeds, mushrooms, tea, oatmeal, chicken, sunflower seeds etc. You can eat them by adding them in salad, smoothie or even by roasting them.

If thyroid is high, eat foods containing omega-3 fatty acids -
Omega-3 fatty acids are very useful in controlling hyperthyroidism. You know very well that the human body cannot produce nutrients on its own, so you need supplements along with food. It helps in maintaining normal thyroid levels in the body. Fish is the best source of omega-3 fatty acids. But vegetarian people can eat olive oil and flax seeds for omega-3 fatty acids.

If thyroid is high, eat dairy products -
The problem of hyperthyroidism may be treated through medicines, but calcium is required for the formation of bones. Therefore, dairy products should be eaten. Milk, cheese and curd are better sources of calcium in dairy products. Apart from this, people who are allergic to lactose can use soy milk or almond milk.

If thyroid is high, definitely eat these vegetables -
Some vegetables are beneficial in the problem of hyperthyroidism. Vegetables like cauliflower and broccoli reduce the production of thyroid hormones and also reduce hyperthyroidism symptoms. People who have high thyroid should eat at least one tablespoon of broccoli vegetable daily.

(Read more - Benefits of Garlic For Thyroid

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If your thyroid is enlarged, avoid these foods -

If thyroid is enlarged, do not eat iodine-rich foods -
Although iodine-rich foods are beneficial for hypothyroidism, they have an opposite effect in the problem of hyperthyroidism. The thyroid gland is very sensitive to iodine. Foods containing more iodine cause the thyroid gland to produce more thyroxine hormones, which increases the problem of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, do not take more iodine in your food than required. Do not take iodized salt or iodine-fortified foods. Sea plants and animals, fish, kidney beans, spinach, and eggs have high iodine content, so eat them in small quantities.

Avoid taking water or any drink before meals -
This habit will fill your stomach beforehand, due to which you will not be able to take sufficient amounts of energy. Drink water half or one hour after meals. If you feel thirsty in between meals, you can have buttermilk or lassi.

Say no to junk food-
Consuming junk food will definitely increase your weight, but along with weight, other health related problems also occur like increased cholesterol, heart related problems, increased blood pressure, increased abdominal obesity, etc.

It is very important to take care of your diet in case of thyroid problems. It is important to have balanced nutrition in food. Consumption of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, nuts, seeds, and whole grains is beneficial in thyroid problems. These provide the body with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which help the thyroid to function better.

On the contrary, processed food, sugar, caffeine, and excess salt intake should reduce thyroid problems. Vegetables like soy products, broccoli, and cabbage should also be taken in limited quantities as they contain goitrogens, which can disrupt the functioning of the thyroid.

Thyroid can be controlled by adopting a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle.

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

Dr. Dhanamjaya D

16 Years of Experience

Dt. Surbhi Upadhyay

Dt. Surbhi Upadhyay

3 Years of Experience

Dt. Manjari Purwar

Dt. Manjari Purwar

11 Years of Experience

Dt. Akanksha Mishra

Dt. Akanksha Mishra

8 Years of Experience

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