As much as testosterone is necessary for sexual activity in the body, it is equally important for fighting diseases and along with medicines, there are many natural ways by which it can be increased. Testosterone is a steroid hormone in our body which is mainly produced in the testicles and ovaries.

Especially in men, it plays a very important role in the changes like development of muscles, change in voice and growth of hair etc. Although women also have testosterone from birth, they have higher levels of estrogen.

The amount of this hormone increases in men as they grow older, and increasing testosterone to optimal levels results in increased muscle mass and strength. Interestingly, testosterone also plays an important role in female health and sexual activity.

Today we are going to tell you about eight ways to boost testosterone levels

  1. Exercise for increasing testosterone level
  2. Foods for boosting testosterone levels
  3. Reduce stress and cortisol levels
  4. Vitamin D increase testosterone levels
  5. Take supplements for testosterone boost
  6. sleep is necessary for testesterone boost
  7. Don't take estrogen
  8. Do not consume alcohol
  9. Summary

Exercise is important not only for this but also to cure many lifestyle related diseases. Exercise is one of the most effective ways to prevent diseases. It may also increase testosterone levels. A 2015 study involving obese men found that exercise was more beneficial for increasing testosterone levels than reducing calories. Apart from this, lifting more weight also

Testosterone levels can be increased. High intensity interval training (HIIT) exercise can also be very effective.

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What we eat affects testosterone levels as well as other hormones. Eating enough protein can help maintain testosterone levels and help the body burn fat. It is believed that people who remain hungry without eating or drinking anything for a long time to lose weight experience negative changes in their hormone levels. Consuming healthy fats can also help maintain testosterone levels and hormone balance. Therefore, it is very important to eat nutritious, complete food which has a good balance of proteins, fats and carbs.

To extend the time to male orgasm by slightly numbing the skin, try delay spray for men, which delays sperm release and is an effective, long-lasting formula.


Many researchers have found that being under stress for a long time can increase the levels of the hormone cortisol and a sudden increase in cortisol can reduce testosterone. As one hormone goes up, the other goes down. Too much stress and high cortisol can lead to overeating, which leads to weight gain and accumulation of fat in the body. If you want to have good health then it is very important to balance the levels of both hormones. To reduce stress, stay active, get enough sleep every night, and practice stress-reducing meditation.


myUpchar doctors after many years of research have created myUpchar Ayurveda Urjas Energy & Power Capsule by using 100% original and pure herbs of Ayurveda. This Ayurvedic medicine has been recommended by our doctors to lakhs of people for problems like physical and sexual weakness and fatigue, with good results.
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Vitamin D is a micronutrient that plays an important role in many aspects of health. Some research shows that if the level of Vitamin D in the body is low then it is possible that the level of testosterone may also reduce. A 2017 study of 102 men with vitamin D deficiency found that taking vitamin D supplements increased testosterone levels and improved erectile dysfunction. To make up for vitamin D deficiency, get regular exposure to sunlight or consider taking a vitamin D3 supplement as directed by your doctor.


It has been observed that taking multivitamins can increase testosterone levels. According to a study, taking zinc increases testosterone levels. Several older studies suggest that several herbal supplements may also help promote healthy testosterone levels, particularly ginger and ashwagandha. If you want, you can take supplements necessary for the body as per the doctor's advice.

myUpchar doctors after many years of research have created myUpchar Ayurveda Urjas Oil by using 100% original and pure herbs of Ayurveda. This ayurvedic oil is recommended by our doctors to lakhs of people for sex problems (premature ejaculation, lack of erection in the penis, lack of libido in men) with good results.
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Getting good sleep is very important for your health. Sleep quality can also have a big impact on testosterone levels. A study conducted on 2,295 teenage boys and men found that poor sleep can reduce testosterone levels. The amount of sleep varies from person to person. One study found that sleeping just 5 hours per night resulted in a 10%-15% reduction in testosterone levels. Therefore, good sleep has been directly related to the increase in hormones. Sleep at least 7 hours every night.


Many other factors can also affect hormone levels. Regulating sex hormone and testosterone levels is important for good sexual health. Taking chemicals like estrogen in large amounts can affect testosterone levels.


Some research suggests that excessive alcohol consumption can reduce testosterone levels. Testosterone levels can drop rapidly just 30 minutes after drinking alcohol.


Testosterone levels in men peak at age 19 and naturally decline with age. After the age of 30, hormones decrease by 1%-2% every year.Following a nutritious diet and healthy lifestyle using some of the tips mentioned above can help optimize testosterone levels and promote overall health.

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