Gas formation in the stomach is not a disease, but a common problem. People of all ages have to face it at some time or the other. Gas in the stomach is the air formed automatically in the digestive system inside the stomach, which comes out from the mouth in the form of burp or gas. There can be many reasons for gas formation in the stomach, including eating too much food, staying hungry for a long time, eating too much spicy or pungent food, swallowing food without chewing it properly, consuming food that is difficult to digest, taking too much stress and drinking alcohol. Some medicines can also cause gas in the stomach. Today in this article we will learn in detail about the things that create gas in the stomach -

(Read more - Gas at night - Causes, and Prevention)

  1. Foods That Cause Gas In Stomach
  2. Vegetables That Cause Gas
  3. Summary
Doctors for From Beans to Broccoli: Understanding Foods That Cause Gas

Gas forming things like dairy products, arbi, sour fruits, soda, kidney beans and chickpeas etc. are difficult to digest. These increase the air in the body and cause gas problems. Therefore, it is important to take care of your food and drink when you have gas problems. Let us know in detail which things can cause gas in the stomach -

Stomach Gas Due To Dairy Products

Dairy products like milk or milk products contain an element called lactose. It is a little difficult for some people to digest it. This is why milk or milk products cause constipation and gas problems. Therefore, people who face the problem of gas in the stomach should eat less dairy products like milk, cheese, curd and ice cream etc. If they want, they can consume products made from soy.

(Read more - Home remedies for stomach gas)

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Stomach Gas Due To Tea

Consuming too much tea and coffee can also cause gas complaints. If there is a problem of gas in the stomach, avoid consuming tea or coffee, because tea and coffee contain caffeine, which causes gas in the body.

(Read more -Acupressure Points for Quick Stomach Gas Relief)

Stomach Gas Due To Soda Products

Carbonated things should be avoided in case of gas problems. Soda or other carbonated things cause gas in the stomach. Therefore, one should avoid consuming drinks like soda.

(Read more - Yoga for Gas Pain)

Stomach Gas Due To Citrus Fruits

Eating sour fruits on an empty stomach can cause gas in the stomach, so to avoid the problem of excessive gas formation in the stomach, one should avoid eating fruits on an empty stomach. Fruits like kiwi, orange, grapes and sweet lime should not be eaten on an empty stomach.

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Stomach Gas Due To Rajma Products

Rajma takes a lot of time to digest, so eating rajma can cause gas in the stomach.

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Some vegetables also cause gas in the stomach. Therefore, people suffering from excessive gas formation should not eat vegetables like onion, broccoli, cauliflower and mushroom. These vegetables are explained in detail below -

Stomach Gas Due To Beans Vegetables

Beans are the first name taken among the vegetables that cause gas. Beans contain a high amount of raffinose, which is difficult to digest. When we eat beans, raffinose is broken down by bacteria in the intestine. In this process, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane gas are formed in the body, which can cause gas problems.

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Stomach Gas Due To Jackfruit

Things made from jackfruit are delicious to eat, but people who have excessive gas formation should eat less jackfruit, because jackfruit accelerates the process of gas formation in the body. People with a weak digestive system are especially prohibited from eating jackfruit.

(Read more - Acupressure Points to Soothe Stomach Pain)

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Stomach Gas Due To Arbi

Arbi is flatulent, so it causes gas formation in the stomach. Eating food made from arbi usually leads to gas formation in the stomach. Therefore, arbi ki sabzi should always be prepared by adding celery, so that the problem of gas is reduced.

(Read more -Abdominal pain at night)

Stomach Gas Due To Radish

Radish is considered good for the stomach, but its consumption causes the problem of excessive gas formation in the stomach. Therefore, it should be consumed in small quantities. Apart from these, cauliflower, onion, candy, junk food, processed food, chewing gum and bread are also considered among the things that cause gas in the stomach.

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Gas in the stomach is not a disease, but it can cause many diseases. If there is excessive gas formation in the stomach, then symptoms like bad breath, loss of appetite, moss-like layer on the tongue, swelling in the stomach, stomach cramps and diarrhea appear. In case of gas formation in the stomach, special care should be taken of your diet.

Dr. Paramjeet Singh.

Dr. Paramjeet Singh.

10 Years of Experience

Dr. Nikhil Bhangale

Dr. Nikhil Bhangale

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Dr Jagdish Singh

Dr Jagdish Singh

12 Years of Experience

Dr. Deepak Sharma

Dr. Deepak Sharma

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