Spermatorrhoea is a condition characterised by involuntary ejaculation even in the absence of sexual activity. It may occur in the waking state during the day or at night while sleeping/dreaming. It is considered a pathological condition if a person experiences spermatorrhoea more than three times a week along with dizziness, insomnia, weakness in the lower back and legs, and low energy levels. Excessive sexual activity, masturbation, emotional imbalance and alcohol consumption are some of the causes of spermatorrhoea.

Spermatorrhoea is known by the term dhat syndrome in Ayurveda, which translates to semen-loss syndrome. According to Ayurvedic experts, semen is a vital element in the body and excessive fluidity is an indication of semen loss. Dietary changes and herbal treatments are promoted for the treatment of reproductive system diseases like spermatorrhoea. Panchakarma (five therapies) methods of basti (enema) and snehana (oleation) help treat spermatorrhea by bringing balance in the vitiated shukra dhatu. Herbs like ashwagandha (Indian ginseng), bala (country mallow) and guduchi (heart-leaved moonseed) along with herbal formulations like abhrak bhasma are used as Ayurvedic remedies for spermatorrhoea.

  1. Ayurvedic view of dhat syndrome (spermatorrhea)
  2. Ayurvedic treatment for spermatorrhea (dhat syndrome)
  3. Ayurvedic herbs and medicines for dhat syndrome (spermatorrhea)
  4. Dietary and lifestyle changes for spermatorrhea (dhat syndrome) patient as per ayurveda
  5. How effective are ayurvedic medicines and treatments for dhat syndrome (spermatorrhea)
  6. Side effects and risks of ayurvedic medicine and treatments for spermatorrhea (dhat syndrome)
  7. Takeaway
Doctors for Ayurvedic medicine, treatment and remedies for Spermatorrhea

According to Ayurveda, shukra, a white, unctuous, dense, sweet and thick substance found in men is the force of life as it has the function of garbhotpadana (reproduction). In addition, it contributes to improving the beauty, physical strength, intelligence and memory of a man. Therefore, loss of semen has been associated with loss of vigour along with memory instabilities and lack of mental happiness. Charak Samhita has mentioned the loss of semen or substances similar to semen as shuklameha (a white substance in urine), shukrameha (semen in urine) and sitameha (cold and sweet urine).

Having sexual relations before marriage, less physical exercise, excessive intercourse or sexual desire, low water intake, injury of the dhatus, performing sexual activities during spring season, worrying or grieving, having sexual intercourse during the daytime and consuming unhygienic foods are some of the factors that vitiate shukra dhatu and lead to dhat syndrome. Old age and vitiation of other dhatus are also the causative factors of spermatorrhoea. People with dhat syndrome experience lack of energy, diminishing penis size, lack of energy, a burning sensation while urinating, lack of motivation, mental illness, depression and loss of minerals in body.

Shamana (pacification) and shodhana (purification) therapies are performed to bring back the balance in shukra dhatu. Along with Ayurvedic treatments, cognitive behavioural therapy, relaxation, imaginal desensitisation and exercises can help manage spermatorrhoea. Following brahmacharya or celibacy can help one achieve total control over the semen and prevent sexual diseases.

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  • Katisnan (hip bath)
    • A hip bath helps clean the genital, anal and the perineal area and is useful in treating any condition affecting these body parts.
    • It is performed using a bathtub where the individual is asked to sit in a tub of water with his legs outside the tub.
    • This bath is refreshing and energising. It relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation.
    • A hip bath can help reduce period cramps, treat piles, soothe the perineum after childbirth, provide relief from prostate pain in prostatitis and helps maintain cleanliness of the genital and anal areas.
    • It can be performed at home using lukewarm water and a big zinc bathtub. A dry towel should be used to wipe after the bath, and warm clothes should be worn afterwards.
    • A cold hip bath helps soothe the nerves of the genitourinary system. This method is particularly helpful in reducing nocturnal spermatorrhoea.
  • Snehana
    • In the snehana procedure, internal and external lubrication is provided to the body by using medicated herbs and oils.
    • Snehana is performed before the main cleansing procedures of panchakarma to liquefy and mobilise toxins from different areas of the body.
    • In external oleation, herbal oils are applied as a thin layer on the skin or scalp. Anal, oral and nasal routes are used to administer oils for internal oleation.
    • Dehydrated butter, milk, animal fat, mustard oil, bone marrow and sesame oil are some of the commonly used agents for snehana therapy.
    • Snehana is beneficial in treating vitiated shukra dhatu. Therefore, relieving the symptoms of spermatorrhoea.
  • Swedana
    • Swedana procedure involves the induction of sweat in body. It not only treats diseases but also improves overall health.
    • Bashpa sweda is done using a steam chamber. It improves circulation in the body, removes toxins and eases sore muscles.
    • In parisheka sweda, hot medicated oils are poured all overthe body. It helps to treat fractures and improve gastric function.
    • Avagaha sweda involves immersion of an individual in a large tub filled with medicated warm liquid. It is used to reduce vitiated vata and treat diseases like rheumatism and hernia.
    • Swedana helps reduce coldness, stiffness and heaviness in body and also eliminates toxins.
    • This procedure is performed as a general treatment to balance the vitiated shukra dhatu. Therefore, it can help treat spermatorrhoea and other conditions caused due to shukra dhatu imbalance.
  • Basti
    • Basti therapy is a form of an Ayurvedic enema, which involves the administration of medicated decoction, oil or paste is administered into the large intestine
    • Purifying enemas are used to eliminate toxins from the body, depleting enemas are used to reduce body fat, and oleation enemas are used for lubricating the body.
    • Basti therapy is useful in treating neuromuscular conditions, ascites, articular diseases, genitourinary conditions, convulsions, helminthiasis, anorectal disorders and lithiasis.
    • After the release of faecal matter in basti therapy, people experience lightness in the abdomen.
    • Niruha and anuvasana basti are administered to those with seminal issues like spermatorrhoea caused due to vitiated vata.

Ayurvedic herbs for spermatorrhoea

  • Ashwagandha
    • Ashwagandha is one of the main rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. It has fungicidal (fungus destroying), astringent (constricts tissues), aphrodisiac (improves libido), antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, tonic and immune-modulating properties.
    • In men, ashwagandha increases the quality of semen and muscle strength. It also improves bone marrow function, vitality and intellect.
    • Ashwagandha is used to treat many health conditions including hypertension, diarrhoea, rheumatism, chills, anaemia, tuberculosis, scabies, alcoholism, arthritis, psoriasis and asthma.
    • It also treats diseases affecting the male and female reproductive systems such as leucorrhoea, decreased semen viscosity, spermatorrhoea and sexual debility.
    • Ashwagandha can be taken in the form of a decoction, oil, herbal wine, powder or as per your physician’s direction.
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  • Shatavari (hundred roots)
    • Shatavari is primarily used to treat female reproductive system conditions and diseases affecting the immune system.
    • It has aphrodisiac, tonic, anti-dysenteric and appetising properties.
    • Shatavari helps treat hyperacidity, lung and kidney problems, cancer, inflammation, hematemesis, rheumatism and dehydration.
    • It provides relief from sexual conditions like infertility, impotence, spermatorrhoea, nocturnal emission, gonorrhoea and leucorrhoea.
    • Shatavari also improves sperm count in men.
    • You can take shatavari in the form of a powder, ghee (clarified butter), decoction, oil or as per your physician’s direction.
  • Gokshura (small caltrops)
    • Gokshura is known as the best herb in Ayurveda for the treatment of genitourinary conditions. It has aphrodisiac, analgesic (pain-relieving), tonic and rejuvenating properties, and it acts on the respiratory, nervous and urinary systems.
    • It helps flush out toxins from the body and assists in the treatment of venereal diseases, piles, kidney diseases, lumbago, sciatica, gout and uterine conditions. It also relieves breathing difficulty
    • Gokshura also helps reduce seminal debility and treat spermatorrhoea, infertility, impotence, insufficient lactation, chronic cystitis and frigidity. It promotes the production of sperm in men.
    • You can take gokshura in the form of powder, decoction or as per your physician’s direction.
  • Guduchi
    • Guduchi is a bitter-tasting herb that acts on the digestive and circulatory systems.
    • It is an immunity-boosting herb, which is beneficial in all conditions caused by the three doshas.
    • It is useful in the treatment of piles, gout, chronic rheumatism, constipation, malarial fevers, cancer and tuberculosis.
    • The rasayana (rejuvenating) properties of this herb make it useful in the treatment of spermatorrhoea.
    • You can take guduchi in the form of an extract, powder, or as per your physician’s direction.
  • Kapikachhu (cowhage plant)
    • Kapikachhu has tonic, nervine, astringent, aphrodisiac and rejuvenating properties. It is known as the best rejuvenating and aphrodisiac tonic for the reproductive system.
    • This herb mainly acts on the reproductive and nervous systems.
    • It is used to treat many conditions including leucorrhoea, indigestion, debility, spermatorrhoea, infertility, oedema, impotence, menorrhagia and fevers.
    • You can take kapikachhu in the form of a powder, confection, decoction or as per your physician’s direction.
  • Bala
    • Bala is primarily used to improve body strength and heart health.
    • It has aphrodisiac, tonic, nervine and stimulant properties. Bala acts on the reproductive, respiratory, circulatory and nervous systems.
    • This herb is used to treat many health conditions like cystitis, congestive heart failure, diabetes, sciatica, epilepsy, piles, diarrhoea, paralysis and dysentery.
    • It also treats diseases affecting the reproductive system like gonorrhoea, leucorrhoea and spermatorrhoea.
    • You can take bala in the form of medicated oil, decoction, powder or as per your physician’s direction.

Ayurvedic medicines for spermatorrhoea

  • Abhrak bhasma
    • Abhrak bhasma is prepared using processed mica.
    • This medication is indicated for jaundice, diabetes, sprue, respiratory conditions, phthisis, skin diseases, spermatorrhoea and anaemia treatment.
    • You can take abhrak bhasma with guduchi swarasa (juice), triphala (a combination of amalaki [Indian gooseberry], vibhitaki [belleric myrobalan], and haritaki [chebulic myrobalan]) decoction, honey, ginger juice or as per your physician’s direction.
    • This medicine has blood-purifying properties that make it useful for treating diseases and improving overall health.
  • Ashwagandhadi lehyam
    • Ashwagandhadi lehyam is prepared using nine Ayurvedic herbs including raisins, ashwagandha, honey, ela (cardamom), jaggery and cumin.
    • This medication is mainly indicated for the treatment of sexual disorders.
    • The ingredients in this formulation help improve vigour and strength, thereby reducing malnutrition and helping improve health.
    • Ashwagandhadi lehyam mixed with pippali (long pepper), ghee, sugar and honey and taken with milk can help treat sexual debility and spermatorrhoea.

As treatments vary according to numerous factors and an individual’s prakriti (constitution), consult a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for the appropriate medications and treatments for your specific complaints.


  • Practice yoga and meditation.
  • Drink milk mixed with ginger.
  • Answer nature's call before bedtime as a full bladder can cause wet dreams.
  • Fast occasionally (once a week).
  • Follow celibacy.
  • Have a light dinner.
  • Taking a few holy basil leaves in the morning and a few neem leaves in the evening are helpful for brahmacharya.


  • Do not include onion, curry, garlic, chutney, chillies or other pungent food items in your diet.
  • Do not suppress your natural urges such as urination and emptying of bowels.
  • Do not consume coffee, liquor, tea, meat, sauces, pastries, fish, and excess of sweet and savoury food items.
  • Do not ride on the bicycle for a long time.
  • Do not be lazy.

In an investigational study, the effects of ashwagandha were tested on 25 individuals with asthenozoospermia and 25 with oligospermia. After 3 months, significant improvement was noted in sperm quality of both the groups. It was reported that ashwagandha improves semen quality by reducing cell death and oxidative stress. It also increased the concentration of essential metal ions in sperms.

  • People with dehydration should not consume gokshura.
  • Inadequate enema therapy can cause gripping pain, dyspnoea and flatulence.
  • People with congestion should not take kapikachhu and ashwagandha.

Spermatorrhoea, if left untreated, can lead to infertility and other sexual conditions. Ayurvedic herbs have aphrodisiac and rejuvenating properties that are useful in improving  libido, sperm count and vigour in men. Even though conventional medicines are useful in treating spermatorrhoea, herbal treatments of Ayurveda are safer and more effective as they do not pose any risk for side effects. Maintaining celibacy is one of the best ways to prevent spermatorrhoea.

Dr.Ashok  Pipaliya

Dr.Ashok Pipaliya

12 Years of Experience

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

Dr. Harshaprabha Katole

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

Dr. Dhruviben C.Patel

4 Years of Experience

Dr Prashant Kumar

Dr Prashant Kumar

2 Years of Experience


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