Sneezing is considered good for our health because sneezing is an important part of our immune system that protects our body from viruses and bacteria. So the next time you sneeze, do not try to stop the sneeze by closing your nose or mouth, rather let it come because sneezing is a way to keep you healthy. Sneezing is the body's way of keeping unwanted germs out of the body that can irritate your nasal passage.

Just like blinking and breathing, sneezing is also a semi-autonomous reflex action. This means that you have control over this action to some extent. It also happens with many people that sneezing becomes their problem for them. If you start sneezing repeatedly due to some kind of allergy or dust, then it can become a disturbing problem.

(Read more: Runny Nose: symptoms, causes, treatment)

Sneezing is usually not a problem for which you need to go to the doctor. But if many other symptoms are seen along with frequent sneezing, then you may need to see a doctor to know whether you have an allergy or some other problem. However, in most cases, by adopting some home remedies, you can get rid of the problem of frequent or excessive sneezing.

(Read more: Common Cold: symptoms, causes, treatment)

  1. Causes For Sneezing
  2. Home Remedies To Stop Sneezing
  3. Summary

First of all, it is important that you understand why you are sneezing repeatedly. These are the common causes or triggers of sneezing:

  • Dust or dirt
  • Pollen
  • Fungus
  • Pet hair or dandruff
  • Very bright light
  • Strong smell of perfume or deo
  • Spicy food
  • Black pepper
  • Common cold virus

If you are sneezing frequently, but you are unable to find out the cause or allergy, then you can also get your allergy test done by asking the doctor.

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Do Not Look Directly At Bright Light

About one third of the people have this problem that whenever they look at bright light, they start sneezing. Even sometimes, these people start sneezing when they go out in bright sunlight. This problem is called photic sneezing and it often occurs due to genetic reasons. To avoid this problem, use polarized sunglasses and use them when you go out of the house.

Don't Eat Too Much

Many people start sneezing repeatedly even after eating too much. This situation is also accepted in the medical community. To avoid this reaction, take small bites of food and do not eat too much food at once. Doing this can also prevent the problem of frequent sneezing.

Consume Things Rich In Vitamin C

Apart from some citrus fruits like orange, lemon, sweet lime, guava, kiwi, berries, some vegetables like tomato, broccoli, capsicum and sprouts also contain vitamin C in abundance. Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. It also contains antihistamine. Regular consumption of these things can reduce the problem of sneezing.

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Eat One Gooseberry Every Day

Apart from vitamin C, amla is also a great source of antioxidants, which also has antibacterial properties and also strengthens immunity. So eat one fresh gooseberry daily or drink gooseberry juice. Amla can also improve the problem of frequent sneezing.

Consume More Zinc

If you are sneezing frequently and want to get relief from this problem immediately, then consume more things rich in zinc. Zinc supplements have the ability to increase the immunity of the body. Apart from supplements, pulses, beans, dry fruits and seeds also contain high amounts of zinc. Consuming them can also relieve the problem of sneezing.

Drink Chamomile Tea

Just like vitamin C, chamomile tea also has antihistamine effects. To avoid the problem of frequent sneezing, if you want, you can consume 1 cup of chamomile tea daily. This will reduce the total amount of histamine in the body and the problem of frequent sneezing will also be reduced.

Drink Ginger And Basil Decoction

Ginger and basil both have antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which can reduce many types of infections present inside the body. If you want, boil 4-5 basil leaves in 1 cup of water and add a small piece of ginger to it. When this water boils and half remains, cool it slightly and consume this decoction every night before sleeping. This will also cure sneezing.

(Read more:Itchy Throat: symptoms, causes, treatment)

Drink Fennel Tea

Fennel can also help in getting rid of allergic sneezing or any other type of sneezing. Fennel also has antihistamine, antiseptic and antibiotic properties. Add 2 teaspoons of fennel in a cup of water and boil the water on low flame for 10 minutes. After this, filter it and drink it 2 to 3 times a day. You will get relief from the problem of frequent sneezing.

Blow Your Nose

Often some irritating elements reach the nose and sinuses, due to which sneezing starts happening again and again. In such a situation, as soon as you are about to sneeze, blow your nose and clean it thoroughly. By doing this, it is possible that the irritant that has gone into the nose will come out and sneezing will stop.

(Read more: Home remedies for allergic rhinitis)

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Some home remedies can be effective to stop sneezing. First of all, if sneezing is due to dust, smoke or pollen, then one should stay away from that environment. For cleaning the nose, mixing salt in lukewarm water and washing the nose with a neti pot is an effective remedy. Consumption of ginger, honey and turmeric also helps in stopping sneezing, as they clean the respiratory system by reducing inflammation. Taking steam in hot water and drinking Tulsi tea can also be beneficial. Also, if sneezing is due to allergies, then avoid the thing that is causing the allergy.

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