Cycling is a great exercise, but if there is any kind of pain in the back or shoulder, it becomes a cause of trouble. When it comes to slipped discs, it becomes a serious issue. This question arises in everyone's mind whether cycling can be done in case of slipped discs? Today in this article we will know whether cycling can be done in case of slipped disc

(Read more - Home Care Tips for a Slipped Disc

  1. Should Cycling Be Done In Case Of Slipped Discs Or Not?
  2. What To Do And What Not To Do While Cycling?
  3. What To Do While Cycling?
  4. What Not To Do While Cycling?
  5. Summary
Doctors for Cycling with a Slipped Disc: Benefits and Risks

Let us know in detail when cycling is recommended in case of slipped discs and when it is not - Cycling is a great exercise, which is also necessary for the core muscles. At the same time, in slipped discs sometimes there is pain in the upper part of the back, and sometimes in the lower part of the back. If the pain is more, then cycling is not recommended. It is possible that if there is no pain in the back, but there is pain in any other part of the body, such as in the leg, then cycling should not be done. If the injury is recent and there is no pain, then cycling should also not be done.

(Read more - Slipped disc diet: What to eat)

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If you feel like cycling in the condition of a slip disc, then you should try to keep your back straight during this time. Let us know in detail what things should be kept in mind while cycling in slip disc -

This should be done while cycling -

It is better to keep the body and back straight instead of bending forward while cycling. Many times a person feels lazy and does not even know when he has bent forward while cycling. This posture is not right at all.

It is possible that the condition of the slip disc has improved a lot and the person has started bending during cycling, this is not right at all. While cycling, you should always keep your body and back straight.

While cycling, pelvic tilt can be achieved in the pelvis by slightly tilting the upper part of the body forward. In this way, the lower back muscles along with the pelvic muscles contract. This is also good for the core of the body. Also, it helps in keeping the spine straight while cycling.

(Read more - Managing Slip Disc Pain: Yoga Poses)

Many times, there is a desire to cycle in the condition of a slip disc. At this time, steps need to be taken only after understanding the feedback of the body. Let us know in detail what should not be done if you want to cycle in the condition of slip disc -

  • Even if you feel like cycling in the condition of a slip disc, ride it for a short distance only. Cycling for long distances should be avoided.
  • In the beginning, it is good to cycle for 5 or 10 minutes on the first day. If 10 minutes of cycling is easy on the first day, then after a few days this time limit can be increased to 15 or 20 minutes. Then it can be gradually increased to 30 minutes. This means that the duration and distance of cycling should be increased gradually, so that the body can also adjust accordingly.
  • While cycling, one understands how the body is giving feedback. One should try to understand that feedback. If there is pain in the back or any part of the body, it is advisable to stop cycling immediately.
  • It may also happen that pain is not felt while cycling, but pain is felt immediately after stopping cycling or after a while. In such a situation also it is right to wait a little before cycling next time.

(Read more - How to sleep with slipped disc)

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Cycling in slip disc should be started slowly. Also, the body and back should be kept straight while cycling. If you feel pain while cycling, then the body needs time. Apart from this, consult your doctor before cycling in case of slip disc.

Dr. Manish Bansal

Dr. Manish Bansal

34 Years of Experience

Dr.Prem Kumar

Dr.Prem Kumar

14 Years of Experience

Dr. Himanshu Arora

Dr. Himanshu Arora

7 Years of Experience

Dr. Deep Maheshwari

Dr. Deep Maheshwari

5 Years of Experience

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